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46 Cards in this Set

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occurs when a fertilized seed is exposed to favorable growth conditions


Absorption of water


Stems usually cut in the fall


What type of cutting includes the terminal bud

Stem tip

What type of cutting is done around the leaf and axial bud


What type of cutting involved cutting up leaves into parts, each of which has a vein

Leaf section

What type of cutting is a type of stem cutting that takes one node in the center of the cutting

Single eye

What is true of root cuttings

The cuttings should be made during dormant season

What type of layering involves girdling the stem with cuts

Air layering

What type of layering involves joining plants together


What is true regarding the use of tissue culture for propagation

The plant tissue should be kept out of direct sunlight

What is an advantage of the sexual propagation of plants

It is inexpensive

What refers to cutting the seed coat to help water penetrate


What type of stem is cut in any season


What type of cutting is made just above a node on both ends

Stem section

What type of cutting involves a stem cutting with one or two nodes


What type of cutting includes the stem that attaches the leaf to the stalk

Leaf petiole

What type of cutting slits the veins on the bottom of leaves and places the leaf split side down in the rooting medium

Split vein

What is true of root cuttings

The plants should be two to three years old

What type of layering involves placing a tip, still attached to the parent plant, into the medium

Tip layering

What type of layering splits the main part of the plant into smaller parts


What is true regarding the use of tissue culture for propagation

It is efficient and economical

What is true regarding the use of tissue culture for propagation

It should be done with actively growing plants

What is true regarding the use of tissue culture for propagation

It can produce large amounts of disease free plants

The process of increasing the number of a species


What does a seed consist of

Seed coat, endosperm, and embryo

A type of stem cutting used where stock material is limited and has alternate leaves

Single eye cutting

A cutting that is usually made from a large leaf plant with the veins split

Split vein cutting

Method of joining two parts of two different plants


Most common type of grafting

T budding

What May tissue culture be used for


What can contaminate tissue culture

Air hands tools

How long does the first stage of cloning African violets take

6-8 weeks

Covering to make a very inexpensive hood for tissue culturing


What propagation uses a part or parts of one parent plant


What supplies food to the young seedling until it is able to make its own


What might contain fungicide and is used to help plants produce roots more quickly

Rooting hormone

What cuttings are normally made of a section containing one or two nodes


What is tissue culture also known as


A major aspect of tissue culture is that the area to be worked in must be

Sterile and aseptic

A clone is almost like the parents


The embryo is actually a young plant


All seeds need light to germinate


An advantage of tissue culture is that only one plant can be made from a disease free plant


Double eye cuttings are often used when plants have opposite leaves


Herbaceous plants are propagated by cuttings
