Charlotte Thain PART 2A - TRAP QUESTION Mark 12:13-17 - Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar "13 Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. 14 They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not? 15 Should we pay or shouldn’t we?” But Jesus…
John chapter 8:6- 11 is part of the story of the adulteress woman. Where we all know was just a women brought by the Pharisees to try and trap Jesus. By using the law to trick him in a dilemma; as they thought that they had tricked him he had written in the sand. He said he without any sin cast the first stone. One by one they left till Jesus was left. Jesus then asks the woman “woman where are they? Has no one condemned you? She replies no. Then Jesus finishes with this “neither do I condemn…
This opposition stems from the Pharisees, who “took council against him to put him to death” (Mt 12:14). The lack of faith in these Israelites calls for an answer from Jesus. The gospel of Matthew shows how Jesus used parables to teach the Israelites who opposed him. Much like in the…
Four Views of Jesus The New Testament integrates four gospels, each having been written during different time periods and by different minds. When different thought processes and personalities converge into one Bible, it is indisputable that there will be a degree of variation in the presentation of Jesus across the four gospels. The Gospel of Mark portrayed Jesus’ Messiahship through his suffering as a reparation for the sins of his followers. On the other hand, the Gospel of Matthew…
story. Also, Jesus’ answer in the Synoptics are quite similar but nevertheless, has a meaningful influence on today’s American audience. Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is referred to as a teacher. A teacher is who Jesus is called by the Pharisees when they set out to “trap him in his words”. This description of Jesus, that is included in…
there really a need for Theology? (Erickson, 31). I have asked myself the same question. However, to be honest this is just my flesh talking not my spiritual thoughts. This same concern was addressed by Jesus Christ many time when debating with the Pharisees about their false interpretation and misunderstanding of the Mosaic Law. One example, is the most misunderstood commandment back then; and today is no different “keeping the Sabbath.” The fact, is that this fourth commandment was given to us…
examined the evidence, and looked at God’s examples in the past, eventually coming to the conclusion that Gentiles are not required to fulfill the Law. There are many principles in Acts 15 that deal with conflict. A group of believers who were Pharisees came teaching that that Christians were obligated to follow the entire law God had given to Moses, removing the essential element of liberty from Christian belief (Henry). Paul and Barnabas debated with them, saying that this was not true. The…
Step 3 The root of what causes the desire to people please is very deep and complex. On more of a surface level it is a deep desire for others approval and getting affirmation from others. What runs deep and beneath that is the question of why do I feel like I need to seek affirmation from others? This is the question that I had to meditate on as I did this project. The goal of people pleasing is to make others think highly of you and like you. There are a lot of different motives that…
n chapter 3 of Jesus Behaving Badly, Mark Strauss addresses the issue of Jesus being someone who cures diseases and someone who is angry or loving. Reading this chapter I feel that Jesus is the loving type because he doesn’t reject anyone from knowing him. He wants people to know him and can share the gospel to other people so that when judgement day comes they will go to heaven rather than hell. One verse that stood out to me was Mark 1:33-34, “The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus…
the sin of all the human by dying on the cross in the end, through that we can see that there is a good side of the usage of power in good hands. On the other hand, Satan and the Pharisees used the power to gain control and took advantage of the people for their own purpose and benefit of doing evil things, the Pharisees were in control of the government and they only cared about the laws that they…