The Book Thief

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    Book Thief Sparknotes

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    The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is a historical-fiction book published in 2005 by Picador. The story is narrated by Death, and takes place in Germany, in a small city, called Molching, during WWII. The story begins with Liesel, a young girl, moving in with her new foster parents, and the next four years of her life on Himmel street, which changes dramatically with the heightening of WWII. On Himmel street, she meets Rudy Steiner, her best friend, and Max Vandenburg, a Jewish fistfighter. The…

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    The Book Thief Analysis

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    of historical fiction “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak, there is a character named Liesel who struggles to become properly educated in Nazi Germany. Liesel struggles to fight against the power of Nazism, while simultaneously keeping up with society. Her, and some of her friends gather knowledge about the world that they live in through experience and reading. She approaches the summit of her mountain of knowledge when she puts all of her life’s experience into one book she writes. When her…

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    The Book Thief Sparknotes

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    Shubhra Wadhawan BA LLB 2014 20141122 THE BOOK REVIEW: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak The Book Thief is a fictional story narrated by death , based in Nazi Germany, during the time of war. The author, Markus Zusak, is an Australian writer of fiction. The story traces a young girl’s tragic life, her relation with her foster parents, and with a young Jew who hides in her house during the Second World War. The book also traces the life and times during the infamous autocratic…

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    The Book Thief Propaganda

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    Emily Lefeuvre Mrs. Hart ENG 2DG 4 December 2015 The Power of Propaganda and Literature In Markus Zusak’s “The Book Thief”, the author uses literary elements to emphasize the power of propaganda and literature in society. Setting is used to show the irony between Hitler and his use of words during the second world war, versus the protagonist’s use of literature to comfort her and her intentions to extend her knowledge. Characters develop throughout the story due to being victimized by the…

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    The Book Thief: Summary

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    The Book Thief summary – first 100 pages At the beginning of the book the narrator, Death, talks about himself: his “job”, how he wishes to go on vacation and how he manages to stay sane even if it is hard. He talks about the colour of humans’ death. Later, he introduces the main characters of the story. Death has flashbacks about the moments he met the Book Thief, the first one was on a snowy day when her little brother died. The second time he met her was after an airplane crash when the…

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    Book Thief Themes

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    The book The Book Thief has many topics that support many different themes throughout the whole book. For examples kindness, words and responsibilities. To begin, The Hubermanns show a big act of kindness when they hide and take care of Max. They make it a priority to keep him alive and are willing to put their own lives in danger, not to mention they give him so much respect. They also care for him and show him emotions as if he was truly apart of the family. Liesel and Max form a strong…

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    Symbols In The Book Thief

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    The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is narrated by Death as he follows Liesel and her foster family during the Holocaust. Throughout the novel, books, an accordion, and bread appear multiple times. These three symbols can be compared at contrasted when looking at what they represent, how they relate to rebelling, and how they aid the evolution of the characters associated with them. To begin with, books, the accordion, and bread all symbolize positive things. For example, books symbolize power…

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    Death In The Book Thief

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    inevitable end we all must face. However, understanding that death is a constant reality for the citizens of Molching, Germany, emphasises their misfortune as they are tossed into the tragedy of war. Markus Zusak amplifies this importance of death in The Book Thief through the inevitable horrors which plague the characters; ultimately, allowing for a means of reflection and individual growth. As each character individually struggles with their separate demons, their stories begin to shift and…

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    Cruelty In The Book Thief

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    of over 7 billion people, there tends to only be two characteristics one can have: kindness or cruelty. Yet the power of both kindness and cruelty are underestimated. In The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, the kindness and cruelty of humans is displayed through people like Liesel Meminger, Adolf Hitler, and Max Vandenburg. The Book Thief’s name herself doesn’t sound appealing, but Liesel truly had a heart of gold. During WWII, going to a bomb shelter was a weekly event. In this particular raid,…

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    The Book Thief. The book thief is a book about death, love and survival. There is the death of a friend, love of a parent, and survival of those who can’t take it. World War ll was a catastrophic period of time and many people didn’t have the mental strength and stability to survive it. The book thief is about Liesel Meminger a 9 year old girl who was abandoned by her mother shortly before World War II to stay with two people she doesn’t know in Molching at a foster home. On their way to…

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