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32 Cards in this Set

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Static Response

Fire response onset is always an initial large scale response from fixed location

Incident Command is also know as

Fire Ground Command

Incident Command completes...

Completes the size up. Direction to provide resources to the scene. Fire Captan to the communicator.

Incident Management System

Provides unity of Command & ensures effective resource utilization.

Incident Ground Command Provides...

Means for using limited resources effectively. With one person in charge and single plan can be developed and implemented.

National Fire Protection & Prevention Act

Promotes fire safety and prevention in Ontario

Fire Prevention (NFPPA)

Is a division of the fire service that each department must have. The division implements the regulations of the NFPPA or fire code

Fire Communicator Prioritizes...

Public requests by establishing nature of call


Truck at pumps water through a hose. A hose is connected to hydrant and pumped through truck to hose


Truck that carries large amounts of water. Typically used where hydrant service isn’t available


Ariel device with stationary ladder that reaches 50 feet


Many uses including: carry emergency suits and specialized equipment. Can also be used as a location rehab.

Command Centre

Mobile communication centre used at major incidents

Mutual Aid

Calling assistance from neighbouring municipalities

Communication operator must always

Reassure caller help is on the way

Communication operator must maintain

Control over all calls


Variety of tools or devices carried on fire apparatus

Area of orgin

Specific area where fire begins


Officer in charge of fire station or any other position with equal responsibility

Carbon Monoxide

Colourless, tasteless, odourless has. Lighter than air and highly toxic

Dry chemical

Powdered fire extinguishing agent


Way out or exit


Property in danger by fire in another structure or outside fire


Spread of fire not previously involved

Hurts Tool

Hydraulic powered device (push bar)

Jaws of life

Hydraulic powered rescue tool used to rescue victims trapped in vehicles

Personal Protective Equipment

Gloves, gowns, masks, glasses, bunker gear


To reignite after extinguishment

Under Control

Fire contained and partially extinguished. Authorities confident it can be completely extinguished

Working Fire

Fire that requires fire fighting activity by all or most of the fire department personnel assigned to the alarm

Echo Technique

Implied the important parts of radio message are repeated

Echo Technique used for...

Repeat to confirm or clarify. Informs additional units responsding