Dev Patel 4.27.16 Mrs.Reimel - 5/6 LA Are Smartphones Making People Stupid? According to a 2014 report, students who didn't have smartphones scored 6.4 percent higher on tests than students who had smartphones. This shows that smartphones are making students dumber because smartphone users are scoring lower on tests. To add on, one aspect of this is the amount of Americans and teenagers that own a smartphone and that they rely on their smartphones a lot, making their lives easier. However,…
In the article “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” by Jean M. Twenge, published by The Atlantic, and the article “Teens and tech: what happens when students give up smartphones?” by Erin Cotter, published by The Guardian, both authors claim that without technology we would be happier and also more social. Twenge writes about life with technology through facts and comparing the previous generation to the newer generation, such as Millenials and those born with technology which Twenge calls…
brings up very convincing arguments to how smartphones have little to no effect on our intelligence in The New York Times article “Smartphones Don’t Make Us Dumb”. Reading the article I agree with his points and believe it can give insight to people who believe smartphones are entirely bad for our brains. I agree with Daniel because based on my personal experience with owning a smartphone I find his points to be true. Unlike other kids who have had a smartphone since they were in middle school,…
GRAPH 1 Based on Graph 1 the demand for the smartphones increase even thought the price increases. Demand can be describe as, willingness to pay a price for a specific goods or service. Holding all the factors constant the price of a good or service increases as the demand increases and vise versa. Different customers have different taste, needs, and lifestyle when they want to purchase a particular product. Some of them who want’s a high quality product wouldn’t mind spending a little…
Smartphones can be useful tools to find out information on the spot and stay connected with people from far away, but people argue on if smartphones are really all they are cracked up to be. Markham Heid’s article, “You Asked: Is My Smartphone Making Me Dumber?”, explains the negative effects of relying on a smartphone. Conversely, the article “Smart Phones Can Actually Make You Smarter” focuses on the idea that smartphones can free up space in the brain for more important information. There is…
Samsung Smartphones changed the world Nowadays, smartphones have become part of people’s day to day lives and have impacted all aspects of life. From Board rooms of companies to kitchens in family homes, they can be found mostly everywhere with almost everyone. From construction workers working on a building viewing blueprints to doctors viewing patient files or even parents using it to quieten their children at restaurants (Kelly, 2012). Till 2013 approximately 967.78 million smartphones have…
Are Smartphones taking over people’s lives? In todays age most everyone has some sort of smart phone at his or her fingertips on a daily basis. How did this revolution start and how has it influenced an entire generation of people? Many people believe these smartphones are no harm and should be used as much as possible due to the amount of information at your fingertips while others believe it should be limited as it causes people to have less of an attention span. Whichever side you are on we…
In Nicholas Carr’s “How smartphones hijack our minds” and Jean Twenge’s “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” both authors inform their readers about excessive smartphone use and the influences of it. This is an important topic to discuss because these small hand-held computers are playing a vital role in today’s society. Both authors share similar opinions but also differ in other aspects. In the article “How smartphones hijack our minds” by Nicholas Carr, it expresses his views on how…
destroyed by a crisis, good companies survive them and great companies are improved by them. “The Galaxy note 7 recall is one of the largest in the history of Smartphone industry. This was a major setback for the smartphone giant. Estimated losses were in Billions of dollars and yet, Samsung retains the position of the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer. Every organization faces a crisis in one form or the other. But, what defines them is how well they turn such a crisis into an opportunity…
is about smartphones and how it has impact the way teenagers communicate. It consists of background information about smartphones and some of the examples of the pros and cons that smartphones can bring to teenagers. This report also shows strategies that can be used to help teenagers overcome some of the problems they encounter when using their smartphones. Survey responses from 30 teenagers aged 13 to 16 will also be shown and analysed. This report is about the impacts that smartphones have…