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370 Cards in this Set

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The Animal Welfare Act is administered by what agency?

USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service

What regulations apply to nonclinical studies conducted to collect data for submission to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs)

What committee oversees the institution's animal research programs?

Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)

What agency is responsible for enforcing the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PHS Policy)

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)

True or False: Mice bred for research are not covered by the Animal Welfare Act


The field of laboratory animal science has existed as a recognized specialty since what period of time

The late 1940's

In 1950, Dr. Nathan Brewer and other veterinarians formed what organization

Animal Care Panel (Now American Association for Laboratory Animal Science)

The scientist who plans and coordinates the research study is called the ______ _________

Principal Investigator

Name the three levels of AALAS technician certification

Assistant Laboratory ANimal Technician (ALAT), Laboratory Animal Technician (LAT), Laboratory Animal Technologist (LATG)

In addition to the ALAT Training Manual, what publication should you study to prepare for the ALAT certification exam?

Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

Name the three key factors for personal protection from radiation

Shielding, Time, Distance

Gloves, safety glasses, and masks are all types of ___?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

What type of PPE provides the best protection for the eye?

Goggles or safety glasses with side shields

Why should animal facility personnel wear uniforms instead of regular clothing?

To protect themselves and the environment from exposure to microorganisms, allergens, and toxic substance

Ear protectors should be worn in areas such as cage wash where the noise level measures at or above _____?

85 Decibels

What is a disaster plan?

A document that outlines the steps to be taken in response to a disaster

_____ are used to measure the effectiveness of an institution-wide emergency system

Periodic disaster drills

Name three ways to prevent a security breach?

Background checks, ID badges, electronic access, check/escort visitors, security cameras, ban personal cameras/recorders

What is the first priority in the event of a disaster or accident?

To protect human life, including your own

If someone you don't know approaches and asks to be let into the facility what should you do?

Contact a supervisor if you are not authorized to admit visitors

What document must an investigator submit for approval y the IACUC for each research study involving laboratory animals?

Animal use protocol or animal protocol

If research is funded by agencies of the PHS, what document must the Institutional Official send to OLAW about the institution's animal care and use program?

Animal Welfare Assurance of Compliance Statement or PHS Assurance

Name the "3R's" Principles of Russell and Burch?

Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction

What is the term described in the 3Rs for designing an experiment so that stress or pain to an animal is minimized?


What is the common term for the policy that most institutions have to protect an individual reporting instance of animal abuse or neglect?

Whistleblower policy

True or False: The Animal Welfare Regulations is another name for the Animal Welfare Act

False. The Animal Welfare Regulations describe what rules a facility must follow to comply with the AWA

What document must be submitted to the USDA every year by an animal facility with USDA-covered species?

An annual report

Upon request, USDA records are available to the public under what federal act?

Freedom of Information Act

Name the person to whom the IACUC is responsible

Institutional Official

The PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals applies specifically to which type of research?

Federally Funded Research

What type of housing is used for larger animals, such as dogs, sheep, and goats?

Runs, Pens, Kennels

Name one type of outdoor enclosure for agricultural animals?

Run, Corral, Crib

A rectangular open box used to house smaller species, such as rodents, is called a _______ cage?


What is a disadvantage of galvanized steel if used for caging?


What is a microisolation rodent cage?

A shoebox cage with a filtered plastic top

What is another name for a Class III biological safety cabinet?

Glove Box

What equipment uses high-temperature steam under pressure to kill microorganisms?


Name three types of indicators used to ensure that an autoclave cycle was effective?

Mechanical, Chemical, Biological

What piece of equipment is used to disinfect an entire room without manually washing and scrubbing the surfaces

Decontamination mister or fogger

How do you calibrate a scale?

Adjust the scale to accurately weigh a standard weight

Name the three types of automatic cage washers

Cabinet, Rack, Tunnel

What two devices are used for weighin in animal facilities?

Balances, Scales

How is an automatic water drinking valve activated by an animal?

