This paper will disclose my personality assessment scores define by Pearson Education, as well as insights gained from our textbook, Type Talk at Work and The Gospel and Personal Reflections. With the results from the assessment test I will relate the different personality categories to how I operate in the organization, how I relate to others in the organization and life in the organization. Each of these categories will reveal scores that will signify high or low ability, consequently…
better job performance. Research by Judge and Bono (2001) demonstrated a high correlational value between generalised self-efficacy and job performance. They suggest that generalised self-efficacy, internal locus of control or self-esteem should be considered in selection decisions. A meta-analytical study that was conducted by Stajkovic and Luthans (1998) suggests that self-efficacy may even be a better predictor of work-related…
society emphasis dichotomies, good or bad, black or white, and gender: masculinity or femininity (Beck, 1998). Masculinity and femininity as separate and distinct gender identities are constructed through the performance of and repetition of ‘gendered’ acts. Over time gendered performances have become embedded in the structural arrangements and preferences of society (Fahey, 2007). Masculinity defines itself in its opposition to femininity, as part of the dichotomy of gender this is reflected…
Every human being has quirks and personality traits that make them unique and these characteristics give them the individuality that makes them who they are. No matter how insignificant they may seem to an outsider, these peculiarities and personality traits have a significant impact on how individuals interact with others in both personal and professional realms. To take advantage of the vast and various personalities that may be found in today’s diverse workplace, both managers and employees…
My Self-Assessment The purpose of taking the DiSC personality test and the Emotional Intelligence test was to understand how I currently interact and work with colleagues, how colleagues and others communicate with me, and how I could improve my interactions. The DiSC test is based on the DISC (Dominance, Inducement, Submission, and Compliance) Theory is a four attribute behavioral model to examine the behavior of individuals within a specific environment. (Jang, 2008) According to Phycology…
Self-Determination Theory "Self-Determination theory (SDT) is an approach to human motivation and personality that uses traditional empirical methods while employing an organismic metatheory that highlights the importance of humans’ evolved inner resources for personality development and behavioral self-regulation"(Ryan & Deci, 2000, p. 68). Within this paper onee will discuss the correlation between SDT and motivation in relations to personal individual growth, and professional development.…
be relevant in the workplace (Schor, et al., 2000). Arguably, an individual should analyse their own strength, weaknesses, personality, attitudes, skills and knowledge to gauge and subsequently improve on them…
successful due to the level of student involvement and commitment to the cause. The professor simply motivated the class by sharing his passion which inspired us to go the extra mile in accomplishing the task. This firsthand experience made a remarkable impact on me as I compared with other class projects. What I noticed made the most difference was a leader’s ability to inspire and engage followers to assume responsibility for a common goal. Further, the authors of Toward…
This paper will discuss the personality trait assessment of INFJ and the temperament of NF. This will include a personal assessment and reflection of these traits. There are important aspects of these traits that need clarification to understand the concepts. These traits have benefits and downfalls from all aspects of life. The benefits and downfalls play a critical role in the professional and personal life of individuals. The realization of ones traits can assist in the development of…
leadership just as there are traits that distinguish leaders from subordinates. Currently research has shifted from traditional trait or personality-based theories to a situation theory. A situation theory is where leadership skills and leader characteristics are based on the (Amanchukwu, Stanley, & Ololube, 2015). All current theories can fall under one of the following three viewpoints: leadership as a process or relationship, leadership as a combination of traits or personality…