needs are specific and necessary, especially during extended flights. Passing through TSA security checkpoints can be confusing regarding the rules and regulations of permissible baby items. Understanding beforehand what is allowable will help to alleviate the anxieties of this mandatory process. What You Should Know About TSA When Traveling With an Infant If there are concerns going through an airline security checkpoint with an infant, knowing how to prepare and what to expect will help alleviate anxieties. Although, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has strict rules, the TSA agent understands the necessities required for traveling with a baby. Therefore, enforcement regarding baby’s formula, food and gear has special circumstances, and a little preparation beforehand can expedite the experience. Packing Baby Liquids Before arriving at the airport, separate all baby liquids, such as formula,…
I travel the St. Louis-Boston air route on an almost weekly basis. At times Boston Transportation Security Administration (TSA) stops me. Every time I am being stopped, I end up exhausted, confused and even a bit shaky. As I get prepared to cross the TSA security checkpoint the rush starts. I tend to feel somehow naked. A sensation I believe might be shared with those who actually did strip naked to show TSA screeners that they were not carrying a bomb, as John Brennan did in 2012. Once all…
enact the Transportation Security Act. Thus, the infamous Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was established ( Since the implementation of the TSA, airports across the nation have declined in quality and safety. Nowadays, a petting zoo is the equivalent to the average public airport. Realistically, the TSA has failed to address and control the growth of unethical behavior within the air transportation…
The Transportation Security Administration was created after the terrorist attack in New York City on September 11, 2001 and their main job was to ensure that an attack like this can never happen ever again. Their main duty is to prevent any terrorist attacks and to also prevent any incidents from happening. The TSA was created and “passed by the 107th Congress and signed on November 19, 2001” (“Mission.” Transportation Security Administration, 9 Dec. 2016). From then till now, not once have…
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is a department that was created to supposedly lax airport security prior to the attacks on 9/11. Apparently, this government plan has failed somehow. It was reported in NBC news that an undercover news team decided to test the airport TSA, where three out of four TSA inspector failed to find banned items in the carry-on luggage. It was unacceptable that those items pass the TSA check. Because of this input, TSA decided to change, implementing…
Security in aviation has become one of today's most important items. There have been many terrorist attacks over the years; like Cubana Flight 455 the first terrorist attack using flight on October 6, 1976 to the most wide known and devastating attack, the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Since the attacks in 2001 the Transportation Security Administration(TSA) has developed a layered security system that involves the use of 20 different layers. As a manager safety of your…
attacks of 9/11 to present is very familiar with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The officers in the blue shirts can be seen everywhere in airports across the United States. They are supposed to be a symbol of safety, security and reassurance for passengers. Unfortunately have become to symbolize long lines, delays, ineptitude, scandal, and inappropriate conduct. My goal is not to diminish or the work of TSA personnel as most of their employees care about security and…
The Transportation Security Administration sets rules and regulations for airport security to protect passengers and prevent hijacking on planes (Airport Security Strategies). Patrick Smith argues that the TSA has the wrong mindset because security regulations and screenings currently in place are too focused on searching for pointy objects, shoe removal, and liquids/gels. These methods are self-destructive because with the majority of security measures focused in airports dangerous people or…
A Guilford College student named Nathaniel Heatwole runs the chance of serving jail time for placing objects such as box cutters, bleach, fake bombs, as well as various other items, aboard an airplane in September of 2003. Heatwole claims that he was demonstrating civil disobedience by placing the items aboard the plane, however, the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Agency do not see it in such a way. Heatwole faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison if…
Hazmat in Ohio is Hazardous on the Road Imagine traveling south down I-75, in Ohio, early one morning when suddenly the hazmat tanker semi-truck, only a quarter of a mile ahead, loses control and flips into the median. Turned on its side, the tanker truck’s flammable material leaks out contaminating the median and the environment. With still the possibility of a fire, or worse an explosion, state patrol, Ohio department of transportation (DOT) officers, and other emergency personnel arrive on…