‘Looking for Alaska’ is story surrounding the protagonist Miles Halter, better known as Pudge, who makes the decision to move to Culver Creek Boarding School to seek “the Great Perhaps”. Originally from an ordinary Florida town, Pudge is looking for a more exciting life and decides boarding school is the perfect location. He ends up falling into a friend group with the intelligent Chip, better known as The Colonel, and the mentally unstable, fascinating and mysterious Alaska Young. The group…
The way someone copes with their mental illness determines the outcome for theirs and their family’s life. Post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, can come in many different types. This specific sickness can not only affect the person going through the trauma but also the family members in some positive r negative ways. There can be several divers ways on how to recover from PTSD. Different types of PTSD can occur in any situation to any person who has gone through a trauma. The…
Brandy Vela an 18-year-old teenager, committed suicide on November 29, 2016 in Texas City, Texas. The teenage girl had been bullied for many years for being overweight. On November 29, 2016 Brandy Vela had sent an e-mail and text message to her siblings and parents stating that she planned on committing suicide. Her sister Jacqueline Vela and father Raul Vela immediately rushed home. They made their way up to their dear one’s room and saw her against a wall, pointing a gun at her chest crying.…
Rationale and Purpose: Domestic violence is a topic that is rarely discussed within our society, yet is more common than one would believe. We often read of domestic violence being more dominant among women, however, women are not the only individuals who battle with domestic violence issues. Domestic violence victims are often ashamed to tell anyone of the violence for fear of making the situation worse, fear of how their spouse will react or they have a false sense of hope that things will get…
Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder which is characterized by seizures. When a person near you has an epileptic seizure, it can be a very scary and frightening experience. Learning how to handle the situation will make it less dangerous for the victim and less stressful for you and the people watching it. I have listed some steps to teach you what to do. First of all, take a mental note of the duration of the victim's seizure. If the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes, call 911 immediately.…
William Owen Ms. Gommermann English 11 20 February 2017 The Importance Of Equality Bayard Rustin once said, “If we desire a society of peace, then we cannot achieve such a society through violence. If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society. If we desire a society that is democratic, then democracy must become a means as well as an end.” This is an important piece of advice because we, as neighbors, must…
These causes have cultural ties, as how DID is presented varies around the world. For instance, in India, patients only switch alters after sleeping for some time - which is how the disorder is actually depicted in the country. Like all other psychological disorders, having a family member with DID can be a risk factor, increasing the likelihood of someone developing the disorder. This however does not translate into the condition being purely hereditary. DID also seems more prominent in…
Communication disorders encompass a variety of speech and language that affect the day to day lives of children and adults. The views of these disorders are viewed differently by different people depending on the setting. It ranges from positive acceptance to negative rejection. For example, within the movies, “The King’s Speech” and “Sound and Fury” has been produced in order to capture the challenges that give an inside view for viewers to empathize with. People can connect to the characters…
A broad array of stakeholders interact with detained juveniles on any given day. Social service agencies, community-based substance abuse treatment programs, law makers, Judges, lawyers, preachers, teachers, mental health professionals and youth advocates just to name a few. These stakeholders provide resources and or services that contribute to the juvenile justice system. These relationships shape the environment in which treatment and community-based research takes place. A paradigm is…
In my opinion, being a military social worker would take a great amount of knowledge, skills, strength, and inner power. When I think about military social work, my mind automatically reflect about pain, distress, and mental illness. I believe that many people who are in the military are faced with various risks due to the environment and duties that they must endure. From the movies and information that I have learned over the years, the military environment is dangerous and has many negative…