Where do I see myself as vulnerable to surveillance? I believe that question has an obvious answer. I’m vulnerable to it everywhere, all the time. Someone may have tapped into the camera lens at the top of my computer screen and is watching me type this very essay. While I walk to go eat lunch, I pass students on their phones. How do I know they aren’t taking a picture of me, intentionally or not? Maybe they’re making a phone call. Any remote noise I make can be transmitted to whoever the…
I believe that government surveillance does greatly cause loss of individuality and was explained extremely well in the “Chilling Effects” section; basically because people are now aware of government surveillance, due to Snowden, the way that people search on their computer and how they talk, has changed. Its self-censorship, in the fear that their private thoughts are not private anymore, society is beginning to not exercise their individual freedom to speech, they are not questioning laws,…
After viewing all the videos I am left with mixed emotions. On one hand, I believe privacy is very important. On the other hand, I believe surveillance is important but invasive at the same time. I will analyze the three videos and their implications in a political, social, cultural, economical, environmental, and ethical view. Political: I believe that from a political point of view, its believed to be very beneficial. However, I am not convinced that the government can be in control of the…
Bullingham and Vasconcelos (2013), and DeVries (2003) in order to argue the amount of lateral surveillance practiced in the gaming world (in other words: lack of privacy) that can be associated with the idea of users wanting to not only present their “best self” to those watching, but to also prove their “best self”, and be the best “best self.” With the advancements of technology throughout the years, lateral surveillance opportunities emerged within the online world, and had especially grown…
Introduction Urban surveillance is a very controversial topic when it comes to our cities and public spaces. Some people feel it is a necessary part of our culture while others see it as an invasion on their privacy while interacting within an urban space. Urban surveillance has become an important crime prevention tool and security measure in cities to help provide safety and security. While interacting in many urban areas, people are being watched, monitored and recorded through all different…
revealed that the NSA had increased its mass surveillance, specifically with regards to the collection of ‘big data’. While some commentators, say that mass surveillance is a necessary evil (Monk, 2013), and that “you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide”, others say that state mass surveillance is a gross misuse of power (Suleman, 2013). This essay will seek to critically discuss both the merits, and shortcomings of mass state surveillance in the digital age. The discussion of this…
be allowed to use surveillance to keep things in order, or are they abusing the power that they are given? The government abuses their power because they think nothing is going to happen to them, For example, in December 2005 the government tapped into other people's phones and listened to their conversations without a warrant. Every time the government needs to use the power they have, they need to follow protocol before taking action. The government's control on surveillance is more harmful…
explores the recent electronic surveillance controversy dealing with the U.S. Government’s National Security Administration spying on ordinary civilians. During this paper I will present pro and con arguments dealing with this controversy. I will also explain the social, political, ethical and legal impact of the electronic surveillance on our society. We as Americans are having our private lives monitored by the federal government through unwarranted surveillance. Many Americans were outraged…
After 9/11, surveillance did not become substantively different; it was not an event that pushed our technological capacities forward, but a tragedy that provoked societal change. The topic of surveillance entered mainstream public discussion, with great public concern and support. “The apparent crisis was immediately seen as an opportunity for already existing systems and capacities to be more fully exploited. 9/11 thus brought surveillance to the surface. The existence of a “surveillance…
Has governmental mass surveillance on the public gone too far? That is a question for many people in our current society in the United States. Back in 2001, when President Bush signed in order to begin the NSA’s domestic spying program, twenty-three days after the Twin Towers fell, he signed it off in secret and many of the nation’s top senior national security advisors did not know of this order, is when surveillance that seemed warranted due to the terrorist attack that occurred less then a…