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14 Cards in this Set

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Found: saliva

Produced: pancreas

Target: mouth

Affect: breaks down sugar component of starch

Misc: only found in some species. Omnivore & herbivore


Found: duodenum

Produced: liver

Target: small intestine

Affect: makes fat more soluble

Misc: stored in gallbladder, excreted into duodenum when needed

CCK Cholecytsokinin

Found: duodenum

Produced: small intestines

Target: stomach, intestines

Affect: slows gastric emptying, increases intestinal movement


Found: stomach(lining)

Produced: G cells(stomach)

Target: stomach

Affect: increases hydrochloric acid production

Misc: tells fundus to relax/expand for food accommodation

Hydrochloric acid

Found: stomach

Produced: parietal cells(stomach)

Target: stomach

Affect: chemically breakdown food

Misc: hydrogen and chloride are produced separately then combine. Accounts for stomach Ph

Intrinsic factor

Found: stomach

Produced: stomach

Target: stomach

Affect: absorbtion of vitamin b12


Found: saliva

Produced: pancreas

Target: mouth

Affect: digests lipids(fat)

Misc: commonly found in young animals while nursing


Found: entire GI tract

Produced: goblet cells

Target: entire GI tract

Affect: creates protective coating to prevent damage from the harsh Ph in the GI tract

Misc: goblet cells produce mucin(main ingredient in mucus) which mixes with intestinal fluid to make mucus


Found: stomach

Produced: chief cells(stomach)

Target: stomach

Affect: breaks down protein into peptides

Misc: pepsinogen + hydrochloric acid = pepsin


Found: small intestines

Produced: pancreas

Target: stomach to duodenum

Affect: Ph buffer, neutralizes chime in the duodenum

Misc: alkalizing


Found: stomach

Produced: stomach

Target: stomach

Affect: repairs stomach lining, enhances blood flow to stomach, stimulates glands to produce bicarbonates, inhibits release of gastrin from G cells

Misc: plays a large role in inflammatory process throughout the body


Found: duodenum

Produced: duodenum

Target: stomach

Affect: slows gastric emptying, inhibits peristalsis, causes fundus to relax

Sodium bicarbonate

Found: small intestines

Produced: pancreas

Target: stomach to duodenum

Affect: Ph buffer, neutralizes chime in the duodenum

Misc: alkalizing


Found: oral cavity

Produced: salivary glands

Target: mouth

Affect: moisten, shape, soften food to be swallowed

Misc: amylase and lipase may be found in saliva of certain animals