history, the sinking of the Titanic, the influenza epidemic, and WWI that shifted the American economy for the better. One of the largest social events of this decade was the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. At its time, the Titanic was the largest passenger boat in the world. The…
Birkenhead Drill Birkenhead Drill was a military ship. In February 1851, it was going to South Africa with troops and their families. There were a total of six hundred and thirty people on board out of which one hundred and seventy were women and children. The rest were inexperienced military men and officers. At 2 a.m. on 25th February, when this ship was near Cape Town, it strokes a massive rock that was not shown on any of the maps. This sudden jerk broke the ship into two pieces. The front…
the sinking of the titanic. The author use different perceptions of the incident to give more depth to the feeling the passengers had when they hit something The author did this to make a broader explanation of how it felt when the titanic struck the iceberg. One of these perceptions were Frederick Fleet’s Fleet was a lookout for the titanic. They did not worry about passenger problems The lookouts were the eyes of the ship and this night Fleet had been warned to watch particularly for…
The RMS titanic is the world’s first biggest ship in the world. It is a British ship that sink down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The ship carried almost 4,000 passenger but it actually carried 3,547 passenger and crew is 2,223. The titanic is longest ship ever recorded, the length of it was eight thunder three it was constructed in March 31 1909 and built in Belfast in Northern Ireland. The designer of the RMS Titanic is Thomas Andrews the captain is Edward Smith he was born in January…
000. Two of the workers were killed during the build. 20 horses needed to transport the main anchor. It took three years to build the Titanic. The maximum number of people that the Titanic could carry was 3,547 passengers. Next, the number of the people aboard was 2,223 was the passengers and crew on board. There were 13 couples on a honeymoon. The number of lifeboats the…
Lusitania began a voyage to Liverpool, England. This voyage would be her last; and the last for over 1,000 of her passengers. Of the 1,959 men, women, and children aboard, only 761 passengers would survive the voyage. While on the seas, word made it to the ship that the seas would be increasingly inhabited with German submarines the closer they got to England, so to better prepare the passengers they readied the lifeboats on the ship. On May 7, 1915, without any warning, a German U-boat sent a…
most luxurious cruise line ships just had sunk. This horrific sinking of the ship is very devastating and the ship contained roughly around 2,200 passengers on board. 1,500 of the 2,200 passengers including women, men and children, and many of the crew members working for the ship had lost their lives. That is merely more than two-thirds of the passengers that died on that ship accident. The ages of the victims that lost their lives that morning, ranged from the tender age of 19 months to 75…
the text of page 19, after what seemed to be a long day of work, Harold decided to take a well deserved nap. As Harold dozed off, his partner was left to do passenger complaints and ice warnings, which proved to be too much for one worker to handle. Last but not least, on page 19, while Harold’s partner worked he was overwhelmed with passenger complaints and those that needed assistance when a shouting voice came over the radio. It was the captain of the Californian. When getting this message…
Haven't you ever wondered who was responsible for the deaths that took place at the Titanic Disaster? The Titanic was one of the biggest ships ever to set sail. The Titanic was also one of the few ships in 1912 to have little lifeboat space for its passengers The person you would need to talk to would be Captain Stanley Philip Lord. Since he was the one that did not respond correctly to the flares shot by the Titanic, he had absolutely no experience with ice fields, and as Captain of the ship he…
The Titanic The night the Titanic sank was a very tragic night. One question I have and oftenly ponder is if this disaster could have been avoided? Could extra precautions could have taken to save the lives of the people on the Titanic. I honestly believe that it could have been avoided and that some people were the cause of this disaster. I have reason to believe that the captain and the wireless operator are at fault. First of all, the lookouts did not see the iceberg before time because…