Rail Road safety is very important. We should always be cautious of rail roads and where or when we might come upon one. we should always stop at rail road crossing signs so we can be sure that no trains are coming before we proceed to our destination. if we know the train is on its way or right in front of us, that we should at least have our vehicle or ourselves be 3 feet or more behind the tracks in order to ensure our safety. Also remember that trains move at a very high speed and it has a…
the majority of parents or caregivers do not know the appropriate safety precautions. Due to this lack of attentiveness children are unwillingly risking their lives. Sadly, a tremendous amount of children are even losing their lives. This problem needs to be addressed for the sake of younger children who are not aware of the danger they are in. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this issue to properly secure and provide safety of these innocent children. People who are responsible for…
COSHH- COSHH is the legislation that require there to be a control of any substances that are harmful and injurious to health by the employers. It requires that there be labels on the hazardous substances like bleach which can cause chemical burns. Employers need to know how to use the hazardous substances and a risk assessment of anyone is exposed to the hazardous substance and also making preparations in case anyone is exposed to the hazardous substances. Employers need to train and provide…
Managing Activities – Assignment 2 Health and Safety Legislation There are three main pieces of legislation that cover health and safety in the workplace. They are; • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 • Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 The Health and Safety at Work Act puts duty on the employers "to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work" (legislation.gov.uk). For…
Safety in the science classroom involves weighing the potential risk factors of an experiment against the educational value, teacher and student should have a full understanding all the potential hazards of the materials, the experiment, and the equipment used. Safety concerns and potential hazards should be addressed prior to engaging in any laboratory activity and documented in the lesson plan. Students should be aware of the emergency contact sheet with phone numbers that is attached to the…
Work hazards are present in most work environments. Hence, the interest of health and safety is of concern to the employee, employer, government and health related sectors. Employees are concerned because safety risks could render them victimized and endanger their health. Employers also heed the importance of prevention at work if not out of a moral duty, it would be because work accidents pose an economic burden and forces them to lose workforce. Government and health related sectors have an…
Safety is the most important part of Intro to Ag. The Number one rule of Mr. Marks Ag Class is “Wear your safety glasses!” Other Forms of PPE (Personal protective equipment) include, Respiratory masks (Prevents harmful dust and gas getting in your lungs), Hearing protection, such as earplugs. Gloves are used in both a welding and woodwork environment, In welding, they prevent electrocution and skin contact to heat, and in the woodshop, they prevent hands from getting cut. Foot protection is also…
Health and Safety Policy and Procedure The health and safety policy is aimed make the setting a more healthy and safe environment as the health and safety of all children, young people, staff and other adults is vital. For that reason all children, parents, staff and volunteers are to be made aware of any risks and hazards to health and safety to minimize the risks and hazards to enable children and young people to succeed. The entitled health and safety person at the setting has to undertake…
Psychological Safety As mentioned in the introduction, the prior studies have classified psychological safety in several components, including physical risk- psychological safety (Amponsah-Tawiah et al., 2013), energy-psychological safety (Babin & Boles, 1996),inner-psychological safety (Brown & Leigh, 1996) and team-psychological safety (Edmondson, 1999). Whilst some prior studies have examined the components of psychological safety, those studies have overlooked the link between these…
Workplace health and safety (WH&S) is one major area of concern for all the industrialists, public health and social activists. Almost every day there are many occurrences of work place injuries and fatalities which results in unfathomable pain and agony to employees and their families. These work place injuries and fatalities cost a large amount to a country’s economy . The safe work Australia in 2012-13 financial year estimated the economic cost of work related injuries to $61.8 billion…