In the Detective Comics (D.C.) world, an Amazonian from a hidden island and an alien from a destroyed planet protect the world from supervillains. The legendary Superman and Wonder Woman race around the globe using their superhuman abilities to eliminate evil. They are often viewed as a male and female version of the ultimate crime crusader. An analysis of Wonder Woman and Superman demonstrates similarities and differences. A comparison of their origins, powers, and secret identities illustrates…
Breed in a desperate attempt to try and explain the unexplainable of the time period, superstition are ramped in the Middle Ages. With the Middle Ages being an age of uncertainty and an overall lack of knowledge in the very world that surrounded the people living in this time, superstitions became apart of everyday life and could even be considered routine. While today many of the fears of the people of the Middle Ages which were the root cause of superstition are considered non-realistic and…
Since 2008, nineteen superhero movies have been made, and not one has had a female superhero in the main role, until Wonder Woman (Behrens). Wonder Woman is one of two superhero films to have a female director. Yet, female superheroes have impacted the world both socially and culturally, while also being a source of feminism, more specifically liberal feminism. Liberal feminism can be defined as a movement fighting for gender equality, autonomy of women, and equal political rights (Bahre). This…
“Wonder Woman” by Gloria Steinem is an essay about comic books having power in everyday life. Comics book tend to only be about super-heroes that save the day—but those super-heroes are men. Wonder Woman is the first female super-hero to be published continually since comic books began. Steinem mentions that Wonder Woman is a gateway for young girls to believe that they do not need to rely on men to save them—but they themselves can save the day. “Comic books have power because they are not…
She is by far the most popular female hero to ever exist. While Wonder Woman has had a presence in Hollywood for much longer than any other heroine, it was only very recently that she made her way onto the big screen. Her only appearance so far was in Batman v Superman, where she played a minor role. Unfortunately, her…
They were some of the members of the Suicide Squad, although Judy Hopps did not know it. The strange pod was actually a time and space machine. The Suicide Squad had traveled to the wrong place! Next to the time machine, a gap opened. Batman and Wonder Woman flew out of the…
Parallels Collide: ‘Captain Marvel’ Takes Half A ‘Wonder Woman’ Approach When it comes to superhero flicks, there are bound to be some similarities. With Marvel announcing in 2016 they would be following DC’s lead in bringing one of its biggest female characters to the big screen, it’s hard not to look at the pre-production factors without finding some similarities. The Marvel heroine we’re talking about today is Carol Danvers a.k.a Captain Marvel. No, not DC’s Billy Baston also known as Shazam…
Introduction, Roger Sabin describes women in comic books as ‘‘invariably either plot devices (there to be rescued) or sex symbols (all plunging necklines and endless legs)’’. The author describes that Wonder Women was created as a sex symbol to appeal to male leadership by her creator, William Marston. Unlike Wonder…
that recorded all the great music and conducted the business necessary to maintain the company on West Grand Boulevard in Detroit, Michigan. Motown’s legacy will always be preserved within the confines of the museum with visitors from all over the world coming to see and witness where “The Sound of Young America” was created. This will ensure that future generations will be able to continue to carry the legacy of Motown on. There will never be another Motown Records sin our lifetime, in my…
Born February 9, 1954 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Christopher Paul Gardner's youth was set apart by being poor, having abusive behavior at home, a liquor addiction, sexual abuse and a lack of education. Gardner distributed his childhood out to the world to reveal insight into these issues and show they don't need to characterize you. Just like Chris, Quincy struggled with many of the same things. He was also a black male, and got discriminated against most of his life just because of his skin…