Essay On Gender In The Media

Superior Essays
Gender in the Media
Media plays a crucial role in modern society whether it is spreading information or entertaining the audience in shows, commercials, advertisements, and the internet. However, many of these contain messages that can alter people’s opinions towards certain issues. Men have been shown in many commercials dealing with business products such as cars and cigarettes. On the other hand, commercials promoting cosmetic and domestic products are where women appear the most in. This stereotype is responsible for many of society’s abundant opinions and sometimes creates false conceptions in reality. Viewers are developing misconceptions that only men provide financial aid for the family and women are limited within the household, handling
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Psychology is the study of the mind processes and behaviours of human beings. Psychologists try to understand the functions of the brain, how one displays emotions, social relationships, personalities, and perception. Media is a huge influence in our everyday society and is able to change one’s opinions and perspective. They may contain gender stereotypical based messages which can affect people’s viewpoint on families in society and who they should grow up to be. The more time that children spend on the media, the more they mimic what is being shown to them. This results in possibly having a misunderstanding of a false image of society. Ultimately, it changes their perceptions on who males and females really are in reality. They do not understand the unethical view of what the media is portraying, as they only believe it to be the proper way of society. Being constantly exposed to media with men dealing with businesses and women handling household tasks, they are made to believe that it is an ideal partnership in today’s families. Therefore, media is able to deceive viewers through the messages that are on commercials and advertisements, influencing their perception on the issue and mental

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