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312 Cards in this Set

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13th amendment
abolished slavery in america and all its territories
14 points
Wilson's hope for peace treaty after WWI includes eliminating secret treaties reduction of arms, League of nations and national self determination
14th amendment
all people born in US are citizens, all Confederates are banned from public office
15th amendment
stated a person can not be denied right to vote based on race or whether they were slave
16th amendment
instituted the national income tax
17th amendment
allows voters to vote directly for senators
18th amendment
banned the consumption,buying or selling of alcohol
19th amendment
women's sufferage
26th amendment
standerized voting age to 18
3 R's
FDR's theory of Relief, Recovery, and Reform
Native American Organization founded to protest government injustices suffered by Native Americans
New Deal Bureau designed to restore farmers economically by paying them to stop overproducing
2nd president, also one of the founding fathers key part in revolution
a revolutionary who lead the Boston revolutionary movement cousin of John Adams
progressive reformer who promoted women's sufferage
Albany Plan
1754 meeting of seven colonies representatives who thought of plans to stop French and Indians in Western frontier regions
Alien and Sedition Acts
gave the president power to expel aliens deemed dangerous to country and outlawed scandolous statements about gov't
American System
economic plan in 1812 that promoted growth of economy and use of protective tariffs to convince people to buy domestic
Anthony,Susan B.
one of the largest leaders for the movement of women's sufferage
battle during civil war that Lee needed to win
Arthur,Chester A.
took over presidency after Garfield died, early 1880s
Articles of Confedration
first gov't of America allowed much power to states and federal gov't had almost no power
Atlantic Charter
an agreement between FDR and Churchill that they would suppport postwar world based on self determinationa and would endorse a world body to insure general security
granted by Mexico City the right to land in texas if he brought in 300 American families
Axis Powers
the Germans, japanese and italian alliance during WWII
Bacon's Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon led the poor whites in Virginia in a rebllion aganist the rich in 1676
Barnett,Ida B. Wells
was a social reformer best known for her fight aganist the lynchings and for women's sufferage
Battle of Saratoga
a turning point in the revolution and led to French supporting our cause
Bay of Pigs
failed invasion of Cuba, US supported anti Castro refugees trying to overthrow Castro
Berlin Airlift
American and British pilots flew food and fuel to West Berlin b/c USSR had blockaded all other forms of getting goods to West berlin eventually blockade ended in may 1949
ran Bank of United States and many people thought he had too much power
Big Stick Diplomacy
teddy roosevelt's policy that he wanted to talk with his actions and thing of consequence afterwards
a new way of currency in the United States when money was not pure gold
Black Panthers
group that was founded to protect blacks from police promoted black militiant power founded by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton
the german technique of fighting that dominated early in WWII
progressivist who was promoted to supreme court by Wilson first Jew on court
practice of pushing dangerous situationt o disaster in order to achieve most advantageous outcome
Brown vs Board of Ed
threw out ruling of seperate bu equal began process of school desegregation
Bryan, William Jennings
a long time politician who was attorney during the scopes trial
most famous for duel with Hamiliton in which he killed Hamiliton and later Burr died from wounds from gun duel
Congress of Racial Euality played a vital role in the Civil Rights movement of the late 20th century
Calhoun,John C.
