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98 Cards in this Set

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When Ronald Reagan became president in 1980 what failed policies did he denounce?

Activist government and failed “social engineering”.

What did Ronald Reagan have in common with Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Both fought for the common man.

Norman Podhorets and Irving Kristol were considered ______________________ and behind many of the intellectual ideas from the Reagan administration.


What did the men in question #4 call for in the Reagan administration?

Free-market capitalism, harsh stance against the Soviets, and they questioned liberal welfare programs and affirmative action policies. They wanted a return to individualism and family centered policies.

What jobs prior to becoming president did Reagan hold which helped prepare him for the presidency?

President of the Screen actors Guild during McCarthyism, spokesman for GE Corporation and Governor of CA.

What major problems faced the Carter administration in 1980?

Double-digit inflation, oil crisis, double digit interest rates

What did the Democratic parties slogan “ABC” mean? Why was this used by the Democrats in the 1980 election?

Anybody but Carter; Because Carter was so unpopular and other Democrats wanted to run against the Republican candidate.

What Senator ran against Carter in the Democratic primary of 1980?

Edward Kennedy

What scandal plagued his candidacy?

Mary Joe Kupenicki and Chappaquiddick

Besides Reagan willing the Presidential election of 1980 in a landslide, what other house of Congress turned Republican—the first time in 25 years?

US Senate

What event will come to an end on the first day of the Reagan administration—as further insult to the Carter administration?

Iran Hostage Crisis

What will happen to James Watt, Reagan’s Interior Secretary during his first term as president?

Watt will be forced to resign because of an ethnic joke in public; Watt during September 1983, when he mocked affirmative action by saying about a coal-leasing panel: "I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent."[ Within weeks of making this statement, Watt submitted his resignation letter.

What was the major goal of the Reagan administration concerning government?

The reduction in size.

What famous statement will Reagan make concerning Government as a nanny-state?

“Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem!”

During the 1960s and 1970s what percent of Gross National Product was federal spending?


With all of this spending going on in these two decades what programs were growing and declining?

Entitlements were growing and spending on our defense was declining.

In 1978 California staged a tax revolt by reducing their property taxes greatly with the help of this proposition.

Prop 13

Who were termed the “boll weevils”?

Democrats who supported Reagan’s programs

On March 6, 1981 what man tried to assassinate President Reagan and ended up almost killing his staff members? Why did the man try the assassination plot and who was the staff almost killed?

John Hinckley Jr.; impress Jodie Foster; James Brady (Brady Bill—limited the sale of handguns in many states)

What major problem did Reagan have during his 8 years as president?

His inability to deal with Congress to hammer out a balanced budget. Reagan wanted his increase in the military and they wanted their social programs. Deficit spending increased dramatically.

What was Reagan’s economic plan concerning income taxes?

Reduce the top marginal bracket from 70% (OUCH!!!) to 25%.

What was the consequence from this policy?

More money came into the federal government, but they spent more than came in.

What is Reaganomics?

It is supply-side economics or trickle-down economics. You give tax breaks to the rich and small businesses to help people get jobs.

Who did Ronald Reagan call the “evil empire”?

Soviet Union

This missile defense strategy was nicknamed Star Wars because of the use of laser to shoot down launched missiles from enemy countries?

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

This movement will bring more democratic rule to Poland during the early 1980s? Who is the leader of this democratic movement?

Solidarity; Lech Walesa

Why did tensions become more strained between the US and the USSR in September 1983?

The Soviets shot down a Korean passenger plane killing hundreds of civilians.

What event in 1983 will be one of the first attacks on Americans by Hamas in Lebanon?

When a suicide bomber crashed an explosive into the US Marine barracks on October 23, 1981

What will be Reagan’s reaction to the event in #28?

He will withdraw our troops—bad move.

This scandal will place a black eye on the Reagan’s second term—for a little while.


What happened in this scandal?

Arms were sold to Iran to fund the Contra in Nicaragua who were fighting the communists. Sandinistas

Which four people were most responsible for the end of the Cold War?

Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev

This group of people will form a political organization in 1979 which will preach against sexual permissiveness, abortion, feminism, and the spread of gay rights.

Moral Majority

Protesters in the 1960s blocked entrances to draft offices; protesters in the 1980s blocked which entrances?

Abortions clinics

Who will Reagan appoint to SCOTUS in 1981, the first woman? What other justice will Reagan appoint to Chief Justice and what other conservative SCOTUS judge will be appointed by Reagan?

Sandra Day O’Conner; William Rehnquist; Antonin Scalia

What did precedent did the Webster v. Reproductive Health Services establish?

It seriously compromised Roe’s protection of abortion rights by imposing certain restrictions on abortion.

This SCOTUS case ruled that states could restrict access to abortion as long as they did not place an “undue burden” on the woman.

Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)

What two “twin towers” of deficits will face the Reagan administration at the end of his 2nd term?

Federal budget deficit and international trade deficit.

Who were the Democratic candidates in the 1988 Presidential election? What problems did each face?

Gary Hart – sex scandal; Jesse Jackson – race bating; Michael Dukakis – Governor of Mass, Wife was an alcoholic, and weak on the military.

Who will win the Presidential election in 1988 on the campaign slogan “Read my lips, no new taxes”?

George H.W. Bush

What democratic uprising took place in China in June of 1989—unsuccessful uprising?

Tiananmen Square Massacre

What statue will be erected during the uprising?

“Goddess of Democracy”

What policies did ____________________, the new Soviet leader try and bring to the Soviet Union (sort of)?

Mikhail Gorbachev; Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika (restructuring)

What was the problem with Gorbachev’s new plans?

It wasn’t real. They were just talk.

What famous event took place on November 9, 1989?

The beginning of the end of the Berlin Wall

This Africa leader will be released from Jail in February 1990 after serving twenty-seven years in prison for protesting Apartheid in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela

What month long war will take place in January 1991? Why did it take place?

Operation Desert Storm; Iraq invaded Kuwait.

What SCOTUS appointment by George Bush will have unfounded questions of sexual harassment from Anita Hill?

Clarence Thomas

What three candidates will run for POTUS in 1992?

Bill Clinton, Ross Perot and George Bush

What will be the results of the election?

Clinton 42%, Bush 38, Perot 20%

What mistake will the Clinton Administration make in 1993 which will lead to Republican Revolution in 1994?

The possible appointment of Hillary Clinton to oversee a Universal Health Care Program

What famous Contract will be made with the Republicans when they were able to take over both houses of Congress in 1994?

Contract with America

After the Branch Davidians were killed by the orders of Janet Reno (US Attorney General) what bombing will be a reaction to the killings?

Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995

What NATO led war took place during 1999 to stop Slobodan Milosevic from unleashing a new round of “ethnic cleansing” in Yugoslavia


This USS ship will be attacked in October of 2000 by Al Qaeda in Yemen—an act of war.

USS Cole

What will be the Clinton legacy?

Impeachment because of Monica Lewinsky; allowing the building of terrorism across the world

What was Clinton guilty of during his impeachment charges?


These tiny pieces of paper will play a large part in the 2000 presidential election in Florida. Why?

Chads. Because these were part of the punch cards that were counted in Florida.

What amount of votes did President Bush ultimately win the presidential election by over Al Gore in Florida?


What SCOTUS case will stop the recounting of votes in the State of Florida? Why did they decide this way (5-4 decision)?

Bush v Gore; They felt that it was unfair to only recount 3 districts of Florida that were heavily Democratic and there should have been a Statewide recount, but that there was not time for this to happen. The Court ruled that the Florida Supreme Court's method for recounting ballots was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

This North Atlantic trade organization will be formed to help create more opportunities for trade between the US, Mexico and Canada?


What corporation was the flagship business of America at the beginning of the 20th Century?


Following WWII the rise of ___________ symbolized yet another momentous transformation, to the fast-paced “information age.

International Business Machines

The phenomenal growth of the ______________ heralded an explosive communications revolution.


This is the leading computer manufacture in the United States in the year 2007? 2012?

