The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

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    The Secret of Life by Walter Mitty, How We Lose Hope and How to Get it Back, and The Wills and Ways of Hope. These will demonstrate how hope can drive one to move forward by providing something to work toward. Hope and dreams allow people to feel like they have something important to work toward and goals provide specific objectives to get there. Hope can keep you alive in the harshest conditions or keep you working to finish an English paper. Hope is littered through out The Secret of life by…

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  • Decent Essays

    Walter Mitty Essay The short story, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, is about a man named Walter and his struggles with escapism. Walter is married to a naggy woman who picks on his every mistake. For example, he waits for his wife to come to the hotel in a chair, and she complains and asks him how he expected her to find him. Other people don’t respect him either, at one point in the story a woman mocks him for saying “puppy biscuit”, and at another a parking lot attendant bugs him. Throughout…

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  • Decent Essays

    action comedy secret life of Walter Mitty directed by Ben stiller Walter is a negative asset manager for life magazine. And he is on a journey, he is on the journey of life. In his journey he will pursue the woman of his “dreams”. Walter is also searching for a lost negative that has been miss placed and he will travel all around the world to find it, and on this journey he will find out who he truly is. In the film the audience is able to closely follow Walter through his journey of life and…

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  • Improved Essays

    “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” is an extraordinary short story written by James Thurber in 1939. While no one is sure why Thurber wrote this fun and exciting short story, but the way he portrayed a guy who does not fit in with the world, and how he finds his happy place by dreaming grabs reader’s attention. “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber, is a great way for the reader to escape life the same way Walter did. During James Thurber’s life he…

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  • Improved Essays

    Dreams Left As Dreams: Analysis of “The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty” “The motivational speaker Jack Canfield expresses that ‘You only have control of three things in your life - the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take’.” There are many ways that people find joy in life and sometimes the only way that they can make something of it is inside their head. In “The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber, Walter Mitty is an older gentleman who constantly goes…

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  • Superior Essays

    Walter Mitty “The secret life of Walter Mitty” written by James Thurber is a story about a man named Walter Mitty having a hard time facing the reality of everyday life. Walter finds himself at a crossroad between reality and a secret, fantasy world he has created for himself. In the real world, Walter is an old man busy doing chores for his nagging wife. In his fantasy world, Walter is a young, successful man surrounded by people that admire him. Walter’s daydreaming is a way for him to…

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    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Life in the Shoes of Walter Mitty An active imagination is not something found in the everyday grocery market, for it is not something any human being can sell. It is an abstract idea gifted to lucky individuals. The author James Thurber follows a day in the life of one such individual in his short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”. A short piece of fiction written about an average man’s day, going about his tasks and occasionally being interrupted by bouts of his personal fantasies.…

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  • Decent Essays

    The secret life of Walter Mitty At the beginning of this movie we already know that is not a old-school movie, we are talking about a man who had work at LIFE magazine for the last 16 years, now the compay is closing and letting go all the non vital employees. In me middle of this situation we start to know Walter Mitty as a person who never does anything noteworthy and spend his days daydreaming about any situation. When the end of LIFE magazine is coming soon, every person in the company is…

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  • Improved Essays

    Traveling helped Walter Mitty change. In the film “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Quarky, lame, negative assets manager Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) gets thrust into a conundrum where he is forced to leave his country in search of a missing negative. We see Walter in enter three countries, Greenland, Iceland, and Afghanistan…

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  • Improved Essays

    because I want to know what they are thinking or dreaming of. In The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty by James Therber, Walter MItty is always zoning out, and having crazy daydreams. Just think if you had a thought translator. Then you would always be able to connect with him through his odd daydreams. Everyone likes a creative person, but usually they think of creativity as a painter or a writer. There are many ways to be creative. Walter is a very creative person, by way of daydreams. If you…

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