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69 Cards in this Set

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How much does the body's total energy expenditure increase during high-intensity exercise?

15 - 25 time above expenditure at rest

What are the two major adjustment in blood flow that must occur to meet increased demands of muscle during exercise?

1. An increase in cardiac output

2. A redistribution of blood from inactive organs to the active skeletal muscle

Cardiac Output

HR X SV (Heart rate x Stroke Volume)

Regulation of heart rate is controlled intrinsically by....

SA node (Sinoatrial node), located in the posterior wall of the right atrium

Regulation of heart rate is controlled extrinsically by...

nervous and hormonal systems

What is the AV (atrioventricular) node?

A small knot of tissue located in the floor of the right atrium gives off many branches that facilitate ventricular contraction.

Describe the vagus nerves' contribution to heart rate

Vagus nerves are parasympathetic fibers that make contact with both the SA and AV nodes. Upon simulation they release acetylcholine which causes a decrease in the activity of both the SA and AV nodes, reducing heart rate.

Chronotropic response

Heart beats faster

Inotropic response

Increased force of heart contractility

Cardiac Accelerator nerves

Sympathetic fibers that innervate the SA node and ventricles


Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

Frank-Starling mechanism

The mechanism by which an increased amount of blood in the ventricle places a stretch on the cardiac muscle fibers, thereby causing a stronger ventricular contraction to increase the amount of blood ejected.


Local control of blood distribution (through vasodilation) in response to a tissue's changing metabolic needs.

Cardiac Output

The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute; usually expressed in liters of blood per minute.

Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)

The pressure exerted by the blood on the vessel walls during ventricular contraction

Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP)

The pressure in the arteries during the relaxation phase (diastole) of the cardiac cycle; indicative of total peripheral resistance.


The period of filling of the heart between contractions; resting phase of the heart.

Why is SBP affected more than DBP during exercise? (3 responses)

1. Increased heart contractility and stroke volume increase the force with which blood leaves the heart.

2. Muscle action requires greater force or pressure to deliver blood into the exercising muscles.

3. Vasodilation within the exercising muscles allows more blood to drain from the arteries through the arterioles and into the muscle capillaries, thus minimizing changes in diastolic pressure.

What percentage of total cardiac output is directed toward skeletal muscle at rest? during maximal exercise?

Rest: 15 - 20%

Maximal Exercise: 80 - 85%

What contributes to decrease in blood volume during early stages of exercise? (3 answers)

1. Increased hydrostatic pressure from muscle contraction (squeezes fluid out of bloodstream)

2. Increase in osmotic pressure in the interstitial fluid space around muscles cells (due to accumulation of metabolites)

3. Loss of sweat

What changes take place to conserve blood volume? (3 answers)

1. Progressive increase in heart rate to maintain cardiac output and offset reduced SV

2. Vasoconstriction in non-exercising regions to increase blood pressure

3. Release of vasopressin (antidiuretic) and aldosterone... reduce water and sodium loss

"The pump" weighlifters feel

Transient hypertrophy - edema in the interstitial and intracellular spaces of the muscle resulting in a feeling of fullness in the muscle.

What contributes to venous return during maximal exercise?

Muscle pump: contraction of muscles compress veins forcing blood in them toward the heart.

Minute ventilation (V(dot)E)

A measure of the amount of air that passes through the lungs in one minute; calculated as the tidal volume multipled by the ventilatory rate.

Part of the brain that controls respiration

Medulla oblongata

Humoral receptors role in ventilation

Changes in chemicals in the blood trigger changes in ventilation. (Eg: carbon dioxide, hydrogen and potassium increases in blood trigger increase in ventilation, as does a decrease of oxygen in the blood)

Neural influences in ventilation

Feedback from peripheral receptors such as muscles spindles, Golgi Tendon Organs (GTOs), or joint pressure receptors can trigger a ventilation response. Also, mechanoreceptors in the right ventricle of the heart may also send signals to the respiratory control center.

Ventilatory threshold (VT)

Point of transition between predominately aerobic energy production to anaerobic energy production; involves recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers and identified via gas exchange during exercise testing.

What is the average breathing rate at rest? during strenuous exercise?

Rest: 12 - 15 breaths per minute

Exercise: 35 - 45 breaths per minute

What is typical tidal volume at rest? during strenuous exercise?

Rest: 0.4 - 1.0L

Exercise: up to 3.0L or greater

VT1: First ventilatory threshold occurs when?

Approximately the first time that lactate begins to accumulate in the blood. Caused by the need to blow off the extra carbon dioxide.

VT2: Second ventilatory threshold occurs when?

Occurs at the point where lactate is rapidly increasing with intensity. Probably represents the point at which blowing off carbon dioxide is no longer adequate to buffer the increase in acid that is occurring with increased exercise intensity.

