Juvenile probation was originally started through John Augustus when he persuaded a judge in 1841 to release an offender to him for supervision in the community rather than to sentence him to prison (Lawrence et al, pg. 410). Juvenile probation is provided on the basis of having supervision and guidance through programs such educational and employment services and assistance in other areas as well. Juvenile probation has been the most predominantly used juvenile court disposition. There have…
numbers of criminals, probation is a very important job that needs to be done effectively. Many probation officers do not go the extra mile to help the offender make a healthier lifestyle. Probation can be very difficult and stressful work. Passion is needed when handling someone 's life, it 's a very big responsibility. Many facilities are doing studies to enhance the system so more people get on the right track rather than going to jail. In order to become an effective probation officer a…
My job is to help prevent them from committing new crimes. A probation officer must meet with the probationer, family and friends to gather background information to help better identify the right course of rehabilitation by providing rules of conduct, and setting goals. Probation officers should be able to discuss what factors might have led the probationer toward criminal behavior and provide adequate resources the probationer…
Criminal Justice “Probation in America” Eduardo vazquez Brightwood College – Palms Springs CJ130 Mr. Butler The origin of probation can be traced to English criminal law of the middle Ages. Harsh punishments were imposed on adults and children alike for offenses that were not always of a serious nature. Sentences such as branding, flogging, mutilation, and execution were common. During the time of King Henry VIII, for instance, no less than 200 crimes were punishable by death, many of…
Probation Shortfalls in Virginia Within the Virginia Department of Corrections is the Community Corrections office whose goal is to provide public safety, ensuring that the public is “free of danger, injury and damage caused by those who choose not to obey the law” (Virginia Department of Corrections, n.d.). Probation officers take on a great deal of responsibility in supervising probationers. Virginia Code 53.1-145, provides powers and duties of probation and parole officers. As an officer…
seizures by law enforcement officers. However, this protection does not extend to those on probation and parole. The homes of those on probation and parole can be searched at any time without a search warrant. If drugs, weapons or other paraphernalia is found that interrupts the conditions of probation or parole, those items may be taken and used in evidence against the offender. In addition to revocation of probation or parole, the person may face additional criminal charges for possessing the…
Community juvenile probation and juvenile detention centers both play an important role in decreasing juvenile delinquency. Probation is the main form of community treatment used by the juvenile justice system (Siegel, 386). This evidence proves that probation is one of the effective programs that can be used to deter minors from committing crimes. I believe that community treatment programs are good because they give juveniles the opportunity to gather resources and receive treatment plans,…
drugs. My future career is to become a probation officer and soon achieve being an Assistant Chief Probation Officer Having this position, your annual salary is about $99,000 to $100,000 yearly. Under general administrative direction, plans, coordinates and directs the administrative and financial operations of the Juvenile Probation Department, including budgeting, staffing, and program development; implements and enforces policy as determined by the Chief Probation Officer; manages…
In my time in interviewing a probation officer, I have gotten in contact with Darin Kessler. Mr. Kessler, currently works with the Harris County Community Supervision and Corrections Department and has the position of a Community Supervision Officer. As described by Mr. Kessler, a Community Supervision officer supervises their client based on the order of the judge. It is their job to help and keep offenders in check and also report any problems to the court. Ultimately, he wishes that the…
tough love, but it is much harder when placed in that situation. Professionally we learn tasks overtime while we have hands on experience. The internship prepared me for this career path in so many ways. I learned about all the duties that the probation officers do on a daily basis. I learned how the different services intertwine with one another. This including surveillance, and court school. It has really taught me a lot about the system as a whole and what it takes day to day…