By licking or biting the stem

What can happen if a drinking valve gets clogged?

The animal cannot drink and may become dehydrated

Name four methods of decontaminating the water used in an automatic watering system

Acid, Chlorine, Reverse Osmosis, Ultraviolet radiation

What is the term for a disease transmitted from animals to humans?

Zoonosis or zoonotic disease

In case of an animal bite, what are the first two things to be done?

Wash wound well with soap and water and notify your supervisor

What term is used to describe items that can puncture your skin?


How long should eyes be flushed in case of a splash exposure

At least 15 minutes

What law requires employers to provide a workplace free from hazards that can cause serious injury or death?

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

To what environmental factor are albino animals more sensitive than pigmented animals?

Bright Light

What are the two types of barrier facilities
Bioexclusion, Biocontainment

Quarantine and isolation rooms should operate on this type of air pressure


How should you store open feed and bedding bags?

In plastic-lined cans with tight-fitting lids

Feed and bedding should be stored how far from the wall

At least 6 inches

What is the measure of the amount of moisture in the air called?


The rate of room air exchange with fresh/recirculated air is called _____.

Ventilation or air exchange

In what direction does air flow between a positive pressure room and the corridor?

From the room to the corridor

Prolonged low relative humidity and high temperature is related to this disease in rats


Name the hand-held instrument used to measure air flow


The environment within the animal's cage is referred to as the ______


The enviroment within the animal room at large is called the _____.


Name three environmental factors that should be monitored in the animal room

Temperature, humidity, noise, lighting, ventilation, contaminants, vibration, odors

Room temperatures that are too low can cause the animals to develop what condition?


What is the term for a designated room used to separate newly arrived animals from the other animals in the facility?

Quarantine Room

What type of cage has a back wall that slides forward


What type of cage hangs from runners?


What type of caging is designed to collect urine and feces output?


Name two types of temporary housing cages used to move animals.

Transport, transfer, or shipping

True or false: When determining space requirements, you do not need to allow for space taken by feeders or enrichment devices

False. All items in the cage must be taken into account

Why is cleaning dirty equipment inside the animla room discouraged?

Organisms and chemicals can become airborne and contaminate the animals

Moisture in feed and bedding containers promotes _____ and ______.

Microbial growth, spoilage

Chemical descalers remove ____ scale from cage pans


After cleaning racks, what should be done to the automatic watering manifold before using?

Flush Thoroughly

Name two categories of waste in an animal facility?

General waste, hazardous waste

Referring to disinfection, what does the suffix "-static" mean?

Inhibits microbial growth

The period of time that a disinfectant is left on the surface until rinsed is called the ______ ______.

Contact time

A disinfectant that kills viruses is called a _____.


What can impair the effectiveness of bleach as a bactericidal cleaner?

Dirt and Debris

To what particular disinfectant do cats react adversely?

Phenolic Compounds

The process of destroying all microorganisms on an object is called _____.


What are three ways to keep vermin out of an animal facility?

Good housekeeping, proper waste disposal, a properly constructed building

Isopropyl alcohol is commonly used as a surface ____


Name two alternatives to autoclave sterilization

Ethylene oxide gas, chemical sterilization, irradiation, dry heat, hydrogen peroxide gas

Referring to disinfection, what does the suffix "-cidal" mean?

Kills microorganisms

Microorganisms that cause disease are known as _______.


If you transfer a chemical to another container, what should you do to the new container?

Label the container

Why should you not mix different cleaning chemicals?

It can create substances hazardous to animals and staff, or reduce their efficacy

The process of washing away microorganisms is called _____.


The process that destroys microorganisms or inhibits their growth and activity is called ____.


Why are some species fasted before surgery?

To prevent vomiting caused by anesthesia

What type of device is inserted under the animal's skin and uses radio waves to identify the animal?

A microchip transponder

What is direct bedding?

Bedding that comes into contact with animals

What is indirect bedding?

