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34 Cards in this Set

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Quota System

(Restructuring the System)

Affirmative action programs to bring more women into political leadership by setting up quotas of women in party leadership and in candidates for office.

White Girls Being Arrested = 74%

Black Girls Being Arrested = 106%


Masculine and Feminine


Male and Female

Dorothy Stetson

Observed that there have been 3 major periods of marriage and family law in US history. The first being the doctrine of coverture which defined marriage as a unity in which husband and wife became one, and that "one" was the husband. The second period was the Married Women's Property Laws, which allowed women the right to own property and to control their own earnings. The third doctrine identified marriage as a shared partnership in which spouses would have equal and overlapping responsibilities for economic, household, and child-care tasks.


Welfare state capitalism - economic and political system which seeks to maintain a free-market economy by providing some relief from the problems associated with it such as poverty and unemployment, by developing policies that provide programs such as Food Stamps and unemployment benefits.


Typically women who are widowed because men die earlier than men and because women tend to marry older men.

Who is more likely to take care of the children?

Mother's of Color

Motherhood Mystique

ideology about motherhood that idealizes mothering and ignores the problems real mothers face in raising children

Barbara Reskin: Research on Single Parents (2013)

Discovered that doing can become being. She surveyed four kinds of parent: single mothers, single fathers, two parent households where only the father was in the paid labor force, and two paycheck families. She measured variation in parenting by looking at three factors: time spent in housework, parent-child intimacy, and overt affection. She found that single fathers, single mothers, and housewives spent more time than married fathers or married employed mothers housework. Single fathers didn't hire anyone to do the work for them and often had to take on the responsibility for these household tasks.

Judith Gerson (244)

Interviewed men about this no-mans lands, she found that they fell into 3 categories: one group representing a "stalled revolution" seeking to maintain their breadwinning role, another group representing "the rebels", who prioritized breadwinning but felt they needed to serape themselves from family rather than to translate their workplace activities into into relationships of authority with their wife and children and the third group of men tried to integrate paid work and family, especially raising children, and became "involved fathers".

Grandparents in Childcare

Very common for them to take care of the children (Can be considered an "another mother")

religious divorce


dominator model and partnership model

eislers theory that 2 major forms of spirituality and social organization have marked human history: the dominator model in which religions and society are centered on men and women are subordinated in both the spiritual and material worlds; and the partnership model which predated the dominator model and was based on gender equality, and a reverence for the special life-giving abilities of women's bodies through reproduction, birth, and breastfeeding.

domestic violence: who does it, perpetrator, victim?

"problem that had no name". Typically done by husbands or boyfriends and is perpetrated by the wife who is also the victim.

What is the Female Fear?

Rape (typically by black men)


a movement to end street harassment (sexual harassment in public spaces) that asks victims of harassment to document and share incidents of street harassment on the web. Street harassment is a way to exercise control over people (women, LGTBQ folks, working class people, differently sized people, and other subordinated groups). On their website they write, "By holla'ing back you are transforming an experience that is lonely and isolating into one that is sharable. You change the power dynamic by flipping the lens off of you and onto the harasser. And you enter a worldwide community of people

Cut Talk

aggression and threat are sexualized as well. High-status boys in grade school and high school maintain their position in the male peer group through heterosexist and misogynist banter or highly competitive "cut talk".

Why are men against women on combat?

1. Because they are discriminated against in the armed forces. There is easier physical training standards for women.

2. Some say that women take advantage of pregnancy to limit their physical training or labor.

3. some said that women get away with more than men do and that quotas exist that result in undeserved promotions for women.


rape has been prosecuted in Rwanda. in 1998 the Rwanda tribunal found former mayor Jean-Paul Akayesu guilty of nine counts of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Women are now demanding that they be fully involved in all international efforts to hold armies and security forces accountable for sexual terrorism, as well as in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security.

Don't Ask Don't Tell

armed services policy repealed in the United States in 2010 in which gay men and lesbians could not be asked about their sexuality but could still be dismissed from service for engaging in a homosexual act or openly discussing their sexuality, and they could not live with or marry a life partner

Why are there so many men in prison?

the differences between women and men in the rates of criminal activities and imprisonment are remarkable. Four theoretical explanations are the masculinity theory, opportunity theory, economic marginalization theory, and chivalry theory.

"The state" know the definition by the book

broad political complex that organizes and wields power in a society. The word "state" is used to describe the fifty political and geographic units that make up the country.

masculinity theory

asserts that criminal activity is associated with characteristics of masculinity, such as being aggressive, pushy, hard-headed, and violent. These behaviors are part of being a man in society, and as a result they make men more prone to committing crimes.

opportunity theory

asserts that property crimes are a result of being in the right place at the right time and that to commit a crime, a person must have certain skills. This theory asserts that men have had greater opportunities to commit crimes because they have been in workplaces where they could steal from their employers for example.

economic marginalization theory

this theory claims that at least some crime results when people are responsible for supporting themselves and their families but don't have the opportunities to obtain jobs that allow them to do so. Men are more likely to be the breadwinners but when they are able to support their families it leads them to commit illegal acts so that they can support their families.

chivalry theory

argued that women may come as many crimes as men but are treated more leniently and therefore not arrested and not punished.

who voted and what groups, gender etc.

typically white male property owners

gender gap in voting

refers to the difference between women and men in their choice of candidates and in their opinions on political issues.


(Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women)

United Nations agreement that defines discrimination against women and outlines national actions to end that discrimination. CEDAW is ratified in 189 of 196 countries. The countries who have not yet ratified this agreement include the: US, Iran, Palau, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Tonga.


North American Free Trade Agreement

an agreement open up trade between the United States, Canada, and New Mexico, making it more profitable and efficient.


Women in Development

Model for understanding the global economy and creating policies to alleviate the economic difficulties for the world and eliminate the gender gap.

Emily's List

Emily = Early Money Is Like Yeast. Founded in the United States in 1985 by Ellen Malcom, Emily is fund-raising and political training organization that has helped funded successful campaigns for 53 members of Congress, 4 governors, and 11 senators.


Japanese version of Emily's list. Raised money for women candidates in Japan who supported issues such as child care, health care, and environmental protection.