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95 Cards in this Set

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What are the conditions of the Learner's licence (Class 7)?
1. Hold a learner's licence for one year.
2. Be accompanied by a fully licenced driver who is at least 18 yrs. old and seated next to learner.
3. No driving between midnight and 5 am.
4. No more passengers than seat belts.
5. Licence suspended at 8 demerit points.
6. Zero alcohol level.
What are the conditions of a stage two probationary licence (Class 5)?
1. Held for minimum two years.
2. No more passengers than seat belts.
3. Licence suspended at 8 demerit points.
4. Zero alcohol level.
5. No upgrading to commercial licence.
6. Cannot accompany a learner.
Non-probationary (Class 5) fully licenced driver must?
1. Remain suspension free for the last year.
2. Pass an advanced road test.
Do parents or guardians have to give permission for a Class 7 or Class 5 licence if you are under 18?
Yes, and they can withdraw the consent at any time.
Parental consent is not required if you can prove you are married or self-supporting.
Unless otherwise posted, what is the maximum speed limit for a primary highway located outside an urban area?
100 km/h.
Unless otherwise posted, what is the maximum speed limit for a non-primary highway outside an urban area?
80 km/h.
Unless otherwise posted, what is the maximum speed limit for a highway that is located within an urban area?
50 km/h.
How fast are vehicles travelling when they have a sign indicating slow moving vehicles?
Less than 40 km/h.
What is the speed for both rural and urban school zones and during what times (unless otherwise posted)?
30 km/h from:
8 am to 9:30 am
11:30 am to 1:30 pm
3 pm to 4:30 pm.
What are the playground zone rules?
Maximum 30 km/h from 8:30 am to one hour after sunset.
You may not pass a car going the same direction during these times.
Are you allowed to turn right on a red light?
Yes, (unless otherwise permitted or directed) but only after coming to a full stop.
Can you turn left onto a one way from a one way street?
Yes, but only after coming to a full stop unless prohibited by a sign.
What is an indication that a light is about to turn from green to yellow?
The presence of a pedestrian signal light changing from "walk" to "don't walk".
What does a steady green arrow mean?
Proceed only in the direction indicated by the arrow.
What does a flashing red light mean?
Stop completely and then proceed when safe to do so- treat like a stop sign.
What does a flashing amber light mean?
Proceed with caution after yielding to pedestrians and other vehicles within the intersection.
If together with a school or playground zone sign, reduce speed to no more than 30 km/h.
What does a flashing green light mean?
Proceed straight through, turn left, or turn right- opposing traffic faces a red light.
What does an X mean when it is over a driving lane?
The lane will be used by oncoming traffic so you must not enter or remain in the lane.
What does a yellow line mean?
Separates traffic travelling in the opposite direction.
What does a white line mean?
Separates traffic travelling in the same direction or the shoulder portion of the roadway.
Broken yellow or white lines mean?
Lane changing is permitted.
Solid lines mean?
Passing is not permitted if it is on your side of the roadway.
What is a two way left turn lane?
A lane in the centre of the road that is reserved for the left turn traffic travelling in either direction.
A diamond marking on the road means?
The lane is reserved for specific vehicles (e.g., taxis and buses).
An X marked on a roadway means?
An approach to a railway crossing.
What is the proper position for the car head restraint?
The centre of the restraint should be level with the top of your ears.
Before entering your vehicle you should?
Walk around your vehicle to check for:
1. Children
2. Pedestrians
3. Oncoming traffic
4. Other obstructions
When you are ready to drive away you should?
Check your path again to be sure that it's clear.
Check your mirrors, and shoulder check
What is the correct position of your hands on the wheel?
Left: 9 or 10 o'clock.

Right: 2 or 3 o'clock.
When turning the steering wheel you should?
Use a hand over hand method then let the steering wheel slide back through your hands.
What is perception time?
How long it takes your brain to recognize a situation and understand that you need to stop- approximately 3/4 of a second.
What is reaction time?
