Spirited Away, the anime film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, depicts a fantasy story of a young girl Chihiro accidentally enters a town ruled by witches and gods. Chihiro need to find a job in order to survive and save her parents who are turned into pigs. During her stay, Chihiro works hard and finally finds a way to save her parents and go back to the real world. In this essay, I want to discuss how does Spirited Away reflected issues of Japanese society in 1990s. Japan experienced strong…
Hayao Miyazaki, an influential Japanese film director who has produced animated films that still remain popular both in Japan and worldwide. Throughout this essay, one of his most famous animated films “My Neighbor Totoro” will be discussed, exploring the religious elements used in the film, based on a comparison of Shinto and Buddhism. This should help us understand how Miyazaki delivers the message that nature is sacred. To understand the religious elements of the film, we should discuss the…
Globalization has changed and shaped how we perceive the world for the past centuries. With the emerging trends of technological advancement, humans nowadays live in much more convenient lives as a results of benefitting from it. From the ability to order foods online, call an Uber through smartphones to communication face-to-face from the other side of the world, everything is within reach and thus implement our digital-active lifestyle. However, with great power comes great responsibilities,…
Hayao Miyazaki is a talented, hard worker, who loves to create things for the world to see. When he was young, he had a passion for illustration. He knew that it would take a lot of hard work to make it, but he knew that it would get him through the tough times. From a young age, he had a passion for Art and illustration, it was his dream to work in illustration and animation. He knew that it would take a lot of work, but he was willing to put in the effort to make it. He went through a lot of…
The image represents Mei and Satsuki’s acquaintance with Totoro when waiting for their father at the bus stop in a dark and rainy night. From the image, the setting is a somewhat scary scene without knowing its light and humorous tone. Rain is heavily pouring from the sky while Totoro only has a leaf atop his head. It seems that Totoro isn’t bothered standing in the rain and even somehow enjoys it in contrast to the two girls holding low so that the umbrella covers both Mei and Satsuki…
Hayao Miyazaki once said “Animators can only draw from their own experiences of pain and shock and emotions.” Hayao Miyazaki got his inspiration from some of the hardest times In his life. Miyazaki is a world renowned animator and director of some of the most famous movies of all time. He was born Jan 5, 1941, Tokyo, Japan. Miyazaki created Studio Ghibli using creating, imagining and innovating to conjure up ways to revolutionize the world of anime through his movies viewed all around the world,…
Animators have the best inspirational believe for many people to see life in another perspective. Animation is created for everyone to view the different experiences life experiences based on genres. Similarly, it depends on how the animators show their personal perceptions and experiences in their storylines. Meanwhile, the audience can see the animators’ point of view or have another perspective towards the animators’ goal. A successful animator is able to create a captivating storyline and…
Hayao Miyazaki is not your typical contemporary artist. He doesn’t focus his art in creating paintings nor sculptures, he does something else in a way where he can capture the eye of people from different demographics. Miyazaki is the kind of artist who’s not afraid to speak up his mind when creating his works. He’s certainly known for his boldness when it comes to tackling grave issues in our society. In his movies, he had referred to issues like war, environmental depletion, the inequities…
In Miyazaki’s Spirited Away the role of memory allows a person, river or spirit to leave the spirit world and assume one’s original identity and name in which Youbaba takes from you. Throughout the story Haku reminds Sen to remember that her true name is Chihiro. If Sen forgets that she is Chihio, then she will never be able to leave and Haku is in that position. Also Chihiro’s memory also keeps her attached to her parents because if she forgets which pigs are parents, then she will not be able…
What’s In A Name? The 2001 film Spirted Away is an animated feature by the well-known Studio Ghibli, about a young girl named Chihiro. Through a series of strange circumstances she can not find her parents and is forced into servitude at a bathhouse for yokai, or monsters and spirits from Japanese folklore. Despite it being geared towards a younger audience as a coming of age story, this movie holds a surprising amount of symbolism and thought-provoking questions. The power of words, so to…