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59 Cards in this Set

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What campaign promise from 1928 did Herbert Hoover have a hard time delivering?

"a chicken in every pot"

What position did FDR and TR both hold prior to become POTUS?

Assistant of the navy

Did FDR and Wilson have any military experience?


Why would FDR have a hard time getting elected today?

He was in a wheelchair

What great asset did FDR have as opposed to his political rivals?

Eleanor Roosevelt

What will FDR's wife help to fight for in the 1950's and 60s?

Civil Rights movement

Why was Eleanor Roosevelt's personal relationship a little rocky with her husband?

Both had affairs

Who plight was FDR running for in the presidential election of 1932?

"forgotten man"

What campaign phrase will FDR electrify the democrat party delegates at their National Convention held in Chicago in 1932?

"I pledge you, I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people"

Who wrote most of FDR's speeches?

"Brain trust" small group of reform-minded intellectuals

What was the nickname for FDRs "kitchen cabinet"?

"Brain trust"

What was the theme song of the Democrats in 1932?

"Happy Days Are Here Again"

The election of 1932 marked a shift of black voters. how?

They voted for the Democrat party and abandoned the party of Lincoln

When did FDR become president of the United States?

March 4, 1933

When did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?

January 30, 1933

What were the three R's in FDR's New Deal?

Relief, Recovery, Reform

What will be the first thing on Roosevelt's agenda?

Banking Holiday

What famous statement does FDR make at his 1st inaugural speech to the people of America?

"Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

What precedent will FDR establish for future presidents concerning their early part of their 1st term?

What he accomplishes in his first 100 days

This New Deal recovery government agency helped to end the dust bowl by employing many men who went out west and cultivated the soil?


What New Deal recovery program dealt with gold?

FDR ordered gold to be surrendered and then he abandons the gold standard

This amendment will be passed in 1933 ending the "noble experiment"

21st amendment

This New Deal Relief program helped homeowners with the paying off of their homes

Home Owners' Refinancing Act (33)

This new deal recovery and relief agency was established to help farmers by giving them subsidies for their excess crops. It also paid farmers not to grow certain crops and to grow other crops.

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

This New Deal recovery, relief and reform agency helped to creating cheap electric power by damning the Tennessee River.

Tennessee Valley Authority

This triple R program established a maximum hours of labor, established codes of “fair competition”, created a minimum wage, allowed labor unions to organize and bargain collectively, and outlawed “yellow-dog” contracts.

National Recovery Administration

What did the Emergency Banking Relief Act do for the economy?

Put a lot more currency into the market through banks—ended the run on the banks, but caused inflation.

What reform movement did the Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act create?

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Originally what amount of money did the Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act protect depositors up to? Now?

$5,000 – 100,000

This Recovery administration was established to provide purely temporary jobs during the cruel winter emergency.

Civil Works Administration

The National Housing Act in 1934 helped people get better loans with government help by creating this recovery agency.

Federal Housing Administration

These occupations will be left out of the New Deal relief programs?

Agricultural, service and domestic workers (Blacks, Mexican-Am and Women)

This recovery administration helped to employment people on “useful” projects—such as arts, literature projects, public buildings, bridges.

Works Progress Administration

This man will consider running against FRD in the 1936 Democrat primary promising to “Share Our Wealth” program and promised to make “Every Man a King”—SOCIALISTS!!! Why didn’t he?

Huey Long—killed

This act, which was part of the AAA will cause the Navajo’s of Arizona to reduce their livestock reduction to help the soil.

Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (36)

This SCOTUS case will rule part of the NRA unconstitutional?

Schechter v United States

This SCOTUS cases will rule part of the AAA unconstitutional?

Butler v United States

What will be FDR’s reaction to the overturning of a few of his New Deal programs? This will damage his presidency until 1940.

He will propose to Congress the enlarging of the Supreme Court by 6 justices—Court Packing

Who is Frances Perkins (1882 – 1965)?

First woman cabinet member—labor secretary

What is the name of the old age insurance which will be created in 1935?

Social Security Act

As part of this act this will be established to guarantee payment in case you lose your job.

Unemployment Insurance

This Dam will be build on the Columbia River which is the largest structure erected by humans since the Great Wall of China.

Grand Coulee Dam

This New Deal program is known as one of the real milestones on the rocky road of the US labor movement, because is allowed labor unions to self-organize and to bargain collectively.

Wagner Act

At what age did people start receiving Social Security benefits? What was the average age of death for Americans in the 1930s?

65; 63

This man will form a new labor union in 1935 for the semi-skilled and unskilled workers in to a powerful bloc of “big labor”.

John L. Lewis

This book will describe the plight of the farmers who leave the dust bowl area and move their families to California looking for prosperity. Author?

The Grapes of Wrath; John Steinbeck

More than a million people left these four states during the Dust Bowl.


This act in 1934 will try and reverse the effects of the Dawes Act of 1887.

Indian Reorganization Act. Established local self-government and to preserve their native crafts and traditions.

This agency was created to oversee the stock market and prevent the boom to bust periods.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

What was the name of the photographer which FDR will send across the United States to document the Great Depression, especially the Dust Bowl?

Margaret Bourke White

Why did some Native American tribes refuse to organize under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934?

They felt they were being turned into museum pieces—“back to the blanket”.

What two major problems faced the New Deal programs in the 1930s?

They were not getting us out of the Great Depression and they were creating a debt for the United States.

How did SCOTUS react to Roosevelt’s court packing attempt in 1937? Which SCOTUS conservative changed his opinion of the Supreme Court in what became known as the “switch in time save the nine”?

They began making more liberal decisions agreeing with the New Deal; Owen Roberts changed from Conservative to more Liberal

Despite massive amounts of money spent in New Deal programs, what takes place in 1938 which shows that FDR’s New Deal wasn’t delivering on its promises?

A recession set in and unemployment went back to 20%

Which economics did the Roosevelt administration pattern themselves after?

John Maynard Keynes (“Keynesian”)

What is the name of FDR’s Treasury Secretary that said the following after the first two terms of FRD’s administration: “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.” “I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”

Henry Morgenthau Jr.

What event will bring the United States out of the Great Depression?


What amendment will be passed in 1933 which shortened the length of time which the President and Congress take their oaths of office

Jan. 20th and Jan. 3rd

Place the following in chronological order: Schechter case, Gold Reserve Act, Roosevelt defeats Hoover, TVA created, Roosevelt’s announces “Court-packing” plan, Wagner Act.

Roosevelt defeats, TVA, Gold Reserve, Wagner Act, Schechter case.