The Power of Imperialism, Race and Gender “The smallest Woman in the world” is a short story telling a tale of a French explorer looking for the smallest pygmy in the world. Upon finding what he believes is the smallest woman in the world, the story’s concept of exploration transitions from innocent curiosity to exploitation. Through Clarice Lispector’s short story, “The Smallest Woman in the World”, the reader will be able to identify the story’s allegory of superior and inferior and will see…
Historians lay special emphasis to the friendship between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Although the two men only met face to face three times, Doulas came to value Lincoln’s perspective and the approach to politics and constitution of America. Douglass, would later say, that having known Abraham Lincoln personally was "one of the greatest experiences" of his life. Frederick Douglass was a former slave and abolitionist leader who became known throughout the nation and the world as a…
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations within the FMR1 gene. This gene controls production of the fragile X mental retardation 1 protein (FMRP). FMRP affects the creation of other proteins and the development of synapses, or connections between nerve cells. The vast majority of cases of FXS are caused by the mutation of a specific DNA sequence within the FMR1 gene. This DNA sequence normally repeats about 5 to 40 times, in people with FXS the sequence may be repeated…
Winniscot’s book, Playing and Reality, focuses on the nature of learning through playing and how mentally vulnerable people are when they’re young. In his case studies, he mentioned about a boy who would act in weird manners with strings when his mother wasn’t home. The problem became worse and worse, and they visited him for help. Winnicot suggested that a line of communication would be required between the mother and the child as he could see that the child was too reliant on the mother. After…
Abstract This article, by examining and analysing Indira Bai (one of the early novels in Kannada literature), argues that the native intellectual class of India employed the medium of novel not only to critically interrogate their socio-cultural practices in the backdrop of a new consciousness and experiences ushered in by colonial transactions but also to refashion their idea of ‘tradition’ and modernity. Thus, their response to the colonial ‘modernity’ was not merely an act of ‘civilizing…
Paradigms “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” introduced Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm theory. Paradigms describe the scientific observations of a natural phenomenon or theory (Kuhn 2012, 41). Thomas Kuhn’s “Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” provides a philosophical look into the scientific process and an understanding of how theories change and progress over time. Paradigms help explain theories, concepts, and observations so they can be learned from (Kuhn 2012, 43). Kuhn himself…
The friendly to hostile nonverbal communications represent affiliation while the behaviors connected to status, hierarchies, and power are reflecting control or as this study calls verticality. They also analyze the Mimicry Paradigm: a model that predicts that because similarity communicates a connection, humans have a tendency to mimic the behaviors of individuals around them despite the intensity of the behavior. Both ideas show a use of reciprocation. Another study…
The interaction between the CNS and the systemic immune system is delicate, being limited by the presence of the blood brain barrier (BBB), which renders the CNS immune homeostasis in a dormant self-tolerant state (1). Selective permeability of the BBB plays a crucial role in regulating the entry of specific molecules into the CNS and excluding most macromolecules from passing into the brain (2, 3). This unique feature of the BBB also prevents leakage of neurotransmitters into the circulation.…
Scaffolding Essay1: Rhetorical Analysis Nell Bernstein’s essay Goin’ Gangsta, Choosin’ Cholita seeks to examine the complexities of ethnic identity, and to evaluate the concept of claiming an ethnicity one was not born into. Bernstein explores the differing perspectives several Californian teens and young adults have regarding personal ethnic identification. For many of them it’s a choice, and as Bernstein puts it, “identity is not a matter of where you come from, what you were born into, what…
That was a quote from Anthony D’ Angelo, as the quote says “Smiles is a key” why is it a key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart? Well as I continue, you will learn why it is a key. As we start, what is smile and what does it do? to answer this questions we need to further dig the meaning of smile in our dictionaries. According to Merriam Dictionary, Smile is a facial expression that we show when we extent our happiness. Then what does smile do? Smile can lift up some bad moods that a…