was main supporter of the southern's want to keep the institution of slavery
mobster who ruled Chicago in 1920s, brought to jail on income tax charges
steel monpolizer who had control of steel buisness for many years
mother of modern conservation movement
one of the first Americans to find conservation to be important issue
New Deal program that put nearly 3 million young men to work, workers were paid littleworked on conservation projects and buildings
first major actor who was most famous for him comic silence movies
reformer in late 20th century who improved conditions for chicano workers
prime minister of Britain during WWII known most for his ability to keep Britain together during times of crisis and his drinking
Civil Rights Act of 1964
made discrimination based on race,sex religion or national origin illegal also segragation was declared illegal
was a key component of american politics for many years, made many enemies along way involoved in fight aganist slavery to fights with banks and how country should be ran
terms used by anti-british during revolution used to describe acts that heavily taxed items such as tea
Committee of Correspondence
leaders of resistance aganist GB listed their grievances aganist GB and circulated them around colony
Common Sense
Thomas Paine's influential work that convinced most the people to turn towards the revolutionaries side
Compromise of 1833
proposed by Clay and calhoun to help solve the nullification crisis
Compromise of 1850
temporaily relieved tensions between north and south fugitive slave law implemented California entered as free state
Compromise of 1877
ended controversial election of 1876 lead to Hayes presidency in return reconstruction was ended in the south
Conneticut Compromise
was compromise in 1787 that arranged it so that small states and large states would be kind of equal and led to modern legislation process
Containment policy
formulated by Kennan, Us would forcibly stop communism from spreading idea was to hold communism froms preadin led to involvement in many conflicts during Cold Wars
became president when harding died, his policies were very pro buisness and he did many things that increased severity of the great depression
realist writer most famous for Red badge of Courage one of first books to accurately depict war
fundraising organization that was tied to Nixon and the whole watergate scandal
Cuban Missle Crisis
1962 conflict between USSR and US over soviet missles in cuba, soviets eventually remove missles closest the cold war became to being a real war
was the first and only president of the Confedracy
De Lorne Letter
one of the principal triggers of Spanish American War in 1898
led the crippling Pullman strike of 1894
Declaration of Independence
declared the colonies indepence from GB and made colonies own selfgoverning body,Creation of US
lessening of tensions between nations Nixon led detente with USSR and china during his presidency
one of leaders of the Spanish American War led important victory at Manilla
inventor and founder of paper mills in New England
Battle of dien Bien Phu
1954 vietnamese victory over French causing french to leave vietnam and all of indonesia
was an early reformer who transformed the conditions in which hanidcapped were kept
Lincoln's political nemesis who ran for president but lost in 1860 bc democrats split the vote
one of most notable abolitonist who was former slave and later became voice of the blacks in america
Dred Scott Decision
Supreme court ruled slaves were property not people, they were not citizens so they could not appeal to courts, also ruled Missouri Compromise unconstituional
helped found NAACP and was major advocate for civil rights and had great education from Harvard
Dust Bowl
Great plains suffered severe drought and expierneced great dust storms during 1930s many moved to California as migrant workers
great inventor who is most noted for his invention of the light bulb
first ignited the Great Awakening in New England during the late 17th century
Eisenhower,Dwight D.
Ike,was president from 1952-1960 led the whole americano culture shift and was known for his great work as a general
Election of 1800
turning point of country because Jefferson is elected president over Adams giving power to anti federalists
Election of 1824
this was beginning of the two party system in which John Quincy Adams was elected president despite less votes than Jackson
Election of 1860
Lincoln is elected president, which south saw as ridiculous and was the turning point in their decision to secede
Election of 1896
McKinley defeats Bryan in one of the most complex and controversy stricken elections of all time
Election of 1932
FDR gets elected over Hoover which signifies the beginning of a new era in America
Election of 1968
Nixon won which is considered the end of the New Deal Era and it was a year in which RFK and MLK were assassinated
Election of 1980
a real blowout in which Reagan dominated and took the presidency from Carter and led the country into a more conservative way of thought
Emancipation Proclamation
Edict by Lincoln in 1863 that abolished slavery in Confederate states while not doing anything to four slave states in union
Embargo Act
Declaration by Jefferson that banned all trade with Europe
Emerson,Ralph Waldo
led the transcendentalism of the mid 1800s as well as being prominent writer
major part of FDR's second hundred days that led to WPA and asked for 5 billion dollars
Erie Canal
began the transportation revolution by allowing people to go from ocean to Great Lakes
Executive Order 9066
signed by FDR led to Japanese Americans being held in interment camps
Executive Order 9981
it desegregated the military issued by Truman
Led New Deal president four times,led country through Great Depression and WWII
Fair Deal
number of acts proposed by Truman that would create a more equal country for people of all races
Federalists papers
the paper led by Madison that attacked the politics of the time and was influential over people
Fitzgerald,F. Scott
writer who was ex-patriot and most famous for Great Gatsby and being a key figure during 1920s
created Ford automobiles which introduced assembly line and led to wide scale production of cars Model T
