IGN (In Game Name): YGNUyt Age: 15 Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Country: Canada Do you have a good quality mic?: Yes, I do. Do you have Telegram & Teamspeak?: Yes, I have both of these applications! How many hours can you put in the server per week: Sunday- 10 am-9 pm Monday- 4 pm- 9 pm Tuesday- 4 pm- 9 pm Wednesday- 4 pm- 9 pm Thursday- 4 pm- 9 pm Friday- 4 pm- 1 am Saturday- 10 am- 2/3 am Any previous punishments on Faithful?: No, I have none. Any past experiences in being a…
collects this information from teaming up with National Geographic, and the National Institution on Aging in which they travel the worlds blue zones that include: the island of Sardinia in Italy, Okinawa in Japan and Loma Linda in California. They discover each zone has more than one person who has lived passed the age of one hundred; Acknowledging that each zone is different Buettner, with…
Rhizophora mangle the red plague Mangroves are a predominant form of vegetation that can be found in intertidal zones of tropical estuaries, lagoons, sheltered shorelines and in subtropical coastlines (Allen, 1998). Mangroves are trees and shrubs that have adapted to living in saltwater environments. They are propped up, out of the water, by dense, tangled roots that allow them to obtain oxygen in oxygen poor sediments. Their roots also allow the tree to remain supported during the rise and…
New IGN: Animize AGE: 15 Time Zone: AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Location / Country: Australia. Languages: English. What will you bring to the staff team if you were staff? {Min 100 Words}: I believe I can bring a sense of professionalism to the staff team and network in general by working with staff members and players to create the best gameplay experience for every player. I am a very experienced staff member and know all of the methods and commands to make sure everything…
Competition Weakening the Performance 5…4…3…2…1… The seconds are slimming and the offensive team is behind by one touchdown. That touchdown must be made quickly in order for the game to be a tie and go into overtime where the two teams will have to battle for the win. The offensive team throws the midsized leather ball across the field. It is spiraling through the air. Then it is caught by the quarter back, number 13, and he freezes. He was tackled, before he got the chance to think of what to…
The Ford Focus RS is at the apex of small car performance, an all-wheel drive model powered by a high-performance 2.3-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine. Its horsepower and torque numbers are unmatched; the RS’ industry-first drift mode serves as the exclamation point for this dominant five-door hatchback. The 2016 Ford Focus RS seats five, but is ideal for two. All models are powered by a turbocharged four-cylinder engine paired with a six-speed gearbox. The RS represents the top trim in…
I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight. On the App. The article name is “I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight. On the App” and it was written by Jenna Wortham. This article is about these days communication apps and how it is a revolutionary thing. The apps become important things and people cannot live without them anymore. Also people depend on the apps to talk, to express fallings, and to be with their partner in everything and loose the face-to-face connection. Time is valuable these days and…
Hearing Rod Sterling’s comments were extremely helpful. After watching my first episode of the Twilight Zone with my Dad a few years ago, I always wondered where the ideas for The Twilight Zone spawned. Thus, when the students asked the question, “Where do ideas come from?” I was delighted to hear Sterling’s answer. His answer was quite profound. Sterling simply answered that ideas come from “one’s experiences.” I thoroughly enjoyed how he showed that story is personal and comes from the…
the United States Navy performed critical studies and determined that there was a need for a new class of small ship. The U.S Navy was tasked to design a ship that is able to operate and conduct missions in the shallow-water and near-shore littoral zones. As of result of this study, the U.S Navy announced it…
Introduction: From rest to exercise the human body’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems must integrate and adapt to changing conditions—especially during incremental increases in submaximal exercise to maximal exercise. The coordination of cardiovascular and respiratory systems coalesce to form what is known as the cardiorespiratory system (Lotric & Stefanovska, 2000). Within muscle cells there are extremely limited stores for anaerobic energy; thus, a well-coordinated cardiovascular and…