Blood Pressure Blood pressure , as a physiological variable of humans, is a hydrostatic pressure, utilized by blood on the walls of blood vessels.(Tortora and Derrickson 2011). It is caused by the contraction of the ventricles and the amount of blood in the whole cardiovascular system. The mean blood pressure (the average pressure in the cardiac cycle) is coordinated in order to provide adequate blood transfer to the tissues.(Saladin,2001). The decrease of blood pressure is followed by an…
Hypertension A.K.A. High Blood Pressure I picked High Blood Pressure also known as Hypertension for my disease for this assignment. The main reason is because it seems everyone around me has high blood pressure. A coworker has high blood pressure and did not take his medications and ended up having a really bad stroke. I didn’t realize until that happened that it could be as serious as a stroke to people. My husband has high blood pressure and I am on him all the time about taking his medicine.…
The following assignment is going to discuss measuring blood pressure and how it relates to Adult Nursing. I will explain the term blood pressure and how the skill is used. I believe it is one of the most important clinical skills required to monitor patient’s health and wellbeing. Firstly the term Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure that the blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels. Systemic arterial blood pressure sustains the essential flow of blood into and out of the organs of the…
students. In William Zinsser’s “College Pressures”, he addresses four college pressures through classifying, exemplifying, and analyzing cause and effect. Classification and division is a rhetorical strategy that breaks…
rather than family. During this stage of life peer pressure can be a challenge in most individuals. Although, many think of peer pressure as a negative aspect of life, it can have many positive effects like positive peer association; as well as empathy and social initiative. There are two types of peer pressure, one being direct and the other being indirect peer association. They both play a huge part when it comes to positive peer pressure. In order to identify how these play a factor…
A condition in which the force of the blood against the artery walls are high enough that it can cause health problems. Hypertension hikes the chances of getting a disease of the heart and having a stroke. Hypertension, also known as High Blood Pressure, has had many theories on how it was discovered. It has been around since the early Egyptian empires, but the importance did not come around until around the 1950s. By the 16th Century Leonardo Da Vinci showed many diagrams of the anatomical…
Question Three Descriptive data The following is a discussion of the descriptive data for the variables systolic blood pressure , diastiloc blood pressure, gender and nationtonal insitute of health hypertension category used to decribe the sample. Within this sample of 50 particpants, the average systolic blood pressure obtained was 135.88. This average takes into consideration all scores obtained within this sample population (Loiselle et al., 2011). If the scores were rearrange from the…
and standing 120/72 mmHg. When comparing the results to the class, subject’s systolic blood pressure was lower and diastolic was higher than the class average in the supine position. The subjects pulse pressure PP was 40, lower than the class of 46 and female average of 45 while, MAP was 93, higher than the class average of 89 but lower than the female average of 95. When subjects were standing blood pressure increased from when they were lying down and sitting. This is because when lying down…
High blood pressure, also known as Hypertension, is a sustained, elevated blood pressure of 140/90 or greater. This condition develops over many years. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood the heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in the arteries. The more blood the heart pumps, the narrower the arteries become and therefore causes a higher blood pressure. Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to serious complications such as heart attack and stroke. Essential…
the extent of their conformity may not always be completely truthful. This study evaluates measures of peer pressure and peer conformity and the degree to which subjects self report the extent to which they do or do not conform to the “norms” around them. It is expected that there will be a correlation between the rate at which subjects care about popularity and succumb to peer pressure with the rate at which they expect themselves to mold to the actions and roles of those around them, thus,…