key figure during colonial era and during revolution was a great scientist and political figure, he figured out electricity
French and Indian War
called Seven Years War, was fought between France and GB over expansion in Americas, GB wins and gets all of French Canada
was a lead figure in the feminist movement of the lat 20th century and wrote Feminine Mystique
american inventor who came out with first steamboat
G.I Bill
gave many financial benefits to returning vets from WWII including paying for many to go to college
black nationalist who promoted the return of African Americans back to Africa
Gentlemen's Agreement
was an agreement between US and Japan that tried to lessen tensions in Pacific between the two countries
most important battle of Civil War made it impossible for Lee to invade north and turned favor in the union by far margin
Gilded Age
late nineteenth century, an era with surface of great prosperity but underneath many great problems
anarchist who was leader of the anarchist movement during the early 20th century
union leader and key figure in the history of the american labor unions
Good Neighbor Policy
policy to gain support from Latin America by having good relations with them
last leader of USSR who had pretty good relations with US and tried to incorporate capitalism in Communist Russia
Granger Movement
group that gave social activities for farmers and provided new technologies to small farmers
Grant,Ulysses S
president during years of corruption and was general of union when they won by using ruthless tactics
Great Awakening
during the 1600s a new found interest in religion by many colonists and was led by eccentric leaders
Great Railroad Strike
began in West Virginia in 1877 and lasted an entire 45 days of no productivity
Great Society
Johnson's attack on social issues such as poverty, education,old people's care
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
allowed Johnson to greatly increase the size of Vietnam War without congressional consent
was a banker and first great American economist who promoted federalism and central banking
leading Bostonian in during the revolution and in sons of liberty
was a american industrialist and republican politician who ran campaign for McKinley
Harding,Warren G.
promised normalcy after Wilson but died soon after and Coolidge took office
Harlem Renaissance
black literary and artistic movement centered in Harlem during 1920s and 30s and lamented black life in america
Harper's Ferry
was major armory that John Brown tried to overrun and throw a rebellion against slavowners
Hartford Convention
meeting between new englander near end of War of 1812 when they threatened to secede
Haymarket Square
began as workers' striking led to a massacre in which 8 police died and an unknown amount of civilians died
Headright System
gave land to people willing to come to colonies, could gain 1 acre to 100
Hearst,William Randolph
famous for creation of yellow journalism to become greatly rich and also control most of public opnion
atomic bombs were dropped here by Truman in order to bring an end to WWII
leader of Nazi Germany that performed many atrocities against people during his time in power,led Holocaust
Holmes,Oliver Wendell
supreme court justice who had many controversial decisions including clear and present danger decision in 1919
Homestead Act
1862 act that gave 162 acres to anyone who went out west and improved the land any small amount
Homestead Strike
began as strike in Pittsburgh against steel industry resulted in workers fighting the private security guards
president when market crashed and blamed for depression,though not completely his fault began public works programs
House of Burgesses
first form of representative government in the colonies, it was in Virginia
investigated possible communist infiltrating the entertainment world, and more importantly government
leader of communist trials in which he unjustly accused many Americans of being communist based on little evidence
led Harlem Renaissance and expressed lives of young black Americans through his writings
Hungarian Revolt
was when Hungary became under control of the communists and set up a communist government
practice of making citizens join navy, GB practices this during wars with Napoleon and took some american citizens
one of the leaders of religious tolerance during the late 17th century
Interstate Commerce Act
first regulatory commission and its job was to regulate railroad and railroad rates
Iran Hostage Crisis
in 1979 US embassy taken over by radical Islamics and all workers taken hostage, US unable to free hostages for over 2 years
a group of US senators who wanted US out of all European affairs and major reason why Treaty of Versailles was not passed
was a global organization that called for workers to unite
one of most influential presidents he led assaults on Indians and was first so called president of the people
was a major factor in revolution and was the first supreme court justice, hardcore federalist
wrote Declaration of Independence,founding father and he was the third president of America
17TH PRESIDENT and was the first president to be impeached in history of US, led reconstruction movement
Johnson,James Weldon
was a writer and political activist who called for civil equality in the late 19th century
Jones,Mary Harris
prominent community organizer and leader of american labor unions,founded IWW
Kansas-Nebraska Act
in 1854 allowed the citizens of those territories to decide whether slavery would be in those territories
Kellog-Briand Treaty
prohibited war as an instrument of national policy in 1928
Kent State
at 1970 antiwar protest National Guardsman fired on students killing four students, sign of extreme political tension that permeated american society
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
maintained that Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and later southerners used this argument for the fact that states can garner federal laws unconstitutional
Keynesian Economics
argues that private sector decisions sometimes lead to inefficient macroeconomic outcomes and therefore, advocates active policy responses by the public sector, including monetary policy actions by the central bank and fiscal policy actions by the government to stabilize output over the business cycle.
