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20 Cards in this Set

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structural classification

-based on presence between space of bones

-connective tissue holding bones together

three types of structural joints

fibrous: connected by collagen fibers

cartilaginous: connected by cartilage

synovial: joint capsule & accessory ligaments

functional classification

based on movement

types of functional joints

synarthrosis: immovable

amphiarthrosis: slightly movable

diarthrosis: freely movable

fibrous joints (definition & subtypes)

-lack synovial cavity, held closely together by connective tissue, little to no movement (synarthroses or amphiarthroses)

-sutures, syndesmoses, gomphoses

sutures (description; location; functional class)

-thin layer of dense fibrous connective tissue

-skull bones

-immovable, synarthrosis

syndesmosis (description; location; functional class)

-bones united by ligament

-distal tibiofibular joint

-slightly moveable, amphiarthrosis

gomphosis (description; location; functional class)

-hold cone shaped peg in bony socket

-teeth in alveolar processes ONLY

-slightly moveable, amphiarthrosis

cartilaginous joints (definition & subtypes)

-lacks synovial cavity, allows little to no movement, held tightly together by fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage

-sychondroses, sympheses

synchodrosis (description; location; functional class)

-connecting material is hyaline cartilage

-epiphyseal plate or joints bt. ribs & sternum

-immovable, synarthroses

symphysis (description; location; functional class)

-connecting material is fibrocartilage

-intervertebral disks, pubic symphysis

-slightly movable, amphiarthrosis

synovial joints (definition & 3 main components)

-separates articulating bones; freely moveable

*articular cartilage: reduce friction, absorb shock

*articular capsule: surround joint, thickening in fibrous capsule= ligaments

*synovial membrane: inner lining, secretes synovial fluid, brings nutrients to articular cartilage


tendon sheaths

fluid filled saclike extensions of joint capsule, reduces friction

tube-like bursa, wrap around wrist/ankle where several tendons meet up

subtypes of synovial joint (6)

planar, hinge, pivot, ball & socket, condyloid, saddle

planar joint (description; location; functional class)

-bone surfaces flat/slightly curved, move in planes, rotation prevented by ligaments


-diarthrosis, freely moveable

hinge joint (description; location; functional class)

-convex --> concave surface, monoaxial

-knee, elbow

-diarthrosis, freely moveable

pivot joint (description; location; functional class)

-rounded surface of bone fits with ring of second bone, monoaxial around longitudinal axis

-proximal radioulnar, atlas turning head side-side

-diarthrotic, freely moveable

ball & socket joint (description; location; functional class)

-ball fits into socket

-shoulder, hip

-diarthrosis, freely moveable

condyloid joint (description; location; functional class)

-oval shaped projection fits into oval-shaped depression, biaxial= extend/flex, adduct/abduct


-diarthrosis, freely moveable

saddle joint (description; location; functional class)

*special action made by this joint

-saddle & horse shaped, triaxial


-diarthrosis, freely moveable

*opposition: thumb touching tip of all fingers