Bedding that is in the pans under a cage

Name three important characteristics of bedding

Absorbency, Ammonia Control, Dust, Chemical Content, Static Electricity, Cost

What form of feed is made by first grinding the feed and then molding it into a variety of shapes and sizes?

Pelleted feed

Name two methods of sterilization diets?
Autoclaving, irradiation

What is certified feed?

Nutrient analysis of the feed is certified by the manufacturer that contaminates are below a certain level

The date stamped on the feed bag indicating when the feed was manufactured is called the ______ date.


What is the shelf life of feed wiht stabilized vitamin C?

6 Months

Fats belong to what group of substances?


Why do some facilities add chlorine to drinking water?

To kill pathogenic viruses and bacteria

Which animal species requires a feed that includes taurine?


Name four fat-soluble vitamins/


Which two species of laboratory animals are most vulnerable to scurvy?

Guinea pigs, some nonhuman primates

What is the most important nutrient?


The amount of energy contained in feed is measured in ______?


What is the indigestible form of carbohydrate?


The breakdown of food into basic compounds and its absorption into the bloodstream is called __________.


Proteins are made of chains of ____ _______

Amino Acids

Name two common inhalant anesthetics

Isoflurane, sevoflurane

Give three examples of parenteral methods of drug dosing

Intramuscular (IM), Intravenous (IV), subcutaneous (SC, SQ), intraperitoneal (IP), intradermal (ID), intracardiac (IC), epidural

What is the term for a drug that relieves pain?


What are the two main categories of analgesics?

Opiods, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

What is an anesthetic?

A drug that induces loss of feeling or awareness of pain

True or false: Specific pathogen-free animals have no detectable microorganisms

False. They are known to be free from specified pathogens but not all pathogens

The period after new animals arrive in which they are kept separate from the other animals in the facility is called the ______ period.


This period allows newly arrived animals to recover from the stress of transport and get used to a new environment.


What is the purpose of a conditioning period?

Dealing with health issues of newly arrived animals

What is the difference between gnotobiotic and germfree animals?

Gnotobiotic animals have a defined flora; gernfree animals have no detectable microorganisms

How does a Class A dealer obtain their animals?

They breed the animals at their facility

What does the animal's microbiological status refer to?

The types of microorganisms that the animal is carrying

An animal that carries no detectable microorganisms is known as _____

Germfree or axenic

Dogs purchased from Class B dealers are typically considered what category of animal?

Random source

What procedures are performed during a quarantine period?

Tests for health status, vaccinations, treatment for obvious disease

Name three temporary identification methods.

Cage cards, marking, collars

Name five methods of permanent identification

Ear punch/notch, ear/wing tags, tattoo, toe clip, microchip

True or false: It is acceptable to share cleaning implements between rooms

False. Each room should have dedicated cleaning equipment

What is the term for the number of animals or cages per investigation in each room?

Animal Census

Puzzle feeders, balls, nesting material, and special food treats can be added to cages for ____ _____.

Environmental Enrichment

What is the term for an infectious agent that causes disease?


What is the term for a nonliving material that can transfer an infection


What is the term for a living organism that carries an infection?


What are sentinel animals?

Healthy animals used to detect an infection or parasites

What organism lives on or in an animal and draws nourishment from that animal


When an animal exhibits head tilt, it could be a sign of what condition?

Ear Infection

What condition may be indicated when pale skin or mucous membranes are observed?


What condition may be indicated when pruritus or frequent scratching is noted?

External parasites or ectoparasites

When referring to disease, what does "subclinical" mean?

An illness with no obvious signs

Any alteration of normal anatomy or [physiology of an animal is called ________.


True or false: The term "Parenteral" refers to administering drugs through the GI tract.

False. Parenteral refers to routes other than the GI tract.

Name four of the drug dosing routines.

Inhalation, injectable, topical, oral, rectal

Name the two routes of enteral administration.

Oral, Rectal

An intracardiac injection is given into what organ?


An intraperitoneal injection is given into what part of the body?

Abdominal Cavity

What type of drug is used to treat infections caused by bacteria?


