The information provided by Wikipedia is useful when you want to know a quick fact about a keyword. However, the site will not give you all answers to your questions. Facts that include creative subjects like art and music have to be fact oriented, wherein the platform leaves out some details making art more specific. There may be information to find in Wikipedia about custom canvas prints, but its editors can’t tell you how spectacular the canvas print really looks. Until you get hold of canvas…
A Burnout is a form of chronic stress related to ones' job. Burnout occur most frequently in nurses who work long hours in high stress areas, such as critical care, oncology, or burn units. Symptoms of burnouts include fatigue, frequent colds, headaches, and insomnia. Mental symptoms may include decreased ability to solve problems and unwillingness to face problems and change. Nurses who suffer from burnout may quit their job or change jobs outside of the nursing profession. This causes…
In “Wikipedia is an Important Source of Information,” the author Craig Belanger contends that Wikipedia is an innovative and appropriate way to access information. By stating the exact number of the whole content of Wikipedia, Belanger emphasizes the continuing growth of Wikipedia and importance of the new way of thinking the site has provided. The author praises the exclusive driving force of Wikipedia, the Web 2.0 service, which allows all users to create and share their information. The…
Not editing on Wikipedia in months has been an astonishment. I have been turning my head to the Wikia Fandom where countless Wikias are created (James Bond, Wookiepedia, Literature Wikia, etc.). They are so much better off than Wikipedia and have more lenient policies than the strict Wikipedia ones which make it difficult for the common man to create a single article. In contrast to Wikipedia, it's so much easier for anyone to create an article as long as they stick to what a particular Wikia is…
Wikipedia analysis paper Wikipedia is an open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative effort of volunteers. Wikipedia provides users with millions of articles on a wide range of topics and commonly ranks first in search engines like google. However, its reliability and credibility fall short of standards for college papers for a number of reasons. First, the website itself mentions that in the “About” section. It says “Users should be aware not all articles are of…
single second, random people should not be able to edit the website Wikipedia. They should need certification. One reason is that one of the administrators has made a lot of edits we do not know are certified. A second reason is that some jobs and occupations require correct facts. My final reason is that they are losing credibility for an easy problem to fix. My first reason is that we can’t tell if the Wikipedians who edit Wikipedia are certified or have certified facts. My first reason…
Many people are questioning the use of Wikipedia as a legitimate research source. A legitimate source can be defined as a source that is well written with factual information by an author who is credible in the field to which the source is discussing. According to this definition, Wikipedia is not a legitimate source because anyone can contribute to an article with little to no expertise. Not everyone agrees, however. Some people say that Wikipedia is on its way to becoming a credible source by…
Wikipedia “contains more than 5,300,000” articles that are easy to use and up- to date on information. (“School Says No to Wikipedia” Achieve3000).“A reader should rely on the Wikipedia article as much,but no more, than the sources the article relies on” (O’Neal “Using Wikipedia in the Classroom: A Good Start”). This means that Wikipedia has a good amount of information to trust and use to get started on a topic but, people should make sure that they check the information. Wikipedia should be…
Wikipedia is one of the most useful tools on the Internet that every child growing up is told not to use for his studies. However, writing on Wikipedia is much more than meets the eye. Over the last few weeks, I have realized that Wikipedia is a very intricate site and after learning more about how to use Wikipedia and actually performing edits, I believe Wikipedia deserves more credit than it is given by academics. I believe that this unit was beneficial to my relationship with Wikipedia and…
found by Mark Zuckerberg, and Wikipedia, which is a useful free online encyclopedia, are the social networking…