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37 Cards in this Set

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Name two important groups who lived in the valley of mexico before the aztecs. Give an example of how each influenced the aztecs

The two groups who lived in the valley of mexico were the Teotihuacans and the toltecs. the teotihuacans had an impact on the aztecs because they adapted the feathered serpent gods as their own. and the toltecs influenced them because the aztecs rulers married into the toltecs royal line and began to claim the toltecs as their ansestors

according to the aztec history, how did the aztecs know where to build tenochtitlan. Why did they think this was a good location

they saw an eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth and they saw it as a sign. they knew it was a good place to stay because for food they would have lots of fish for food and it was easy to defend

what are two achitectural features the aztecs used to allow them to build their capital in the middle of a lake

chinampas which were floating gardens and they sunk timber to build walls for the gardens

describe two aspects of tenochtitlan that allowed so many people to live there confortably

lots of canals to make easy to walk

1000 workers washed and sweeped teh roads at night

wooden bridgles rose up to protect against enemeys to make aztecs safe

what goods did the aztecs receive in tribute from conquerd people. why was tribute so important to the aztecs

7,000 tons of maize, 4,000 tons of beans,seed, and grain each, 2 million cotton cloaks. these goods were the main crops and kept them alive

what happened before,during,and after in a war

before-aztecs asked a city to join as an ally

during-they had 60 days to agree and if they didnt the aztecs declared war

after- aztecs brought soldiers they captured to tenochtitlan

what did the aztecs demand of the peoples they conquered. name one advantage and disadvantage

they had to pay tribute to the aztecs,honor their god Huitzilopochtli, and obey the ruler. They got to keep their religion but they didnt think they were real aztecs and take advantage of the weakest aztecs.

How long did the aztec empire fourish

from 1428 CE until 1519 CE when it was destroyed by spain

what originally were the aztecs

a wandering group of hunter-gathers

how did they know they had to settle and build a city

they would see a big eagle on a cactus with a snake in its mouth. that was a sign from a god

when did the aztecs enter the valley of mexico

mid 1200s

when did the aztecs take refugee on an island in lake texcoco


what does tenochtitlan mean

"the place of the fruit of the prickly pear cactus"

how long was the valley of mexico dominated by the teotihuacans

100 to 650 CE

when did the teotihuacans collapse


when did the toltecs arrive in the valley

after the teotihuacans collapsed in 700s

when did the aztecs arrive in the valley

1250 CE

what was aztlan

an island in a lake northwest of the valley of mexico and was the mexican legendary homeland

when did the aztecs leave aztlan


what did the people already living in the valley think of the aztecs and what really were they and what did the people want to do with them

they thought they were crude barbarians, but they were really fierce warriors, and the people wanted to hire them as mercenaries

when did stronger groups force the aztecs of their rocky hill called what

1319 and they were forced off their home on chapultepec

after they were forced off of chapultepec, where did the aztecs go and what did they do

they fled south and because mercenaries for city states of culhuacan

why were the aztecs forced out of culhuacan and where did they go

they sacraficed the daughter of the culhua chief. they were forced onto an island in lake texcoco where they built tenochtitlan

when did they start to build tenochtitlan


for the next 100 years, what did the aztecs do

they served as mercenaries for the tepenecs

what did the aztecs gain from forming an alliance with the tepenecs

land, trading connections, and wealth

what was the triple alliance and when did they defeat the tepenecs

the aztecs formed an alliance with two other groups and they defeated the tepenecs in 1428

what did itzcoatl do that was so bad for the aztecs

he burned all their records to try to reshape aztec history.

when did the teotihuacans rule the valley

from 100-650CE

when did the teotuacans collapse and the toltecs come in


When did new groups invade the valley and take over toltec cities, and the aztecs leave aztlan

@1100 CE

when did the aztecs enter the valley of mexico

mid 1200s CE

when did stronger groups force the aztecs to move away from chapultepec


when did the aztecs take refugee on an island in lake texcoco and start building tenochtitlan


when did the aztec empire flourish, and the alliance fought to defeat tepenecs


when did spain destroy the empire


when did the aztec create the drawing of the bird and snake
