Justice In The Old Testament Analysis

Improved Essays
Justice is a prophetic theme with strong emotional content. It stems from the prophet's understanding of who God is and what are the emotions of God in the face of injustice.
Justice as it relates to New and Old Testament is quite different and controversial when closely studied. In Old Testament justice is seen as if, wrong is done to you in order to get justice you the victim have to get even and do likewise to the perpetrator what was done to you, on the other hand, in the New Testament justice is if one does wrong to you, you as an individual should be able to either forgive that person and let it go or you should turn the other cheek and let god do the judgment as said in Romans 12:19-21 “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Desiring God).”
In Alan’s writing Gender and Justice in New Testament he speaks of justice as being closely
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EBALLO article entitled Theological Constants of Justice in the Old Testament he speaks of justice in the form of punishment: “….God is a (king) judge who punishes the wicked one and rewards the righteous one, that is, he rights wrongs in order to restore right relationships.” Therefore, in order for everything to return to normal in society, the one that has committed the wrong has to be punish in a sense of restore the relationship that once existed.
In the article Justice: An Illusive Concept In Christianity the whole reason surrounding the reason why the Old Testament view of justice was mentioned. It is said that justice in Old Testament mainly surrounded the abuse of power. Power is seen as the constraints imposed by moral standards.
So while one could just forgive and forget in order to obtain justice in the New Testament, it is not the same for the Old Testaments

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