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11 Cards in this Set

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-introduced self to patient and gain consent for nursing intervention

-confirm pt identity (ask, wristband and system) + allergies

- maintain privacy pull curtains and use an appropriate tone and volume of voice

- infection control measure : wash hands and wear appropriate PPE

Initial assessment

- check the environment and that it's safe to approach my patient

-check how does the patient looks well or unwell

- check the emotional status of the patient agitated, uncomfortable, confused, distressed

Mention all the normal parameters


- Patency (full sentence, verbal consent) talking to me

- if not patent look, listen and feel approach

- look and check chest movement is symmetrical, see if they are on O2, check for Tracheal deviation (can indicate a lung collapsed or pneumothorax) and for Tracheostomy or laryngectomy

- listen for upper airway sounds (stridor) and for Obstructions (full or partial), listen close to face if air is going in and out

- put hand on patient to feel if the chest is raising and falling


- put sats prob on patient finger check that is working and pt is warm/ 94-98% / anyone below 94% might needs a non-rebreather mask at 15 l O2 (BTS, 2017) / above 96% (News2) / 88-92% COPD

- RR /depth (deep, normal, shallow) / regularity of the pattern (regular, irregular) /check by putting a hand on the chest and count them for a full minute. (News2 12-20)

- listen resp noise lower airway (wheezing)

- use accessory muscles (abdo, shoulder)

- simmetry in breathing

- check productive cough (send MC&S)

- observe for wounds and drains on the chest area


- capillary refill time press on pt finger for 5 secs (less than 2 secs)

- HR (rhythm, volume, regularity) - radial pulse for a 1 min. Check if volume: thready, regular, bounding / rhythm: regular, irregular) (NEWS 51-90)

- BP (right cuff, right position, 2 fingers over Antecubical Fossa ACF, cover 80% of upper arm)

- check blood pressure with dinamap (111-219)

- MAP (to check perfusion - pressure of the blood to organs) needs to be above 65

- check IV access + VIPs (Visual Infusion Phlebitis)

- Fluid status (IV input =if pt needs fluids I will follow NICE guidelines 2020 and give cristalloids (normal saline) 250 to 500 ml

- output = 0.5 mls/kg/hr)

- assess skin turgor or presence of odeama (dehydration or fluid overload)

- consider if my patient needs IV fluids, additional tests or meds prescription


- check level of consciousness by using ACVPU (where we are, date)

- Assess pupil size and reaction to light (neuro assessment, should be same size, shape and react equally to light)

- capillary blood glucose as it can affect the neurological conditions (between 4 and 7 mmols) using glucose monitor

- pain assessment (0 - 3 WHO scale) , depending on pain we can arrange a prescription for analgesia


- check temperature with thermometer (36.1-38)

- get permission of uncover for skin head to toe assessment (rashes, bruises wounds, bodily fluids loss, pressure sores etc.)

- check if they wear TED stocking (ask for prescription, correct size and fit)

-nutritional assessment with MUST tool (eating & drinking, PEG, NBM, etc.)

- Bowel movement, frequency and quantitity

S = situation

- name, role, ward

- calling about patient that she's been admitted this morning. I took her obs and I'm concerned cause she's scoring 7 on the NEWS chart. Pt is hypotensive, tachycardic, pyrexic and has eleveted RR

B = background

- Patient was admitted following 3 days of diarrhoea and vomiting. She presented feeling quite unwell

- no past medical history, no allergies, not on medications that we are aware of

-I'm not quite sure what the problem is, but I think she might have sepsis

A = assessment

- clear airway with RR of 22

- SpO2 of 97% on room air

- circulation wise, HR 120, BP 97/60, capillary refill time is 3 secs. She looks quite pale and unwell.

- urine output if known

- disability wise she's alert, her blood glucose is okay, pupils equal and reacting to light. Not complaining of pain.

- nothing to note on Exposure, temp of 37 C

R = recommendations

- with a NEWS score of 6 I'm concerned about her, we need an urgent response

- can I have an urgent assessment? In the meantime we are continuously monitor her vital signs, prepare a catether trolley, preper IV fluids, attach the pt to cardiac monitor, etc

- please can you come to see her now?