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17 Cards in this Set

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Cytokines related to bone formation

-Osteoblast 에서 RANKL, MCSF 분비 (osteoclast 촉진)

-OPG 는 osteoclast 억제

Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)

-Dominant regulator of PTH is plasma Ca.

-Vit D inhibits PTH expression.

-PTH is not directly regulated by phosphate level.

--> Main action is to increase plasma Ca.

Physiological Action of PTH


-increase Ca reabsorption

-reduce phosphate reabsorption

-stimulate vit D production


-short term: promote Ca movement into the extracellular luid

-long term: stimulates osteoblasts to produce RANKL.

Indirect action: Increase Ca and phosphate absorption in the intestine (results from increased vit. D).

결국 최종 효과는 Ca 양 증가, Phosphate 일정.

Vitamin D

Principal regulator of Ca: increases Ca absorption from the intestine.

-Vit D itself is inactive. Requires 1, 25 hydroxylation.

-24 hydroxylation makes it inactive.

-PTH stimulates 1α-hydroxylase and increase 1,25-dihydroxy D.

-Phosphate inhibits 1α-hydroxylase and hypophosphatemia stimulates the 1α-hydroxylase activity.

Vit D production regulation

Synthesis of Vit. D

-D3 Liver 와서 25번에 hydroxylation 된다. 신장에서 추가로 1번에 hydroxylation 되면 active form 된다.

-Vit D 많거나 Ca, 인이 많다면 feedback 으로 1aH 효과가 작아지고 24H activity 증가하면서 vit D 활성이 줄어든다.

Physiological Action of Vit D

**Mechanism of action: The main action is to stimulate Ca2+ absorption from the intestine

-In intestine: By binding to vitamin D receptor (VDR), it modify gene expression Ca binding proteins and channels, etc.

-In kidney:

a. Ca reabsorption in distal tubules

b. P reabsorption in proximal tubules

c. In bone, using VDR in osteoblasts, it produces proteins to activate osteoclasts to resorb Ca2+ in bone

d. Inadequate supply of vitamin D leads to rickets (bone deformation)

-Vitamin D-dependent rickets type I – defects in 1α hydroxylase

-Vitamin D-dependent rickets type II – defects in VDR

*VDR deficiency-induced rickets can be restored by Ca supplementation; Effect of calcitriol on bone is secondary to increased Ca


*Hypocalcemic hormone (opposite of PTH)

-Synthesized and secreted by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland

-Major stimulus of secretion is a plasma Ca rise

-The most potent peptide inhibitor of osteoclast-mediated bone resorption

*Mech of action

-Direct inhibition of osteoclastic bone resorption

-In kidney, calcitonin inhibit Ca and P reabsorption

-Removal of parafollicular cells does not cause hypercalcemia

-Chronic excess of calcitonin does not produce hypocalcemia: PTH and Vitamin D3 dominate the Ca regulation

Ca lv 항상성 유지

Ca 떨어지면 PTH 작용을 하고 Ca 높으면 thyroid 에서 calcitonin 나와서 Ca level 낮춘다. 이렇게 항상성이 유지되고 있다 .


-Antagonize vitamin D-stimulated intestinal calcium transport

-Stimulate renal calcium excretion

-Bone resorption

-Suppress osteoblast function and increase osteoclast function by RANKL production

-Secondary to the rise of PTH by reduced Ca uptake


-Directly affect osteoblast/clast ER to enhance bone formation

-Suppress the bone-resorbing action of PTH

-Estrogen administration leads to increase vitamin D in blood secondarily by decreased Ca and P and increased PTH

-Clinically useful in the treatment or prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis


–Analogs of pyrophosphate

–Chelating divalent cation (Ca)

–A strong affinity for bone (Targets Ca to bone remodeling sites)

–Mechanism of action:

a. Suppress osteoclast function by:

–Osteoclast apoptosis: 1st generation

»Metabolized to nonhydrolyzable ATP analog

–Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis: aminobisphosphonates (2nd)


•Esophageal and Gastric irritation = oral form of bisphosphonates

–Circumvented by infusion of zoledronate: markedly reduces the frequency of administration

Different Generation of Biphosphonates

2nd generation = aminobiphosphonates

3rd generation = 10X more potent; Zoledronate



-Paget's Disease




eg) Calcimimetics (=cinacalcet)

-mimics the stimulatory effect of Ca to inhibit PTH secretion by activating Ca-sensing R.

-toxicity: hypocalcemia

-clinical use: secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease.


-80 % genetic, 20 % environmental

Primary Osteoporosis = Post-menopausal

Secondary Osteoporosis = Systemic illness (Paget's disease), glucocorticoids

Therapeutic agents for osteoporosis

#1. Inhibitor of Bone Resorption


-Prevention and treatment

-Most effective

-2nd, 3rd generation



-Heart disease and breast cancer – short term use

*Raloxifene (SERM)

-Estrogen partial agonist, inactive in uterus, anti-estrogen in breast prevention and treatment

-Reduced side effect but worsen vasomotor symptom


-lower dose than in anti-hypertensive

-useful in hypercalciuria


*Vitamin D and analogs

-increase Ca absorption

-reduce parathyroid function


-Treatment less effective than BPP, hPTH


-RANKL inhibitor

-Comparable to the potent bisphosphonates

#2. Stimulator of bone formation-PTH: its intermittent use increases bone density.-Adverse Effect: incidence of bone tumor (osteosarcoma) cf) Combination Therapy: The use of both anti-resorptive and anabolic agents is less effective than monotherapy alone. Combination therapy is reserved for a fracture during therapy with a single drug.


Life threatening: central nervous system depression


-Primary hyperparathyroidism (high PTH) – most common

-Ingestion of large quantities of Ca in hyperthyroid patients

-Milk-alkali syndrome


-Loop diuretics – Ca excretion with volume reduction

-Corticosteroids – increase Ca excretion, decrease Ca absorption

-Calcitonin – decrease bone resorption

-Bisphosphonates – very effective, inhibit osteoclasts activity