What type of drug is used to treat ringworm?


What type of drug kills parasitic worms?


A drug that is potentially addictive to humans is classified as what by the DEA?

A controlled substance

Controlled substances are classified in how many schedules?


What prefix would you add to the root "thermia" for a term that means above-normal temperature?


What is the root of the word "neurology" and what does it mean?

Neuro, Nerve

All units in the metric system are based on what numeric power?

Power of 10

What is the standard metric unit of weight?

Gram (g)

What is the standard metric unit of distance?

Meter (m)

Name an advantage of using physical methods of euthanasia

Tissues are free of drug residue

What is the last step in the euthanasia process?

Confirmation of animal death

Name two factors that are just as important as the type of method used when euthanizing an animal?

The knowledge and skill of the technician

When using carbon dioxide (CO2) for euthanasia, what should be the source to obtain the gas?

A compressed gas cylinder

____ _______ approves the methods of euthanasia at a research institution.


Inducing death in a way that minimizes pain and distress is called ______


Why are animals euthanized in an area away from other animals?

To avoid causing distress to the other animals

What term does the AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia use for the most appropriate agents/methods of euthanasia?


What are the two categories of euthanasia methods?

Chemical, physical

What are the three ways euthanasia chemical agents can be given to animals?

Inhalation,Injection, Immersion (Aquatic species)

Name two test for detecting internal parasites

Cellophane tape test, fecal flotation

What is the purpose of an isolation room or area?

To keep animals that may carry a contagious disease separate from the healthy animals in the colony

How often should TB testing be performed in NHPs as part of colony management

When they arrive at the facility, during the quarantine period, and at regular intervals after that

What do you call a specialist who studies how disease affects tissues?


When saving an animal carcass for necropsy, where should it be stored?

Cold storage or refrigerator (NOT a freezer)

In a research project, the group that is manipulated is called the _____ group

Experimental or test

In an experiment, what do you call the group that does not get the experimental treatment?

Control group

A statement that expresses a research question is called a _____.


A factor that can change a study is called a _____.


True or false: Experimental variables are those that are manipulated by the researcher


pH is expressed on a scale from _____ to ______.

0 to 14

37º Celcus (C) = _____º Fahrenheit


Is a pH of 2 acidic or alkaline (basic)?


What does "dilute" mean?

To reduce the concentration of a solution by adding liquid

What is the study of the interaction of molecules and recombination of their atoms?


Name the two standard scales for measuring temperature.

Fahrenheit and Celsius or Centigrade

What is the pH of pure water?


1 kilogram (kg) = _______ pounds


When two or more atoms combine, it is called a _______


a 1:10 dilution has _____ ml substance and ____ml diluent

1, 9

What is the standard metric unit of volume?

Liter (L)

1 inch = ___ Centimeters


All matter in the universe is made up of fundamental units called _____.


1 Ounce = ____ grams


1 pound = _____ grams


What is the hair color pattern of mice called in which the shaft of the hair is a light color and the tip is black?


What is the scientific name for the laboratory mouse?

Mus Musculus

If two mouse strains are bred to produce a mixture of genes from each strain, what are the offspring called?


The nude mouse has a deficiency in which body system?

Immune system

What is the term for the space between the anus and the genital papilla?

Anogenital Distance

In a monogamous mating scheme, how many males and how many females are put together in a cage?

One male and one female

An inbred strain is achieved after a minimum of how many generations of brother-to-sister or parent-to-offspring breedings?

20 generations

What is another name for a polygamous mating system in which one male is housed with two or more females?

Harem mating system

What is a milk spot on a neonatal rodent?

A distinct white spot visible on left side of the abdomen of newborn rats and mice indicating the stomach contains milk

What is the term for difficult labor or birthing


What is a transgenic animal?

An animal that contains genetic material from a different source

What is the term for a damaged or changed gene?

What is the period from conception to parturition called?


What does finding a vaginal plug in a female mouse mean?

Evidence of mating within the previous 24 hours

In what breeding scheme are unrelated or distantly related animals mated?


