which the smallest disgression could land an unfortunate soul in the gallows to hang. This time of witchcraft and wizardry is also the basis of the setting and plot for Arthur Miller’s famed Communist hunt allegory disguised as a stage play, “The Crucible.” Throughout the play, several examples of “spectral” evidence are used to justify otherwise baseless accusations of witchcraft. Sadly, this form of “evidence” was considered valid in court and led to the premature end of many lives. What…
The Crucible was written in 1953, by Arthur Miller, a famous American playwright. The play is about the Salem witch trials. If you are not familiar with the Salem witch trials, they occurred in Salem, Massachusetts, during the late 17th century and involved the execution of many women accused of witchcraft. The Crucible The dictionary describes the word crucible as a container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures, usually done in order to…
n the play, The Crucible, playwright Arthur Miller conveys the motif of resentment in the Puritan community of Salem. The motif of resentment is fueled by the Puritan’s strict ideas of morality, the organization of society and the ¨dark side¨ of human behavior. The Puritan’s strict ideas of morality led to complete hatred and resentment if one was accused of wrongdoing. Going to church on Sundays, resting or plowing on the Sabbath, and following the 10 Commandments were three rules followed in…
Embedded assessment 3 would you snitch on your neighbors or friends to get out of a really bad situation even if they didn't do anything wrong? In the book the Crucible it reaches us a great lesson about how we as people like to have a scapegoat. I think we should be teaching the crucible in 11th grade english becuase, if teach what the mistakes people made in the past we should be able to not repeat them in the future. I think we should teach the crusible for a number of reasons. The first…
Salem Witch Trials involved the overwhelming fear of witches at the time. During the McCarthy Era people had the same overwhelming fear, but this fear was instead for communists. As an illustration there are many examples that can be seen in The Crucible, by Arthur Miller in which there was an overwhelming fear of witches used to create hysteria, and public outcry. One example is seen when Putnam states, “That is a notorious sign of witchcraft afoot, Goody Nurse, a prodigious sign!” (Miller…
Kate McGhghy Ms. Heitritter ILA 12/11/17 The Crucible In the play The Crucible Abigail is frustrated at the man she loves, John Proctor, who loves her but is in denial about his feelings because he is married to Elizabeth Proctor. On page 22 the conversation between Abigail and Proctor goes “you’re surely sportin’ with me. You know me better. I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a…
Arthur Miller's The Crucible draws many similarities to the events that occurred in the 1950s known as the Red Scare. During the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, Senator Joseph McCarthy began trials to investigate suspected Soviet spies and sympathizers that were allegedly residing within the United States. Many U.S. citizens were wrongly accused and thrown in jail. Anyone who spoke out against the trials were then under scrutiny themselves, which scared many people from…
silent judgements they had made of people that weren’t to their liking. And in Salem, Massachusetts, this instant power of accusation by testimony placed enormous amounts of pressure on the leading figures of the small village. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, some rise to the pressures shoved onto them by the people, while others weaken and fall to their power-hungry neighbors and their accusations. According to Arthur Miller and his work, Reverend Parris’s adulation, Reverend Hale’s…
According to the Meriam-Webster Dictionary a crucible is defined as “a severe test; a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development.” Such is fitting for the title of Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, based on the true story of a town in colonial Massachusetts, Salem, and the series of trials, hearings, and prosecutions that occurred between 1692 and 1693, in what would be later known as the Salem Witch Trials. During this time period,…
Arthur Miller is the author of The Crucible. He was born on October 17, 1915 in Harlem, New York City, NY. He is also known for his playwrights like All My Sons and Death of a Salesman. Unfortunately Arthur Miller died on February 10, 2005 in Roxbury, Ct. Arthur Miller’s universal theme in The Crucible was that lying can only you so far which is shown in the conflict between Mary Warren vs. Abigail and the girls in the courtroom. One conflict that expresses the theme of lying can only get you so…