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45 Cards in this Set

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What type of aircraft are subject to the title 14 CFR Part 91 apply to?

All aircraft

What are the 3 types of Flight plans?




What type of flight plans are used for search and rescue?

all 3 of them

Who is responsible for separation for IFR flights? VFR?



What are IFR flight conditions?

Cloud ceiling is below 1,000 ft and visibility less than 3 statue miles

Who is responsible for canceling an IFR flight plan?

At a airport with a control tower - it is canceled automatically

If not the pilot in command is responsible

What are VFR minimum conditions

Ceiling above 1,000 AGL and visibility over 3 Statue Miles

Are VFR flight plans mandatory?


What are DVFR flight plans and when are they required?

Defense Visual Flight Rules

They are required when a VFR flight goes into coastal or domestic ADIZ/DEWIZ, for security reasons

When must DVFR flight plans be filed?

Before takeoff (unless Alaska b/c no communication)

How can flight plans be filed?

Verbally or in writing

To FFS or ATC facility

Electronically via personal computer, Direct User Access Terminal System (DUATS)

Can VFR operate in class A airspace?


Can VFR flights operate in Class B, C, D, and E airspace in IFR weather?

No must be VFR conditions to fly VFR

In Controlled airspace (except Class A) do VFR have rules for cloud clearance?

Yes. Distance above, below and horizontally from aircraft and forward flight visibility

What is the term for meteorological conditions that are less than those required for basic VFRflight in Class B,C,D,and E surface areas which Some aircraft are permitted to fly VFR?

Special VFR Conditions

Can a pilot conduct SVFR operations at their own will?

No pilot must request SVFR clearance and get approval from ATC

When a aircraft is cleared for VFR on top what are they allowed to change at will and what are they not allowed to change?

They can change altitude at will (must advise ATC before changing and subject to ATC restrictions)

They can not change course at will

What are the requirements to fly in controlled airspace under IFR?

Have filed an IFR flight plan and received ATC clearance

What are the standard take off minimums for revenue flights?

2 engines or less - 1SM visibility

3 or more engines - 1/2 SM visibility

What are the minimum altitude for IFR flights in Mountainous regions

2,000 ft above highest obstacle within horizontal distance of 4 miles

What are the IFR Minimum altitudes in non mountainous regions?

1,000 ft above highest obstacle within 4 NM

What are the magnetic headings for IFR flights under 18,000 ft MSL that would have even thousand

180º to 359º

What are the magnetic headings for IFR flights under 18,000 ft MSL that would have odd thousand altitude?

000º to 179º

What are the magnetic headings for IFR flights above FL 180 that would have Odd flight level?

000º to 179º

What are the magnetic headings for IFR flights above FL 180 that would have Even flight level?

180º to 359º

What are the magnetic headings for IFR flights above FL 410 that would have 4000 ft intervals starting at FL 450?

000º to 179º

Can a ATC suggest a pilot conduct SVFR operations?

No the pilot must request special VFR but ATC does issue a clearance

What are the magnetic headings for IFR flights above FL 410 that would have 4000 ft intervals starting at FL 430?

180º to 359º

What Flight Levels are excluded above FL 410?

Even FL’s because 2000 ft is required to separate aircraft.

What are the IFR communication requirements for Pilots?

Must maintain continuous listening watch on appropriate frequency.

Report Passing designated reporting points (except when under radar control not required unless requested by ATC)

Report unforcasted weather conditions

Report any info related to flight safety

What is a pilot to do if radio failure occurs in VFR Conditions?

The pilot shall remain in VFR conditions and land as soon as practicable

What is a pilot to do if radio failure occurs in IMC with respect to Route?

A - maintain ATC assigned route

V - if aircraft is radar vectored pilot should proceed by direct route to he fix, route, or airway specified in vector clearance

E - if ATC has not assigned a route but gave an expected route. The pilot shall proceed on the expected route

F - if no ATC clearance has been given aircraft shall maintain the route filed in the flight plan

What is a pilot to do if radio failure occurs in IMC with respect to Altitude?

The pilot shall maintain the highest of the three altitudes or flight levels for the route segment.

M - maintain the minimum altitude for FL for IFR operations

E - altitude or FL ATC advised should be expected in last clearance received

A - maintain the altitude assigned in last ATC clearance

What is the term for the fix, point, or location to high an aircraft is cleared when issued an ATC clearance?

Clearance Limit

What are the requirements for Clearance limits when the fix is from where the approach begins?

If EFC has bee received - leave the clearance limit as close as possible to the EFC time

If EFC has not been received - leave the clearance limit as soon as possible to ETA time on flight plan

What are the requirements for Clearance limits when the fix is NOT from where the approach begins?

If EFC has been received - leave the clearance limit as close as possible to EFC

If EFC has not been received - pilot shall leave the clearance limit so ass to arrive over the approach fix for the destination airport in order to commence the approach as close as possible to ETA on flight plan

What are the rules for Unpressurized flight?

At altitude above 12,500 ft MSL up to and including 14,000 MSL - required crew required to have supplemental oxygen more that 30 min

Altitude above 14,000 MSL up to 15,000 MSL required Crew for entire flight

Altitude above 15,000 MSL oxygen for every person

Are SVFR flight plans filed as a written plan?

No it is a verbal flight plan

What is SVFR designed to help?

Designed to help pilots land and depart in Marginal weather

Where can SVFR operations be conducted?

Below 10,000 ft MSL in Class B, C, D, E surface area

With ATC Clearance

Clear of Clouds

Not at night

When visibility is at least 1 SM (except helicopter)

What are the magnetic courses that result in Even thousands + 500 for VFR flights?

180º to 359º


What are the magnetic headings in VFR flights that would use odd thousands + 500?

000º - 179º


What is the minimum and maximum altitudes for VFR cruising flight?

3000 ft above surface up to but not including 18,000 ft MSL

Is “VFR on top” an IFR or a VFR clearance?


What is the term for an IFR clearance to climb through the clouds to VFR conditions “on top” of the cloud layer?

VFR on top