Khrushchev, Nikita
Soviet leader during Cuban Missile Crisis, viewed as an unfit leader because of unwillingness to go to war during Crisis
King,Martin Luther King Jr.
most prominent civil rights activist and was known for his use of anti violent protest, assassinated in 1968 in memphis
played vital role in foreign policy of 1970s and led to detente with Soviets and opened relations with China
Knights of Labor
major labor union of 1880s, a federation of many unions from many diferent fields of work
Korean War
1950 to 1953 the US and other UN nations fought to stop the spread of communism into south korea,consistent with the America's cold war policy
was an anti-jewish program in Nazi Germany that began their antisemtic campaign
was a political progressivist who ran for president in 1912 and 1924
Land Ordinance of 1785
Congress did not have the power to raise revenue by direct taxation of the inhabitants of the United States
Lawerence Strike
a group of workers went on strike and it resulted in a violent outlash
League of Nations
international body of nations that came into affect after Versailles and was never effective partially bc US never joined
Lease,Mary Ellen
was a late 19th century reformer who promoted women's sufferage and leader of temperance movement
Leisler's Rebellion
uprising where Jacob Leisler took control of downtown NYC and it reflected the anti King James II feelings of colonies
stated that US could sell or lease weapons to any country whose security was vital to America's interest
Lewis and Clark
expedition of two men that explored and mapped the new Louisana Purchase for Jefferson
aviator who was the first to fly across Atalantic and became national hero
Little Rock Crisis
after the schools were ordered to be segregated national guard was required to come in and make sure that the schools were desegregated
was a radical populist who orginially supported FDR but then soon disagreed with him and wanted more radical change
Louisana Purchase
1803 purchase of land from Mississippi to Rockies from Napoleon for 15 million dollars
the fire killed many women and young girls who were working in a textile factory
Ludlow Massacre
refers to an attack by the Colorado National Guard on a group of striking miners which resulted in 21 deaths
GB passenger liner with 128 american citizens which was sank by German U-boats and one of the series of events that brought US into war
wrote the constitution, leading founding father and was the fourth president of the US,wrote Federalist papers
Mahan,Alfred Thayer
important naval strategist that came up with many new ways of fighting wars on water
Malcolm X
civil rights leader who was noted for his more violent approach towards civil rights
Manifest Destiny
idea that america should be spread from Atlantic to pacific
reformed the american education system in the mid 1800s
Marbury vs Madison
formed basis for judicial review in the court systems
Marshall Plan
america would help to rebuild Europe after WWII, did in order to stop spread of communism
leader of federalist party who shaped america through his controversial decisions as supreme court justice
last president to serve in civil war, was president for short time before he died and Teddy Roosevelt took over
stated that the power of a nation was designated based on its economic wealth
Mexican War
war fought over possession of texas, mexican loss resulted in america getting texas and parts of california and new mexico
Missouri Compromise
entered Maine as free state, Missouri as a slave state and any territories south of 36 degrees 30 minutes could have slaves
Monroe Doctrine
stated that an european attack on any western hemisphere nation would be an attack on america, idea of isolationism
Montgomery Bus Boycott
year long when black refused to ride the buses in Montgomery after Rosa Parks was kicked off bus for sitting in front
banker that overlooked many mergers between businesses and was one of the wealthiest men in nation by 1900
Morril Land Act
gave a lot of land to be given to educators in order to form colleges all over the country
inventor who came up with Morse code which transformed the communication system
journalists who attempted to bring down big business and government in the progressive era
Munich conference
permitted the Nazi Germany annexation of Czechoslovakia
led italy into a period of fascism,till he failed and was killed by his citizens
considered to be father of the american cartoon
key player in temperance movement, and women's rights movement
Navigation Acts