What are the units of genetic inheritance?


Genes are located on chromosomes and are made up of a chemical called _____.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Long strings of double-stranded DNA form _____.


An inherited characteristic, such as fur color, is called a ____.


True or false: A gene that easily expresses the trait of an animal is said to be recessive.

False. The trait is said to be dominant.

What do hamster's do if the room temperature drops to 5º C or below?

Sleen in a hibernation-like state

What is the most common hamster species used in research?

Golden (Syrian) hamster

What is different about the hamster stomach compared with other rodents' stomachs?

It has two compartments

Which metabolic disease is hereditary in hamsters?

Diabetes mellitus

What purpose does the hamster's cheek pouch serve?

Store feed, bedding, nesting, material; hide babies

What does excessive accumulation of porphyrin in rats indicate?

Pain or distress

Which teeth of rats and mice grow continuously throughout life?


How often are rats generally fed and watered?

Ad libitum

Ruffled fur and hunched posture of rats can indicate what?

Illness or injury

At what age are rats weaned?

20-21 days

Which strain of rat is known as the hooded rat?


What is the reddish material found in the tears and saliva of rats?


Overgrowth of rodent incisors is called _____.


What is the scientific name for the most common species of rat used in research?

Rattus Norvegicus

True or false: The gallbladder can cause significant illness in the rat.

False. The rat does not have a gallbladder

Is the anogenital distance longer in the male or female mouse?


During what part of the photoperiod does most of the mouse's activities take place?

Dark period

At what age are mice typically weaned?

21-28 Days

What is the behavioral condition in which a mouse chews fur off another mouse?


What are common enrichment items for mouse cages?

Nesting material, structures for hiding, chewing materials

What is another common name for a guinea pig?


Why are guinea pigs fasted before incubation

They keep feed in their mouth

True or false: guinea pigs produce only a small volume of urine and feces

False. They produce a large volume of urine and feces

What is the scientific name for the guinea pig?

Cavia Porcellus

What is wheeking?

A whistle sound guinea pigs make when excited?

What may occur if the litter of a lactating female gerbil is disturbed?


What is a unique breeding trait among gerbils that is different from other rodents?

They generally form monogamous pairs

What behaviors can a gerbil exhibit when startled?

They freeze and become immobile or have seizures

Why must gerbils be housed in a tall cage?

Because gerbils often stand erect on their hind legs

Why should one be careful picking up a gerbil by the tail?

The tail tip is fragile; the skin may tear off, and the tail may require amputation

What is the scientific name for the most common species of gerbil used in research?

Meriones Unguiculatus

What is another name for a gerbil?

Jird or desert rat

Skin sloughing off a gerbil's tail while handling is called _______.


Wwhat is the large sebaceous gland on the gerbil abdomen called?

Ventral marking gland

What behavior do male gerbils exhibit around the time of mating?

They "thump" with their hind feet

Where are the scent organs located on a hamster?

On the dorsolateral flanks

Why should penicillin not be used to treat a hamster?

It can disturb the intestinal flora and be lethal

Is the male or female hamster more dominant and aggressive?


True or false: Hamsters usually use one corner of the cage for wastes and another for feed storage?


At what age are hamsters weaned?

21-28 days of age

What is the scientific name for the cat?

Felis catus

What type of ovulation occurs in cats?


What are the male and female cat called?

Tom, Queen

According to USDA regulations, which two methods can be used for identification of a cat?

Tag and collar, tattoo

Why should cat litter pans be checked daily for urine outputs

Cats often develop urinary disease

What are the male and female rabbit called?

Buck, doe

If a female releases eggs from her ovaries only after mating, she is said to be an _____ _____

Induced ovulator

What should be avoided when tattooing a rabbit's ear?

Puncture of the central ear artery

Why should the female rabbit be taken to the male's cage for breeding?

The female may attack the male if he is brought to her cage

What is a baby rabbit called?


What is the scientific name for the laboratory rabbit?