Microsoft; Apple

What are “classrooms without walls”?

Were students are able to take classes on-line

Chief executives in the 1970s typically earned ____ to one times the income of the average worker in their corporation; by the 1990s they eared ____ to one as much.

40; 225

What two racial groups lead all poverty statistics despite the many social programs created in the 1960s to help benefit these groups?

African-Americans and Latino

What are some of the consequences of the Feminist Revolution?

Break down of the institution of marriage, increased college participation, reduced the male influence in the family.

Which political party do most unmarried women often support in elections? Why?

Democrats; Looking for the lost income of not having a spouse or divorced spouse.

What trend is taking place in the US concerning the aging of America?

The baby-boom generation is getting older.

What is the consequence of #10?

Social Security and Medicare is going bankrupt.

What area of the United States has been the fastest growing since the turn of the millennia?


What did the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 do?

Tried to apply fines to employers—didn’t happen and legalized millions of illegal immigrants.

This is the fastest growing minority group in the United States?


These riots took place in 1992 when 5 police officers were found not guilty of excessive force in the beating of Rodney King?

LA Riots

This man led the United Farm Workers Organization and succeeded in improving work conditions for mostly Chicano laborers.

Cesar Chavez

What is meant by the terms Red and Blue America?

What is meant by the terms Red stands for Republican and is most of the United States in both the Presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Blue = Democrats and they are located on the coastal areas in the US.

This book was published by Alice Walker and gave a fictional voice to the experience of black women.

Color Purple

This artist first started to exhibit her work in 1916 and continued to display her work for the next 80 years.

Georgia O’Keeffe

This attack will be the worst which the United States will face so far in its history?

September 11, 2001

Who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

Who was responsible for the 9/11 attacksOsama Bin Laden

Why did he attack the United States?

US kept troops in Saudi Arabia during the Persian Gulf War in 1991—infidels in the holiest place for Islam.

What country were the Taliban located in when the United States invaded in November 2001?


This Act will be passed in the wake of this attack which will try and help to round up and stop terrorists in the United States.

Patriot Act

In what year did the United States invade the country of Iraq? Why?

2003; The threat of possible Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s). There were eventually found, but too late to have any lasting effect for President Bush’s credibility.

Americans still aspired to live up to Abraham Lincoln’s prediction that they and their heritage represented “the _____ best ______ of earth”.

last; hope

Who will be elected POTUS in 2008? What is unique about his election?

Barack Obama; 1st President of color

What was unique about Hilary Clinton running for President in 2008?

1st time a women was running for POTUS on one of the two major political parties

What is the debt of the United States in 2008? 2012? What effect does the massive debt have on the United States?

10 Trillion; 16 Trillion; Unable to help other countries in need along with our own nation if we have a crisis!

What two major terrorist were killing in 2011? One by US Navy Seals and the other by a Predator drone.

Osama Bin Laden; Anwar al-Awlaki

What is meant by the term Arab Spring used in 2011? Has the Arab Spring been successful?

It represents the countries in Northern Africa who got rid of their Dictators. It has been moderately successful, but more militant Islamic rulers are coming to power in those countries and most women and Christians will lose their rights.

What co-founder of Apple died in October of 2011?

Steve Jobs

What scandal hit Penn State football in 2011?

Jerry Sandusky will be accused and eventually convicted of child molestation. The major scandal was that most of the coaching staff new or at least ignored Sandusky’s behavior.

What is the name of the Republican candidate running for POTUS in 2012? What is unique about his candidacy?

Mitt Romney; He is part of the LDS (Mormon) Church. If he wins he will be the first Mormon in the White House. We will see in November of 2012. By the time you get to this question we will either have a 2nd term for Obama or a 1st term for Romney.

The killing of an American Ambassador in what African country in 2012 became a big campaign issue?


What was meant by the term “Arab Spring” in the year 2011-12?

The elimination of dictators from Northern African countries and a push for a more theocratic Islamic republic.

What is the name of the radical Islamic group responsible for invading Syria and Iraq in 2012 – Present that is beheading their enemies and destroying the culture of those two countries?