mandated that only certain goods made in the colonies should only be sold to GB
New Deal
number of political maneuvers by FDR that were an attempt to stop the great depression
New Frontier
program of JFK to revitalize america at home and to energizer Americans for battle with soviets
Niagara Movement
movement that began the push for women's sufferage
led good foreign policies but most famous for the scandal that was Watergate
Northwest Ordinance
authorized the sale of land in northwest territory to raise money for federal government
Nye Committee
meeting that investigated america's involvement in WWI and led to reasoning that europe was in great debt to america
philanthropist who founded Georgia for the poor and under-privileged of GB
Omaha Platform
party program of the populist party of the 1880s
group that controlled prices and rent pricing after break out of WWII
Oppenheimer, Robert J.
father of atom bomb and world renowned for his part in Manhattan project
attribute with no taxation without representation and key early leader in revolution
founding father who wrote Common Sense which convinced many americans to join revolution movement
Panama Canal
connects atlantic and pacific oceans in order to greatly increase america economically
one of the last leaders of women's suffrage who saw passage of the 19th amendment
Pendleton Act
established a civil service system and made required tests for these jobs
quaker who set up Pennsylvania colony based on tolerance and liberalism
Pentagon Papers
investigation into american involvement in Vietnam and pointed out the mistakes of the americans
Pickney's Treaty
established intentions of friendship between US and Spain
men hired by railroad who were supposed to stop the railroads from being robbed by the wild westerners
Platt Amendment
for cuba to receive independence and the Us could intervene if cuba had trouble maintaining their independency
president who is best known for his active push for manifest destiny
Pontiac's Rebellion
was a group of indian tribes who were unsatisfied with the british in Illinois and began a rebellion in 1763
Popular Sovereignty
the believe that the legitimacy of a state depends on the will of the people
Populist Party
party that represented the farmers that scored major electoral votes in the 1890s wanted government to become more democratic
Powderly,Terrence V.
son of irish immigrant best known for his creation of the knights of Columbus
Proclamation of 1763
was the treaty after seven years war that gave GB French territory in North America
known for his active use of journalism along with hearst
Pullman Strike
3000 employees of railroad stopped working and considered a great battle between business ad workers
Pure Food and Drug Act
that provided federal inspection of meat products and forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food products and poisonous patent medicines
part of new deal that concentrated on creating jobs through the creation of massive public works
Quartering Act
GB edict stating that to help defend the empire colonial govts had to provide accommodation and food for British soldiers
Quebec Act
The province's territory was expanded to take over part of the Indian Reserve, including much of what is now southern Ontario, plus Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and parts of Minnesota.
The oath of allegiance was replaced with one that no longer made reference to the Protestant faith.
It guaranteed free practice of the Catholic faith.
It restored the use of the French civil law for private matters while maintaining the use of the English common law for public administration, including criminal prosecution.
Radical Republicans
group during reconstruction that wanted the south to feel true pain for their secession
Randolph,a. Phillips
prominent twentieth-century African-American civil rights leader and the founder of both the March on Washington Movement and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, a landmark for labor and particularly for African-American labor organizing.
Red Scare
a fear of immigrants who were considered unwanted because of multiple reasons one being political affiliation
photographer who was known for his realist style of taking pictures of city slums
Rockefeller,John D.
american industrialist who gained a monopoly and much political power with his control over Standard Oil Company
it was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature,[2] and was embodied most strongly in the visual arts, music, and literature, but had a major impact on historiography, education and natural history.