Oryctolagus cuniculus

What is the fold of loose skin below the neck of a rabbit called?


A rabbit's second set of upper incisors are known by what term?

Peg teeth

What is the most common rabbit breed used in research in the US?

New Zealand white

What is the term for the behavior that occurs in rodents and rabbits in which the animal eats its own feces?


What does "precocial" mean?

Born fully furred, eyes open, eating solid food

What are male and female guinea pigs called?

Boar, sow

At what age is a guinea pig weaned?

14-28 days

Why should female guinea pigs be bred before 7 months of age?

The public symphysis may fuse after 7 months

Why do guinea pigs need vitamin C in their feed?

They cannot synthesize their own vitamin C

Duroc and Yorkshire breeds are examples of which type of swine?


Give an example of a strain of minipig

Yucatan, Sinclair

What is a hammock that is suspended above the floor to immobilize swine called?

A sling

What is farrowing?

Giving birth in swine

An uncastrated male pig is called a ____, a castrated male pig is called a ______, and a femal pig is called a _____.

Boar, barrow, sow or gilt

What is the most frequently used breed of dog in research?


How often should cages that house dogs be cleaned?


What Federal law mandates an exercise program for dogs?

Animal Welfare Act

What device can be used to prevent a dog from biting?


Besides exercise, what are other common forms of enrichment for dogs

Toys, resting boards, training

What is the scientific name of the dog?

Canis Familiaris

How long is the typical sexual cycle of a dog

7-10 days

Adult dogs are usually fed how often?

Once a day

True or false: You should never lift a dog by the scruff of its neck


Which identification methods for dogs are acceptable by the USDA?

Collar and tag, tattoo

Other than a feeder and a waterer, name two items that cat caging must contain?

Litter pan, resting board

WHat is blood in the urine called?


What is a nictitating membrane?

A movable membrane that may cover part of the eye

In order to comply with federal law, where must the disposition of a cat's carcass be recorded?

On a USDA Form

What behaviors do female cats often display when they are in heat?

Flattened back and elevation of hindquarters (lordosis) vocalization

Fencing for goats should be what minimum height?

4 Feet (1.2 meters)

What is the term for male cattle?


Holstein, Jersey, and Guernsey are examples of breeds of what type of cattle?

Dairy Cattle

What is the term for parturition in cows?


What device is used to restrain cattle?


True or false: head butting in rams is a normal behavior?


What term is used for removing the horns of a goat?


What are the fleshy folds of skin hanging from the neck of a goat called?


Give the scientific name of the goat?
Capra Hircus

True or false: Both male and female goats have scent glands

False. Only males have scent glands

How many compartments are in a ruminant stomach?


Why is cud chewing important for a ruminant

To break down plant matter and increase nutrient absorption

When a sheep has an "open face" what does that mean?

No wool on the face

What is the scientific name for a domestic sheep?

Ovis Aries

A male sheep is a _____; a female sheep is called a ______

Ram, Ewe

What is the scientific name for the domestic pig?

Sus scrofa domestica


Farrowing pens with guardrails are designed for what purpose?

To prevent a sow from smothering her piglets

What does trimming pigs' hooves help prevent?

Lameness, difficulty walking, infections

What natural behavior causes swine to use their snouts to overturn water or feed bowls not secured to their pen?


What is the term for the two upper and lower canine teeth of boars?


What is the term for the surgical removal of a bird's wing tip


What is the name of the device used in a bird's cage to assist in proper beak maintenance


What is the dietary additive made of oyster shell and granite in a bird's diet?


What is the most common method for identifying birds?

Leg Band

The hierarchy in which more dominant birds restrict the activities of subordinate birds is referred to as the _______.

Pecking Order

What is the taxonomic class for birds?


The specialized stomach of a bird that grinds up the food is called the _____.


In birds, the chamber into which the reproductive, urinary, and digestive tracts empty is called the _____.


To what order do parrots and parakeets belong?


In most female birds, which ovary and oviduct are functional?