Primary hormone released by the adrenal medulla


Responses to epinephrine (and norepinephrine)

1. strength of cardiac contraction increases

2. vasoconstriction in non-exercising muscles

3. vasodilation of heart and active skeletal muscles

4. (NOT nor-e) dilation of respiratory passages, reduces digestive activity, reduces bladder emptying

5. affects CNS by promoting state of arousal

6. affects blood glucose concentration


production of glucose from non-sugar substances


release of glycogen from liver and skeletal muscles


breakdown of triglycerides in adipose tissue to free fatty acids (FFA) for use as fuel

How much can glucose uptake by skeletal muscles increase during exercise?

7 - 20 times that during rest


hormone released from the pancreas that stimulates and almost instantaneous release of glucose from the liver - low blood glucose levels stimulate its release


steroid released from the adrenal cortex; plays many roles; stimulates FFA mobilization from adipose tissue, mobilizes gluconeogenesis in liver, decreases rate of glucose utilization by cells; slow acting; may play a role in tissue recovery and repair; prolonged elevations linked with many negatives, including abdominal obesity.

growth hormone

released from anterior pituitary gland; plays a major role in protein synthesis; support role of cortisol

only macronutrient whose stored energy generates ATP anaerobically


Epinephrine levels generally increase at exercise intensities above what VO2 max level?


During exercise, glucose stored in non-exercising muscles can be delivered indirectly to the exercising muscles by what?

glucose-alanine pathway: glucose is partially metabolized to pyruvate, to which an amino group is added to manufacture alanine (amino acid). Alanine travels to the liver where the amino group is removedand the pyruvates are reconstitued back to glucose, which are then released into circulation to the exercising muscle

Cori cycle

the cycle of lactate to glucose between the muscle and the liver

Which type of muscle fiber produces more force?

Fast-twitch muscle fibers product 10 - 20% more force than slow twitch (due to more myosin cross-bridges per cross-sectional area)

Which type of muscle fiber has a faster shortening speed?

Fast-twitch; contain more myosin ATPase (enzyme required for the breakdown of ATP)

Which type of muscle fiber has higher efficiency (requires less energy to perform a given amount of work)?

Slow-twitch: due to higher concentration of myoglobin, larger number of capillaries, and higher mitochondrial enzymes

Decline in muscular performance associated with a reduction in the body's glycogen reserves

muscle fatigue

How much can metabolism rise during intense aerobic exercise by elite athletes?

20 - 25 times above resting levels

What is the body temperature above which protein structure of enzymes may be destroyed, resulting in cellular death?


What is the body temperature at which the metabolism is slowed and cardiac function may be abnormal?


What is the body's primary means of losing heat during exercise?


What are the four mechanisms the body uses to give off heat?

1. radiation

2. convection

3. conduction

4. evaporation

Chronic Adaptions to Exercise: Blood Volume

Increases: plasma volume primarily. RBC can increase, but ratio of RBC to plasma still reduced

Chronic Adaptions to Exercise: Blood Viscocity

Reduced due to increased plasma, and higher plasma to RBC ratio. This enhances oxygen delivery to active skeletal muscles because blood flows more easily

Chronic Adaptions: Heart Size

Increased - increased left ventricular cavity (to hold increase blood volume), and increase thickness of left ventricular walls

arterial-mixed venous oxygen difference

the difference in oxygen content between arterial and mixed venous blood, which reflects the amount of oxygen removed by the whole body

Fick equation

The rate at which oxygen is consumed = cardiac output x arterial-mixed venous oxygen difference

Chronic Adaptions: Heart Rate

Resting and submaximal heart rate decrease - thought to be result of increase parasympathetic activity

Chronic Adaptions: oxygen extraction (arterial-mixed venous oxygen difference)


Chronic Adaptions: Blood Flow to Active Muscles

Enhanced: 1. increase capillarization of trained muscles 2. greater recruitment of existing capillaries 3. more effective blood flow distribution from inactive areas 4. increased blood volume

Chronic Adaptions: Blood Pressure

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures tend to be lowered in borderline or moderately hypertensive individuals who exercise regularly

Chronic Adaptions: Mitochondria

Increase in quantity and size - improve the muscles ability to produce ATP, then thus the ability to use oxygen

Chronic Adaptions: Oxidative Enzymes

Activity increased; as a consequence there is a slower rate of muscle glycogen utilization and an enhanced reliance on fat as fuel at any given exercise intensity. (May results in ability to maintain a higher intensity throughout duration of workout.)

Motor unit recruitment and synchronizations change with regular resistance training

Motor units may act more synchronously (recruited together) enhancing contraction and increasing muscles ability to create force. Increased strength without muscle hypertrophy.

Rate coding (muscles)

The process by which the force production of a given motor unit varies from that of a twitch (single electrical stimulation) to that of tetnus (peak force product of the motor unit produced by summation of multiple twitches), by increasing the frequency of stimulation of the motor unit.

Rate coding change with resistance training

Rate coding may increase, which would result in an increase in the frequency of discharge of the motor units to allow a faster time to peak force production for the trained muscle.

General hormonal changes with regular endurance training

Hormonal response declines with regular training; increased efficiency due to improved sensitivity and/or responsiveness to hormone.