Roosevelt, Corollary
Roosevelt's extension of the Monroe Doctrine asserted a right of the United States to intervene to "stabilize" the economic affairs of small states in the Caribbean and Central America if they were unable to pay their international debts
Roosevelt, Eleanor
wife of FDR but a strong reformer especially pro civil rights and stood up to her husband lack of interest in the topic
progressive leader who transformed the position of the executive branch
Rosenberg,Julius and Ethel
American communists who were executed in 1953 for conspiracy to commit espionage. The charges related to passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. This was the first execution of civilians for espionage in United States history
Rush-Bagot Treaty
treaty provided for the demilitarization of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, where many British naval armaments and forts still remained. The treaty laid the basis for a demilitarized boundary between the U.S. and British North America.
treaty signed by Nixon in 1972 that was supposed to limit the arms build up between US and soviets
closely associated with its first president, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The SCLC had a large role in the American Civil Rights Movement
was one of the principal organizations of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. It emerged from a series of student meetings led by Ella Baker held at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina in April 1960
Sacco and Vanzetti
italian immigrants who were accused and convicted of murdering two men during a 1920 armed robbery in Massachusetts. After a controversial trial and a series of appeals, the men were executed on August 23, 1927
talian immigrants who were accused and convicted of murdering two men during a 1920 armed robbery in Massachusetts. After a controversial trial and a series of appeals, the men were executed on August 23, 1927 showed the damage of red scare because these men were so heavily pursued bc they were anarchists
an American birth control activist and the founder of the American Birth Control League
Scopes Trial
1925 Tennessee trial over a teacher being allowed the right to teach evolution
Second Continental Congress
meeting of delegates from colonies in 1775, they were still hoping to men relationships with GB
Seneca Falls
the first meeting regarding women's suffrage as subject began the entire movement in america
Shay's Rebellion
an armed uprising in central and western Massachusetts (mainly Springfield) from 1786 to 1787
represented problems with articles of confedration
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
1890 congressional legislation designed to break up industrial trusts such as standard oil
reformer through her writing, most notably The Jungle made many crack down on the terrible conditions of the meat packing industry
creator of laissez-fare and strong believer in a capitalistic nations
Social Darwinism
philosophy developed from Darwin's writings that stated people naturally compete and survival of fittest is true, used for many discrimination acts and prejudice
Spanish American War
war that began in 1898 and stemmed from furor in america over treatment of cubans by spanish troops that controlled island, america wins
Specie Circular
was an executive order issued by U.S. President Andrew Jackson in 1836 and carried out by President Martin Van Buren. It required payment for government land to be in gold and silver.
Spoils System
president,governor,or mayor is allowed to fill jobs with political allies and former campaign workers,Jackson began system
first man made device sent into space by soviets in 1957
Square Deal
Teddy Roosevelt's want to treat both sides equally when the coal miners strike, continued this approach when dealing with railroads
leader of soviets from 20s to late 40s and cause many problems with US but helped win WWII known for his ruthlessness
Stamp Act
to help pay for british army in NA parliament made all legal documents need stamps and put tax on these stamps
an American journalist, lecturer, and political philosopher, and one of the most famous practitioners of the journalistic style called muckraking
a prominent American abolitionist and suffragist, and a vocal advocate and organizer promoting rights for women.[1] In 1839, Stone was the first woman from Massachusetts to earn a college degree. She spoke out for women's rights and against slavery at a time when women were discouraged and prevented from public speaking. Stone was the first recorded American woman to retain her own last name after marriage.
an American politician and statesman from Massachusetts. An academic lawyer and a powerful orator, Sumner was the leader of the antislavery forces in Massachusetts and a leader of the Radical Republicans in the United States Senate during the American Civil War and Reconstruction, and the counterpart to Thaddeus Stevens in the United States House of Representatives. He jumped from party to party, gaining fame as a Republican
Taft,William Howard
president after Teddy known for his destroying of trusts and his good work as a supreme court justice
Taft-Hartley Act
aided the owners in labor disputes allowed companies to sue unions over excessive strikes
Tammany Hall
political machine that ran NYC through corruption and was the model for the way to run politics in a large city, Tweed led these years of corruption in NYC
an American teacher, author and journalist. She was known as one of the leading "muckrakers" of the progressive era, work known in modern times as "investigative journalism."
