The force of lift inflicted on the drone can be worked out by using the following formula: F_L=1/2 C_L S_w ρv^2
However the coefficient of the lift is worked out by: C_L=2πα/((1+2/A))
Both are needed to determine the force inflicted on nano- drones because of their size and shape. A slicker material that has enough weight in it to mover through area where wind resistance is a determining factor. All surveillance is kept on an on-board computer than wirelessly transmitting to a ground control trans-receiver. By constructing the motor and frame out of a fibre that is both rigid and strong, by doing this the insect looking drone is able to fly in and out of closed off areas (i.e. rooms) without detection because of their size and appearance. They will also be tougher to destroy because of the way the structure is made.
Some ways that nano drones can help the global community is by surveillance in and around areas when illegal trades of substances and items off of the black market. This will potentially lower the illegal activity to such a degree that even the smallest law broken will been seen on social media across the