According to a British Journalist and Historian, Max Hasting believed that The …show more content…
The benefit of Central Powers created a militaristic society, this could have many advantages for later battles and short-lived wars with other nations. The ripples of the Great War were that Women had more rights than before the war. Like World War II women had taken over jobs that numerous men had left behind. The negative to this was that men that managed to survive the war had no jobs for themselves. Thus, more jobs were created along the way but not as fast that were needed. During the World War I caused an effect known as, “Arsenal of Democracy” this was able to supply allies in the war efforts for this economic and industrial boom. Even after the war materials and supplies were created an Arsenal is still desirable for future usages. What this war did for the United States was able to stimulate funds that would later aid the Americans jobs once World War II started. If it wasn’t for the Great War of 1914 producing the technology, we might be decades behind. Products that are similar to machine guns, airplanes, tanks, grenades, and etc. would still behind from technology. If you look at weapons today as a society, it is possible to fly drones to fight our own battles. This is an example of the progression between a Mark I tank which was specifically used for trench warfare and hold a crew of eight was a huge revelation during 1914. In comparison, a drone is able to cover all parts of geography and more just one …show more content…
There was a large percent of a society that would still be carefree attitude and money to keep themselves out of any war unless they were willing to volunteer. I would think books and publications might have influenced some of the great writers (F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway) but not have changed to roaring twenties. If anything, it might have been called the roaring 30s because the delay it would have for this upcoming tension. The Great Depression might have lasted longer because ultimately, the United States needed the WWI to lead into WWII to truly get out of the Depression. The New Deal that FDR used didn’t quite work as planned but IF the first war didn’t happen it wouldn’t have been established to “help” contribute towards