On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sunk, not to be seen again until 1985. The large wreck would leave behind thousands of artifacts waiting to be analyzed and displayed. The opportunities were unparalleled, but technology had a long way to catch up. But underwater archaeology was still relatively new, and legalities of the wreck were undecided. With time though, legal procedures were worked out and technology advanced enough to fully handle the remains of the Titanic. Primarily, underwater…
semester in my response to Ida B. Wells (Addition Post 2), I’ve expanded on this issue in my responses to Mary Loeffelholz’s overview of American Literature (Mar. 13), Gloria Anzaldúa’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” (Apr. 8), and Adrienne Rich’s “Diving into the Wreck” (Apr. 15). Specifically, Loeffelholz’s retelling of history, alongside Rich and Wells’ rejection of accepted history, resulted in a considerable focus on perspectives that are often erased during the construction of The Story of the…
to its identity. In between treacherous dives, they travel to Washington, D.C. to explore for clues on identification of the sub. Along their travel route, they converse with fellow experts and divers who are interested. Their obsession of deep sea diving takes a toll on their families, and Kurston describes the men’s struggle to cope with these issues that ensue. At first, their research points to a small number of subs that were known to have been patrolling the East Coast during the war, that…
SCUBA diving was the first activity that I chased as a personal passion. It was the first time I made a decision to excel in this field. I was only 12 years old when I went diving for the first time and the only reason I probably did it because my brother couldn't stop bragging that he had done it and I had not. Although everything changed after that first dive, after that first dive I came back up to surface and all I kept thinking about doing is going back down. I wanted to see more of this…
swimming with the mermaids. The allusion to mermaids serves as a symbol of unity between man and the ocean. The diver is slowly transforming from a human diver to an aquatic being. This is seen through the statement, “We circle silently about the wreck we dive into the hold. I am she: I am he” (72-73). While presenting the transformation of the diver, it also connects back to the book of myths alluded to in the first…
after Mount Kenya, which is the second highest mountain in Africa, after Kilimanjaro. Diving in Kenya is only available in Mombasa coastline along the Indian Ocean. Mombasa Airport is on the mainland, but the town of Mombasa is across a bridge on an island. The following diving locations are found along the Indian Ocean: Mwanyaza North Mwayanza North is located in Diani Beach, Mombasa County. It’s an exciting diving site of marine biology, this site is hard to find, but it’s accessible by boat.…
Discoveries are indefinitely made memorable, through the composer’s unique thematic concepts and powerful literary devices. This notion is displayed in Ang Lee’s film “Life of Pi” and Adriennce Rich’s poem “diving into the wreck”. Both texts feature self-discovery through the exploration of new and unfamiliar worlds, the unique context and the overcoming of challenges encountered throughout the process of discovery. The exploration of new and unfamiliar worlds results in a memorable experience…
Nha Trang Things To Do Diving in Vietnam The popularity of Vietnam as a tourist destination is growing rapidly and with it comes a dive infrastructure that is opening the doors to a multitude of dive sites along its long eastern coastline. Considering the length of Vietnam's coastline it does come as somewhat of a surprise that most of the diving is based in Nha Trang. Da Nang may develop as a diving destination but currently there is only one operator. Diving in general can be very good with…
discoveries made. Has the wreck of a ship that changed the course of history been found after more than 500 years? In hopes of finding new land Christopher Columbus sailed off with three ships La Niña, La Pinta and Santa Maria. The Santa Maria is the ship Columbus boarded. Although Columbus was not the owner, he rented…
world via the metaphysical voyages that are made alongside the physical journey taking place. Rosemary Dobson’s Young Girl at a Window and Cockcrow explore an individual’s spiritual metamorphosis; this notion is reinforced in Adrienne Rich’s Diving into the Wreck (1973). Due to its confronting nature, the individual’s psyche is clouded with doubt during the provocative process of discovery, in which sacrifices must be made. Our understandings are broadened upon the epiphanies which the persona…