The time it takes you to physically react to a danger by moving your foot to the gas or brake pedal- approximately 3/4 of a second.
What is braking time?
How long it takes a vehicle to stop from the time the brake is first applied until the vehicle stops.
What is total stopping distance?
The sum of perception distance, reaction distance, and braking distance.
It depends on the condition of the roadway, your alertness, your vehicle, the speed, brakes, tires etc.
What is the threshold braking technique?
Use when you are required to brake quickly.
Brake almost to the point of locking the wheels.
If the wheels lock, ease up slightly.
How do you back-up in a straight line?
Place your left hand at the top of the wheel.
Look over your right shoulder through the rear view window.
Make quick glances ahead to make sure the front of the car doesn't hit anything.
Turn wheel in the way you want car to go.
How do you back-up to the right or left?
Left- look over left shoulder.
Right- look over right shoulder.
What must you never back up into ?
An intersection or a crosswalk.
Which way must you turn your wheels when parking uphill without a curb?
Turn the front wheels towards the right.
How do you park when facing downhill?
Turn front wheels to the right (with and without curb).
Where are you not allowed to park a vehicle?
1. On a sidewalk or boulevard.
2. On a crosswalk.
3.In an intersection.
4. Within 1.5 meters of an access to a garage, private roadway or driveway.
5. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction.
6. On a bridge, underpass or their approaches.
7. Within 5 meters of stop or yield sign, hydrant, marked crosswalk.
8. Where prohibited.
9. Beside double parked vehicles.
Who goes first at a four way stop?
All drivers come to a full stop.
Courtesy is to let the driver who gets there first go first.
If two vehicles arrive at the same time, vehicle on the right goes first.
These intersections are called "courtesy corners".
How does a traffic circle work?
The vehicle on the right must yield to the vehicle on the left.
The driver on the left must activate the right signal and use caution when leaving the circle.
Traffic entering the circle must yield to traffic already in the circle.
Enter the right hand lane if you intend to leave at the first exit.
Enter left lane if you are proceeding to the second exit or beyond.
What happens at an uncontrolled intersection?
If there are no traffic signs or signals, slow down and prepare to stop.
Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your right.
What steps should you take when you want to change lanes?
1. Check for traffic.
2. Shoulder check.
3. Signal.
4. When safe, move into the proper lane.
How far ahead of a corner should you be in the proper turning lane?
15 meters.
When turning right, what should you remember?
Yield right of way to pedestrians.
Check over your right shoulder for cyclists who may have moved up on the right side .
If a vehicle is parked immediately around the corner, turn into the first available lane to the left.
When turning left, what should you remember?
They are the leading cause of crashes.
If you must stop in the intersection, stay close to the right of the centre line with your wheels pointing straight ahead.
U-turns are not permitted in urban areas in which situations?
1. On a roadway between intersections.
2. Where a sign prohibits it.
3. At an intersection with traffic lights.
4. At an alley intersection.
What is a parking lane?
That portion of a primary highway between the edge of the roadway to the right of the direction of traffic and the nearest solid white line.
It is used for emergency parking only.
List the steps used to merge safely.
1. Check traffic flow.
2. Signal left.
3. Choose entry space.
4. Accelerate to speed of the highway traffic.
5. Keep checking the gap until you merge into traffic.
6. Turn off signal.
What is a weave zone?
Where the entrance and exit to a highway are close together- the area where the cars cross.
What should you do when entering a curve?
Slow down and stay in your lane.
Accelerate slightly after entering the curve.
Do not pass other vehicles.
On a left-hand curve, to avoid skidding off the road, steer slight towards the centre of the road.
On a right-hand curve, steer slightly towards the right side of the road.
Where should your car be when nearing the top of a hill?
Stay to the right hand side in case an oncoming car crosses the centre line.
What should be done in case of a mechanical breakdown on a highway?
1. Change lanes safely to move off the road.
2. Try to get to the nearest exit.
3. Turn on the hazards lights and raise the hood.
4. All occupants should leave the car and move to a safe location.
-don't stop on a bridge or underpass.
