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26 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Musically gifted

He has a natural talent for music

He has a natural talent for music

Sheet music

Musical notation written on paper

Musical notation written on paper

Strumming a guitar

Playing a guitar

Playing a guitar

Composing music

Creating music

Creating music

Song lyrics

The words to a song

The words to a song

A sizeable following

A lots of fans

A lots of fans

Playing gigs

Giving a small informal performance

Giving a small informal performance

Record their debut album

Record their first cd

Record their first cd

A Remix track

The song that has been modified electronically

The song that has been modified electronically

A massive hit

A very popular song

A very popular song

Catchy tune

Memorable Melody

Memorable Melody

Upbeat tempo

Fast rhythm

Fast rhythm

Will be released

It will be made available to the public

It will be made available to the public

Recorded it live



Going on a tour



Big break

Big opportunity to become famous

Big opportunity to become famous

Singing along

Singing together

Singing together

Completely tone-deaf

Unable to correctly identify different musical notes

Unable to correctly identify different musical notes

Sing off-key

Sing the incorrect Melody

Sing the incorrect Melody

Contemporary music

Modern music

Modern music

Classical music



Orchestral/industrial music

Music with instruments only (no singing)

Music with instruments only (no singing)

Rock music



Solo album

CD featuring one singer alone not in group of singers

CD featuring one singer alone not in group of singers

Compilation album

A CD with collection of songs from many different singers and bands

A CD with collection of songs from many different singers and bands

Cult following

A very dedicated/devoted group of fans

A very dedicated/devoted group of fans