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58 Cards in this Set

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a political partys statement of its goals and politics for the next four years is called a

party platform

a _____ is a partys official selection of a candidate to run office


approximately ___ of eligable voters cast ballots in presidential primaries


Contributions of up to $250 matched from the presidential election campaign fund to qualifying presidential nominees are called

matching funds

critics of primaries and caucauses contend that the presidential kingmakers are now


critics of the primary and cacus system point to the fact that

participants for primaries in caucauses dont go at large

defneders of PACs point out that they

support those who agree with them in the 1st place

donating 200,000 to a political party to help its presidential nominee in somewhat indirect ways is


following the democratic national convention in chicago in 1968, the party chose to


for a candidate, the most important and desirable result of the early nomination contests is

doing better than expected thus winning an image as the partys frontrunner and holder of momentum

frontloading refers to

recent tendancy of states to hold primaries early to capitalize on media attention

historically, the presidential primary season begins

winter in new hampshire

in buckley v. valeo, the supreme court

struck down part of the fec act that restricted amount individuals could contribute

in most advanced industrialized countries, election campaigns are

last no more than 2 months by law or custom

in most cucus states, about ___ of the registered voters typically show up for party presidential caucauses


most people pay little attention to campaigns,

have collective perception about events

most political coverage by the media during a presidential campaign

deals with campaign game

national party leaders who automatically get a delegate slot at the democratic national party convention are called

super delegates

network tv news coverage of national party has

dramatically increased

one of the provisions of the mccain feingold act of 2002 was to

raise individual campaign contributions from 1,000 to 2,000

precint level presidential caucuses

choose delegates to county caucuses where delegates to state convention chooses national convention delegates

presidential nominating conventions have not required more than one ballot to choose the partys official nominee since 1952, largely due to

the changes in federal law requiring parties to have their nominations virtually assured by the time the conventions began

providing select information and a request for money to lists of people who have supported candidates of similar views in the past is a frequently used political technique known as

direct mail

research on political campaigns suggests that they

reinforce preferences and active voters

runnign for the republican presidential nomination in 1980,, george bush, announced in the ealy going that he had the big mo, a reference to the fact that

big momentum

soft money is

money raised for generic party advertising and voter drives

the administration of the campaign finance laws and the enfourcement of compliance with theur requirements is handled by the

fec- federal election comission

the appearance and increase in ___ was an unintended resulted of an amendment in 1979 to the original campaign reform act, which allows parties to raise and spend money on voter registation and other campaign materials without limits o spending or the size of contributions that they can accept.

soft money

the federal election capaign act

disclosure where money is from

the final major event of each party's national convention during the last hour or so on the fourth and final night is the

acception speech by president

the funds allocated to public financing of presidential campaigns based on incom tax check offs have

decreased substansially

the mcgovern fraser comission was set up to reformm

rules for selecting delegates to the democratic national convention

the member of a presidential campaign who deals with federal regulation of campaign financing and compliance with all campaign laws is the

campaign council

the member of a presidential campaign who helps reporters make their deadlines with stories that the campaign would like to see reported is the

press secretary

The national party convention is

A party held every 4 years for each party

The New Hampshire primary is important because

It's the first primary

The notion that candidates need to raise and spend enough money to compete but that is not always necessary to outspend an opponent is called

Doctrine of sufdiency

The notion that candidates need to raise and spend enough money to compete but that is not always necessary to outspend an opponent is called

Doctrine of sufdiency

The presidential election campaign fund

Money from the $3 federal income tax which is then distributed to qualified candidates

The state that has disproportionate power in the election because it holds the first presidential primary election

New Hampshire

The purpose of the campaign strategy is to _______ to achieve nomination

Manipulate money, media and momentum

Which did the federal election campaign NOT do

C) provide public financing of House and Senate races

Example of 527 group


Which of the following is not a concern of about modern campaigns and elections

Can't find

NOT an example of 527 group

Can't find

Which of the following is permissible under current campaign finance regulations

e. Mitt Romney's spending of $44 million out of his own pocket in pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination in 2008

Which of the following presidential races was an exception to the rule that media covers strategy more then issues?

Major events in the country (war etc.)

Which of he following was the impetus being congress limiting individual contributions to presidential and congressional candidates to $1000

The discovery that some individuals had contributed $1 million to the 1972 Nixon campaign

Which is NOT one of the provisions under the McCain Feingold act

The subjecting of 527 groups to contribution restrictions

The specific goal of the presidential nomination game is to

Win majority of delegate votes to win party nomination

The way in which candidates try to Manipulate money, media and momentum to achieve the nomination is through

Campaign strategy

Thomas's pattersons argument that " today's president campaign is essentially a mass media campaign" suggests that

Voters have very little reality of the campaign apart from what they apart from what they here and see from the media campaign

To secure votes from each region and state of the state of the country, presidential candidates

No answer

Today majority of the delegates of the national convention are selected through

Presidential primaries

Today state presidential caucuses are

Open to all registered party voters or claim party allegiance in those states with no party registrations

Today's campaigns promote _____ in American politics


Voters In presidential primaries and caucuses tend to be

Older and more affluent then the us population as a whole

Mandate of the McGovern Fraser commission

To make Democratic Party convention More representive