predestined to live in heaven after death. The Puritans followed the custom of devoting their lives to God because there was a chance that any of them were already chosen for salvation. Hawthorne loathed their oppressive principles, and in his novel, The Scarlet Letter, he displays the narrow-mind of the Puritan community, especially in their opinion of nature. Hawthorne presents the contempt he keeps for Puritan views by contrasting how they perceive the natural setting with how he views it: a…
everyday lives, increasing the need for books such as The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible, which not only show the danger in profiling, but the fallacy within profiling. Whilst the reasons…
Patriarchal ideals rule over all morals in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. Punishment in the novel affects all of the characters throughout the book. Not only Hester is persecuted in the book, other characters receive punishments as well. These punishments differ between each gender, varying in self-reflection versus public shame. In Hawthorne 's The Scarlet Letter, the corrupt penal system, created for the benefit of the religious leaders, punishes women in such a way that…
tease Pearl by calling her “ a little bird of scarlet plumage…” and “one of those naughty elfs or fairies” (91). Pearl seems to be most drawn to Dimmesdale, as she takes his hand and gently caresses her own cheek, “a caress so tender, and withal so unobtrusive…” (96). As the men decide Pearl’s fate, Dimmesdale comes to the mother and daughter’s defense, and convinces them that Hester and Pearl not be separated. As Hester is leaving the hall the witch-lady approaches Hester and invites her to the…
Both the Scarlet Letter and The Crucible are based off of the same Puritan livelihood where adultery is a mortal sin. The main character in The Crucible, John Proctor, and the main character in The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, both share common paths that they take in life. Starting with sharing the same guilt of adultery in the beginning, keeping their secrets for the ones they love to keep them safe in the middle and then completely letting go of all guilt of their sins in the end. Their…
Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter. Every part of the work portrays meaning and every part is important. Therefore, to get an unabridged analysis of a character in the book, the reader must look at each action of the character and the character’s image in the book as a whole. Imagery, symbolism, and setting are important factors to take into account of throughout a literary work. Imagery denotes the visual description of the language. For instance, a point of imagery in The Scarlet Letter can be…
The Scarlet Letter is a renowned novel that is full of literary devices, and. The most obvious sin, of course, is the one Hester and Dimmesdale committed together before the novel’s beginning. Even a minor character, Mistress Hibbins, serves Satan as a witch. It is also stated that many of the townspeople in this novel have committed their own sins, though they hide it well. Among this group is old Roger Chillingworth, who, though many may not see it as anything more than him being bitter and…
Being the bystander is as dangerous as being the perpetrator. Nathaniel Hawthorne exemplifies this adage in his novel, The Scarlet Letter, through his brilliant characterization of the protagonist: Hester Prynne. Hawthorne follows Hester’s lamentable alienation from society through her affair with Arthur Dimmesdale. In her segregation, Hester is revealed as an affectionate, intelligent, and sympathetic figure that is forced to persevere and endlessly battle the constant, everyday struggles of…
was. Besides all this, his Puritan background was still a prominent part of his writings, along with the fact that some of his ancestors were involved with religious persecution, including a John Hathorne who was one of the judges during the Salem Witch Trials (Hawkins and Houston) whom he tries to distance himself by changing Hathorne to Hawthorne. Furthermore, his work takes place during the time of Dark Romanticism that followed from Transcendental philosophies in which he uses to the point…
Could there really be beauty in everything? The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a very grotesque story, however there is always something beautiful to come out of it to keep the reader interested throughout the book. This is a story of a woman named Hester who commits adultery and suffers, but thrives through the consequences. The storyline connects to a Puritan culture and a time of romanticism, where sins against God weren’t accepted at all. Where in today’s society, it may not be as…