money or items to give, it is also time. Giving up one’s time can make a difference in someone else 's life more than objects and wealth. The old adage, “’tis better to give than to receive”, still is true today. Many people believe in doing “random acts of kindness” or “paying it forward”, something that still demonstrates the old saying ultimately explaining, giving is good. This is important for people to realize that while they may have everything in the world, other people do not. Many…
Teens everywhere in the world, tall or small, black or white, repeat certain actions, oblivious that they even do them. Overtime, however, our habits define us more than just our expressive attire; they make or break us. Sean Covey wrote the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens to inform teens to about the characteristics that happy and successful adolescents have in common. Through consistently choosing and applying the principles of Covey’s seven habits, teens increase personal power in…
Mental illness a serious matter in society today. Many people from teenagers to adults suffer from some kind of mental illness. Anxiety and depression are the two most common types of mental illnesses experienced, both ranging from mild to severe. Unfortunately, the people that suffer from these illnesses are not treated with the respect that they should be. People with these illnesses are gaslighted into believing that what they are experiencing and feeling is wrong and that it is their fault,…
Today, if you stopped a random woman on the street, it would be more than likely that she has a job that isn 't just staying at home and raising children, but in 1911, the year that Edith Wharton 's Ethan Frome was published, it would be the exact opposite. The traditional gender roles and expectations that were a strong influence on American society at the time can be seen throughout Ethan Frome, mainly as limitations on what the characters can do with their lives, such as where they live or…
Moral values seem non-important but not everyone has it. In the 21st century, moral values are becoming more and more needed and important for the society. But does everyone really know what is moral? Definition of moral is private conduct based on strict adherence to a sanctioned or accepted code or dogma of what is right or wrong, particularly as proclaimed in a sacred book, or by a non-secular group or sect.Once practically interchangeable with “ethical”, this term has acquired…
Karma is what creates this balance we all seek. Karma is the act of doing good or bad deeds and in return having something done on to you, either good or bad. When speaking to others, if you speak kindly, most likely they will do the same in return. Keeping a balanced life is what will enrich our lives and make us…
In Daniel C. Dennett’s Freedom Evolves, he takes a compatibilist view of determinism. Dennett’s work evolves around the individual’s ability to function within a deterministic universe while still maintaining some form of free will. This universe is largely deterministic, and human lives are most likely predetermined by an unbroken chain of parental influence since the dawn of complex life. Humanity, however has the privilege of being able to make their own choices, although the concept of true…
Ships coming from Africa carried people captured against their will and turned them into a commodity to be bought and sold. Subjected to traumatic experiences of brutality, these people experienced the gravest of inhumane conditions as slaves. Random beatings and physical torture occur at the whim of their new masters. Food and water are a luxury reserved for higher social classes, slaves being permitted only the minimum required to sustain life. Chains, iron bars, and pistols are tool to render…
new concepts to society. I’ve actually been seeing more acceptance, mostly, in the LGBTQ community that has raised a lot of awareness and started some movements. There’s been a lot of stories on social media of different people that did a random act of kindness and are rewarded greatly. All we need is one person’s unique story to inspire tons of people and start movements and fundraisers. When we do something that makes someone else happy, our brain rewards with a rush of dopamine, which makes…
Offred’s struggles throughout Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale illustrates the effects that relationships and experiences have on an individual’s sense of self and hunger for freedom. The Republic of Gilead is a warped modern-day rendition of Puritan life, a “fertility cult” (Nakamura 3) under the guise of a religious society. Like the Puritans and many other historical cultures, the women of Gilead are treated like objects to be issued, thus robbed of their voice and their…