Saint Anslem was a Catholic philosopher who wrote a proof through deduction for the existence of the Christian God. Ontology is the study of what there is, more specifically in this case, the entities that exist and the logic encompassing such thought. Therefore, an ontological argument is an argument that appeals to a being or an essence of a thing. Often, ontological arguments are unclear as to what the answer, or even, question is exactly; thus leaving the arguments open to thought,…
Nicolás Juárez “I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds”: Vietnam, the Non-Ethics of War and Modernity as God In the dark, early July morning of 1945, in an arid, barren desert in New Mexico, the first atomic bomb exploded. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the leader of the project, would recall that amongst the scatterings of laughter and tears, there was an overwhelming silence that haunted the crowd. He would, upon seeing this falling star crash into Earth, speak a line from the sacred Hindu text,…
the research under each metatheory. (40 points) Metatheory is theory about theory that helps researchers understand why decisions about research methods, design, and analysis are made. The three metatheoretical approaches are ontology, epistemology, and axiology. Ontology is the study of the nature of reality and has two key stances within it, realist and nominalist. Realist is the belief that the world exists in one way and is tangible, meaning it is the same for everyone. Nominalist, or…
Meditation two, Descartes focus again on certainty, thru ontology and metaphysical tools. By means of these branches, he rationalizes the idea of certainty and existence. Nonetheless, he knows that God is deceiving, for he might not even inhabit space, furthermore he can’t trust the senses since the senses are also deceiving him for he doesn’t have any of the physical attributes to sense. Yet he is aware of his existence, although he is not sure of his entity. He is not sure of where does he…
Section 1.2 The alternative: physicalism The idea that everything is physical is not always obvious; what reasons do we have to believe that everything in the natural world is made from physical things? And what do we mean by physicalism? Let us answer the second question, and then prepare the way to answer the first question. Papineau (1993) suggests that physicalism is “the thesis that all natural phenomena are, in a sense to be made precise, physical” (Papineau, 1993, p. 1). Natural…
Many believe that God was self-created or self-causing which is baffling because “God as cause” would have to precede “God as effect”. If we continue to go off the claim that no one created God, concluding that God is eternal, then why not make the notion simpler in the fact that the universe is also eternal? For an example, matter can change into energy just as so energy can change into matter, but the sum total of matter equals energy, remains constant. Same with the universe, it has no outer…
Question Prevalent Throughout the Ages St. Anselm, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is vastly known for his version of the ontological argument for the existence of God that is present in “The Proslogion.” Ontology works to answer questions regarding the reality of something; furthermore Anslem’s Ontology argument aims to answer the question of the reality or existence of God. Before one examines the Ontological Argument and its somewhat perplex nature, it is important to understand the very…
Ryle is suggesting you accept his explanation of why dualism commits a category mistake on the grounds of non dualistic ontology! Although he does argue that the original language explaining dualism is wrong. The way Ryle is critiquing dualism is problematic because for one to build a case against dualism based on beliefs external to dualism is inaccurate. Ryle continues to…
1 Introduction In "e-Business Model Ontologies" [Gordijn, 2004], Gordijn describes reasons for failure of many e-Business projects and proposes the graphical e3 value ontology to tackle these problems. He states that a lot of business project are unsuccessful, because the stakeholders do not succeed to in getting a common understanding of the project and that companies fail in making the value of the project clear to the customer. Gordijn then describes three viewpoints of the e3 value model. He…
The text contains two information: one is Zeno’s idea, and the other is the difference between Zeno and Platonists and Peripatetics. Firstly, Zeno is Stoic and he is the founder of stoicism. As the text explained, the Stoics think that it was totally impossible that something incorporeal should be the agent of anything, and that only a body was capable of acting or of being acted upon. According to their theory, the ideas are the concepts of the human mind. Since concepts are not substantial,…