Tea Act
provided colonists with cheap tea but at the same time would force colonists to say parliament had right to tax this tea
Teapot Dome
one of the corruption stories during Harding's presidency in which his secretary of interior was taking bribes from oil companies for access to govt oil reserves in wyoming
Native American leader of the Shawnee and a large tribal confederacy that opposed the United States during Tecumseh's War and the War of 1812. He grew up in the Ohio country during the American Revolutionary War and the Northwest Indian War where he was constantly exposed to warfare.
Tet Offensive
attack launched by americans on vietcong, americans successfully got vietcong out of embassy but it was a psychological blow to americans for the vietcong had confidence that they could now beat americans
Thoreau,Henry David
an American author, poet, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, philosopher, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings,
Townshend Acts
forced colonists to pay for taxes on many of the basic goods just because they were coming from GB
Trail Of Tears
forced 20000 members of Cherokee walk all the way to oklahoma in which one in five Indians died along the trip
a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture, and philosophy that emerged in New England in the early to middle 19th century. It is sometimes called American transcendentalism to distinguish it from other uses of the word transcendental. Transcendentalism began as a protest against the general state of culture and society, and in particular, the state of intellectualism at Harvard and the doctrine of the Unitarian church taught at Harvard Divinity School.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
the peace treaty, largely dictated by the United States (U.S.)[1][2] to the interim government of a militarily occupied Mexico, that ended the Mexican-American War (1846–1848). From the standpoint of the U.S., the treaty provided for the Mexican Cession of 1.36 million km² (525,000 square miles) to the United States in exchange for US$15 million
Treaty of Versailles
treaty that ended WWI, the US never signed and it greatly diminished the importance of treaty but it also greatly hurt Germany making Germans very upset and part of reason why they were so angry in 30s
Triangle Shirtwaist Co.
fire in 1911 NYC that trapped many young women in the building, over 150 women died causing many reformers to call for a safer working place and laws on labor
Truman Doctrine
stated that america would help any nation that was democratic and was fighting to hold off communist ideas, basis of much foreign policy during the cold war
federally owned corporation in the United States created by congressional charter in May 1933 to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development in the Tennessee Valley, a region particularly affected by the Great Depression
an author that was especially influential in the late 19th century and was known for coining the term guilded age
Tweed,William Marcy
led Tammany Hall and known for running his politics through much political corruption and taking advantage of the poor and the new immigrants arriving to his city
U2 Incident
american reconnaissance aircraft shot down over the soviet union in 1960,Ike originally denied that it was a spy plane
Uncle Tom's Cabin
novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe that depicted all of the horrors of the southern slavery in great detail and it amazed many northerners how horrible the slavery system was
was an American entrepreneur who built his wealth in shipping and railroads and was the patriarch of the Vanderbilt family.
after a lengthy siege the confederate city along the Mississippi was finally taken by union forces in 1863, gave union psychological win and control of mississippi
Volstead Act
which reinforced the prohibition of alcohol in the United States, was named for Andrew Volstead, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, which oversaw its passage. However, Volstead served as the legislation's sponsor and facilitator rather than its author. It was the Anti-Saloon League's Wayne Wheeler who conceived and drafted the bill.
Wagner Act
1935 United States federal law that limits the means with which employers may react to workers in the private sector that creates labor unions, engage in collective bargaining, and take part in strikes and other forms of concerted activity in support of their demands. The Act does not, on the other hand, cover those workers who are covered by the Railway Labor Act, agricultural employees, domestic employees, supervisors, federal, state or local government workers, independent contractors and some close relatives of individual employers.