Name two types of New World monkeys commonly used in research?

Squirrel monkeys, marmosets, tamarins, capuchins, owl monkeys

What items of PPE are typically needed when handling NHPs?

Lab coat or gown, face mask, eye and/or face shield,

True or false: The pole and collar method of restraint for NHPs requires that the animal be sedated.

False. This method requires no sedation

What is the name of a zoonotic disease that can be carried by macaques and is potentially fatal to humans?

B virus

The diet of New World monkeys should supply which two vitamins?

Vitamin C, vitamin D3

What does a prehensile tail allow a monkey to do?

Grasp and hang from tree limbs by their tails

What is the term for the red, wrinkled skin found around the anogenital region of female Old World monkeys?

Sex Skin

Nonhuman primates typically found in South and Central America are referred to as _____ World monkeys


What is the primary method of identification used with NHPs?


A monkey that stares at you and displays its teeth is showing?


What are the three types of tank holding systems?

Closed (Static), flow-through, recirculating

What is water hardness?

A measure of the calcium and magnesium ions in the water

What element do fish need in the water to breathe?

Dissolved oxygen

True or false: fish eat only a herbivorous diet?

False. Some fish are carnivorous

What is generally the optimal pH range for a fish tank?

pH 6-8

The release of eggs and sperm by fish is called _____.


What is the typical quarantine interval for fish upon arrival?

30 Days

Name two methods for identification of fish?

Subcutaneous dye injections, tags, fin clipping, transponders, recording individual markings

What level of lighting is normally required for aquariums?

Relatively low light

What anatomical feature allows fish to extract oxygen from water?


Using wet gloves when handling amphibians serves what purpose?

Preserves their protective skin secretions

What is the recommended housing density for newly hatched tadpoles?
50 per liter of water

What anatomical feature does the Xenopus Laevis lack that is common to most amphibian species??

A tongue

What anatomical feature do amphibians have in common with birds?


Where is the tympanic membrane located in an amphibian?

Behind the eye

What is the scientific name for the African clawed dog?

Xenopus Laevis

What are the three types of environments that amphibians can live in as adults?

Aquatic, semi-aquatic, terrestrial

What is neoteny?

A characteristic of axolotls in which they reach maturity without undergoing metamorphosis

What are three benefits of the slimy protective layer of amphibian skin?

Prevents mechanical damage to the skin, retains body fluids, provides a barrier to pathogens

What does "ectothermic" mean?

Body temperature is regulated by the external environment

What is the scientific name of the zebrafish?

Danio rerio

The bony flexible plate that covers the gills is called the _______.


True or false: All fish reproduce by laying eggs.

False. Some fish are live bearers.

Which part of the fish body helps with locomotion?


What is a common general anesthetic added to water to anesthetize fish?

Tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222)

A group of horses is called a ______.


True or false: most reptiles used in research are purpose-bred

False. Most reptiles used in research are wild caught

Name three animals included in the class Reptilia

Tortoise, turtle, crocodile, alligator, snake, lizard

After eating a meal, how soon do most reptiles defecate?

2-3 days

What are the three types of environments that turtles can live in?

Aquatic, semi-aquatic, terrestrial

Where are the ferret's scent glands located?

On either size of the anus

What is the most common research use for the horse model?

As a source of production of serum, antiserum, and antitoxin

What type of diet do horses eat?

A plant-based diet (Herbivorous)

An uncastrated male horse is called a _____, and a castrated male horse is called a ______; a female horse is called a ______, and a newborn horse is called a __________.

Stallion; gelding; mare; foal

What do horses housed outside required?

Access to shelter

A male ferret is called a ____ and a female ferret is called a _____; Ferret offspring are called ______.

Hob; Jill; Kits

What is the fitch coloration in ferrets?

A wildtype with tawny and brown markings

What happens to a ferret's weight during the mating season?

It decreases (they lose weight)

What characterizes ferrets and their sleep?

They have difficulty waking up

How often do ferrets normally shed their coats?

Twice a year