What must be done if you get a flat tire while driving?
1. Take your foot off the gas and let the engine slow down.
2. Hold the steering wheel firmly.
3. When the vehicle has slowed, apply gentle pressure to breaks.
4. Look for a safe place to move off the road.
What should you do if your headlights don't work?
Turn them off and on.
Use hazard lights if they still don't work.
What is a braking skid?
When you apply brakes too hard, causing the wheels to lock and a loss of control.
To gain control, ease off the brake until the tires start to spin again.
Make steering corrections as
What is a power skid?
When you accelerate too hard causing the tires to spin.
Correct by easing off the gas and make steering corrections.
What is a cornering skid?
When a turn is made too fast, causing the vehicle to slide sideways.
Correct by easing up on the gas pedal and steer in the direction you want the vehicle to move.
When should you use low beams?
1. 150 m behind another vehicle.
2. 300 m in front of an oncoming vehicle.
3. During poor weather conditions including rain, snow, smoke and fog.
Where should you look when an oncoming vehicle's lights are shining in your eyes?
Look somewhat down and to the right edge of your driving lane.
What does "overdriving" your headlights mean?
Driving at a speed that does not let you see an object in time to stop.
What must you do if you are involved in a collision?
Remain at the scene!!
You must file a police report if:
1. People are hurt.
2. Someone is killed.
3. Total damage exceeds $1000.
4. You knock down or damage any traffic sign or parking meter, or damage any public property.
What is the speed limit if passing a stopped emergency vehicle with its lights on?
60 km/h or as posted.
Speed fines will double.
What should you do when an emergency vehicle is approaching?
Pull over to the right side of road, slow down, stop if necessary.
When are speeding fines doubled in construction sites?
When workers are present.
What is the "two second" rule?
It is used to make sure that you are not following too closely behind a vehicle.
Calculated by watching when the back of the vehicle ahead of you passes a fixed object. Count to two. If you pass the same object before you are finished counting, you are following too closely.
Why should you show extra caution when sharing the road with motorcyles?
They stop quickly.
They are harder to see.
Why should you be cautious when sharing the road with larger vehicles?
When they release their brakes, they could roll back so you should leave more space behind them.
They spray debris behind them.
They can't always see when backing up.
What is hydroplaning?
When a thin layer of water builds up between your tires and the road surface causing the vehicle to skid.
What is black ice?
When moisture freezes on the road surface- usually drivers can't see it- it looks shiny and black.
What do you do if you see a school bus stopped on a non-divided highway?
If alternating amber lights- pass with extreme caution.
If alternating red lights- do not pass, stop 20 m behind or 20 m in front (depending which way you are traveling).
What do you do if you see a school bus stopped on a divided highway?
Drivers on the opposing side can proceed with caution.
Drivers on same side of highway, stop 20 m behind.
How many demerit points are deducted from a Graduated Driver's Licence?
Same as for a fully licenced driver except 2 points for:
- Driving between midnight and 5 am (Class 7 only).
- Having more passengers than seatbelts.
- Supervisor is not fully qualified (i.e., Acting as a supervisor to an individual with a Class 7 Licence).
Lane use designation.
Permissive message (i.e., allows you to do something).
Prohibitive message (i.e., indicates that you cannot do something).
Regulatory message.
Roadside facility.
School area.
Roadside facility.
Construction Zone.
One way.
Railway crossing.
School crosswalk.
Which way do you turn your wheels when parking uphill with a curb?
Turn wheels toward the left and then let the car roll back until the right front tire touches the curb.
Two way traffic.
Divider ahead.
Where should you look when trying to avoid a collision with an animal?
Look ahead and scan the side of the road for animals.
What must you do when an emergency vehicle approaches you from any direction and is sounding its siren?
1. Immediately move clear of any intersection.
2. Drive as close as possible to the curb or edge of roadway.
3. Stop until the emergency vehicle has passed.
How far away should you follow an emergency vehicle that has its lights and siren operating?
150 m.