War of 1812
second war of independence between GB and US, began B/c Gb was boarding US ships in the atlantic
break in into democratic campaign headquarters was one of a series of dirty tricks carried out by individuals who were associated with Nixon and his 1972 campaign
a United States politician and member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Iowa as a member of the Greenback Party. He ran for President two times on third party tickets in the late 19th century. An opponent of the gold standard and national banks, he is most famous as the presidential nominee of the Populist Party in the 1892 election.
a leading American statesman during the nation's Antebellum Period. He first rose to regional prominence through his defense of New England shipping interests. His increasingly nationalistic views and the effectiveness with which he articulated them led Webster to become one of the most famous orators and influential Whig leaders of the Second Party System.
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
a treaty resolving several border issues between the United States and the British North American colonies, particularly a dispute over the location of the Maine–New Brunswick border. It also established the details of the border between Lake Superior and the Lake of the Woods, originally defined in the Treaty of Paris (1783); reaffirmed the location of the border (at the 49th parallel) in the westward frontier up to the Rocky Mountains, originally defined in the Treaty of 1818; called for a final end to the slave trade on the high seas, to be enforced by both signatories; and agreed on terms for shared use of the Great Lakes.
political party that came in 1834 in opposition to Jackson and his policies,party did not last long dissolved in the 50s
Whiskey Rebellion
in early 1790s many frontiersmen questioned the control that the federal govt had over them and they decided to refuse to pay their taxes, eventually troops had to put down rebellion
White,William Allen
a renowned American newspaper editor, politician, and author. Between World War I and World War II White became the iconic middle American spokesman for thousands throughout the United States.
created the cotton gin which transformed the south's economy and also made many other handy inventions for farmers to use that would gain them much profit and time
an American Protestant theologian, and the first American proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state, In 1636 , he began the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, which provided a refuge for religious minorities. Williams started the First Baptist Church in America; he soon quit it exclaiming, "God is too large to be housed under one roof."[citation needed] He was a student of Indian languages and an advocate for fair dealings with Native American
progressive president known for his academic background and his progressive ideals that led to many new liberal policies, declining health and WWI made him lose popular favor during the last few years of his presidency
obtained a royal charter, along with other wealthy Puritans, from King Charles for the Massachusetts Bay Company and led a group of English Puritans to the New World in 1630.[1] He was elected the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony the year before. Between 1639 and 1648, he was voted out of the governorship and then re-elected a total of 12 times
Worchester vs Georgia
was a case in which the United States Supreme Court held that Cherokee Native Americans were entitled to federal protection from the actions of state governments which would infringe on the tribe's sovereignty.
Wright,Frank Lloyd
an American architect, interior designer, writer and educator, who designed more than 1,000 projects, which resulted in more than 500 completed works.[1] Wright promoted organic architecture (exemplified by Fallingwater), was a leader of the Prairie School movement of architecture (exemplified by the Robie House and the Westcott House), and developed the concept of the Usonian home
Writs of Assistance
is a written order (a writ) issued by a court instructing a law enforcement official, such as a sheriff, to perform a certain task.
important role in the increasing difficulties that led to the American Revolution and the creation of the United States of America. In 1760, Great Britain began to enforce some of the provisions of the Navigation Acts by granting customs officers these writs
XYZ Affair
was a diplomatic episode that soured relations between France and the United States and led to an undeclared naval war called the Quasi War; it took place from March of 1798 to 1800
Yalta Conference
meeting between Stalin,FDR and Churchill two months before fall of Nazis, Stalin agreed to assist americans in Japan after Nazis were defeated, it was decided that Germany would be divided into three zones, one for each victor, Stalin promised to hold free elections in East Germany,FDR critics say that he gave up eastern europe to easily to Stalin
an American leader in the Latter Day Saint movement and a settler of the western United States. He was the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1847 until his death and was the founder of Salt Lake City and the first governor of Utah Territory, United States. Brigham Young University was named in his honor.
Zenger,John Peter
was a German-born American printer, publisher, editor, and journalist in New York City. He was defendant in a landmark legal case in American jurisprudence that determined that truth was a defense against charges of libel.
Zimmerman Telegraph
January 1917 telegram sent by German foreign minister to Mexico suggesting that Mexico should join the fight against US,when Germans and Mexicans were victorious they were promised most of the southwestern US,the GBs deciphered code of this telegram and turned it over to US,caused many americans feel war against germans was essential