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56 Cards in this Set

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- excreted product
- contains water, plasma solutes, endproduct of protein catabolism, & ribonucleic acid catabolism
urine volume value
1-2 liters/day
urine color
yellow to amber
urine pH value
4.6 to 8.0
urine specific gravity value
1.000 - 1.035
urine turbidity
kidney structure
- bean shaped organ
- in the back of the abdominal cavity
- lateral to vertebral column
how many layers does the kidney have?
3 layers
inner layer of the kidney
inner = fibrous renal capsule
middle layer of the kidney
- middle = adipose capsule
- composed of fatty cushions
outer layer of the kidney
outer = renal fascia
- indentation on middle side of the kidney
entry point of hilus is for the
- renal artery
- branch of the abdominal aorta
exit point of hilus is for the
- renal vein
- branch of the inferior vena cava
carries urine from the kidney to the bladder
stores urine
carries urine from the bladder to the exterior of the body
inner kidney region
renal medulla
middle kidney region
renal sinus
outter kidney region
renal cortex
renal medulla
- inner kidney region
- has 5-18 pyramid lobes separated by renal columns
- papillae
pyramid lobes are separated by
renal columns
renal columns are
projections of the cortex
papillae are
- tips of the pyramid lobes
- project into the kidney center
renal sinus
- hollow space in the kidney
- contains blood vessels & nerves
- renal pelvis
- opens to the ureter
- renal calices
renal pelvis
- funnel-shapped
- forms urine passages
renal calices
passages that drain urine to the pelvis
renal cortex
outer kidney region
minor calyx
papilla that projects into small tubes
major calyx
several joined minor calices
renal pelvis
formed by several calices
renal artery passes into
hilus branches into
5 segmental arteries
segemental arteries branch into
2-3 lobar arteries
within renal columns each lobar arteries branch form
several interlobar arteries
interlobar arteries
- surround lobes on all sides
- reach junction of medulla & cortex
arcuate arteries
-branches of interlobular arteries
- arteries that bend at right angles over the base of pyramid lobes
- junction of medulla & cortex
all blood enters and exits through the
venous drainage passes into
- interlobar veins into arcuate veins into interlobular veins into renal vein
location of renal vein
- anterior to renal artery
location of both blood vessels
anterior to renal pelvis
arcuate arteries
-branches of interlobular arteries
- arteries that bend at right angles over the base of pyramid lobes
- junction of medulla & cortex
all blood enters and exits through the
venous drainage passes into
- interlobar veins into arcuate veins into interlobular veins into renal vein
location of renal vein
- anterior to renal artery
location of both blood vessels
anterior to renal pelvis
renal plexus
- branch of celiac ganglion
- controls arteriole diameter
- has effect on rate of urine production
- basic unit of kidney
- renal tubules
- role = filter plasma, modify solute reaborption & secretion
coritcal glomerulus
tuft of capillaries served by afferent arteriole
bowman's capsule
- encloses glomerulus
- 1st segment of nephrons
renal corpuscle
- glomerulus & capsule
proximal convoluted tubule
connects to loop of Henle
loop of Henle
- connects proximal tubule to distal tubule
- hairpin-like structure
- thin descending limb
- thick ascending limb
juxtamedullary nephrons
pass deep into medulla
distal convolute tubule
curls and connects to glomerule at juxtaglomerula apparatus
distal tubule joins
collecting tubules that go into papillae