Ten years ago on a hot afternoon as my father filled the black twenty-gallon tanks of water, and the roar of the jake brake and the downshifting melody of the passing trucks filled the air. “Mijo ven y detén la manguera en lo que agarro Cambio” my dad yelled.Why me I asked myself as I stomped over to the truck and got farther from the fun. Pump, whish, screech, roar, and melody were sounds that I would hear while I held the lime green hose in place. After my dad had gotten the change in quarters…
“He's leaving me.” whimpered Nimbus,” Why oh why is he leaving me?” Nimbus was there now all alone wishing he was never formed. “All I can do is hurt others.” He said sulkily. “All I know how to do is make dangerous animals.” “He left me for cumulus .” He cried. All that happiness with the puppies and babies, I can't make that.” But there he was all alone floating below the rest. All the while when he was soaking in his sorrow, stork was planning a surprise for Nimbus. “That's it!” Exclaimed…
Boy’s Savagery In the book Lord of the Flies they had many complications. The boys became very savage. I think the boys savage and immoral behavior should be blamed on the environment. In the book Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, he writes about characters whose plane crashed on a deserted island. When the characters were all on the island they formed a tribe. The main characters were Ralph and Piggy. Ralph was the leader of the tribe and was tall and skinny. Piggy was a…
Both Ralph and Jack symbolize two different types of government leaders. Ralph shares his ideas and thoughts with the boys and whenever a task needs to be done he shares the responsibility of the task with the other boys. Not only does Jack share his ideas with the boys but he also shows them the way he wants it to be done. He takes control when showing the boys how to hunt and he dictates to the boys their orders. In the book, Jack continues to lead by example whenever he is doing something.…
People can change in ways that can make them seem like a completely different person when they face a significant amount of conflict. Conflict will change a person without them even realizing it. Brian changed in significant ways that only few people can experience. In the novel, Hatchet Brian was faced with many different kinds of conflict that he had to overcome for his survival. During Brian’s experience in the Canadian wilderness, he transformed from a young boy into a young man. When the…
concept of √-1. Mainly for the reason in which he talks about in the book, this is that a number cannot, when one multiplied by itself, produces a negative integer; therefore, √-1 cannot exist. When the problem arose with this irrational mathematical idea, D-503 does not know how to react and is feared the world will collapse. He looks at math as a way to describe life, so when he sees this irrational number, the subject moves D-503 to tears. He panics because the root…
The element I selected for the Element Research Project is Osmium. Osmium’s chemical symbol is Os. Osmium’s atomic mass is 190 amu. Osmium’s atomic number is 76, it has 76 protons and 76 electrons. Osmium also has 114 neutrons. Osmium belongs to the transition metal group in the middle of the periodic table. Osmium’s Bohr model with electric configuration has two electrons in the first shell, eight in the second shell, eighteen is the third shell, thirty two in the fourth shell, fourteen in the…
Salbutamol Discovery Chiral chemistry was introduced in 1848 by French chemist and biologist, Louis Pasteur. He discovered this new branch of chemistry after he separated two isomers of ammonium tartate (1). This paved the way for several progressions in the pharmaceutical industry. Although it took approximately a century for scientists to use chiral compounds as effective drugs, they have played a remarkable role in the life of plants and animals (1). The credit for discovering the chiral…
“Atavism is the tendency to revert to ancestral type. In biology, an atavism is an evolutionary throwback, such as traits reappearing which had disappeared generations before.” In writing authors use symbolism, conflicts, and character to convey atavism in their works. In Golding’s lord of the flies, he uses characterization of jack and the hunters, conflicts between characters and symbolism to show atavism. He uses these things to show that when the rules of society are removed even the most…
Chapter 1. Ralph is elected to become the leader of the tribe and culls characters Jack and Simon to assist him investigating the island for any civilization. After the expedition, they stumble upon a wild pig captured in vines. Jack draws his weapon preparing to kill the boar, however, he balks and the hog was able to liberate itself before Jack is able to work up the courage to kill the pig. As the leader of the hunters, he knows that he can never do that again if the boys want to eat and not…