Released in 2012, Chasing Ice follows the efforts of nature photographer, James Balog, as he documents climate change through the world's melting glaciers. The film is written by Mark Monroe and its producers include, Jeff Orlowski, Jerry Aronson, as well as, Paula DuPre Pesmen. I chose this particular documentary due to my interest in the effects of climate change throughout the world. Two filmmakers, Jeff Orlowski and Jerry Aronson, along with, one film producer combined efforts in order to…
Imagine a world without the east coast of the United States. Imagine the entire state of California evacuated due to severe drought conditions. Imagine continuous forest fires wiping out wildlife in the southern states. Although these disastrous events are not present in the world today, it may be heading in this direction due to the rapid increase in temperature, also known as climate change. The issue of climate change has been playing a variety of different roles throughout the world over the…
A benefit versus cost analysis of the United States Coast Guard Oil Prevention Spill program, concluded that efforts to reduce oil spills pays off. Resources allocated to safer working conditions and optimal maintenance suggest that reduced environmental damages could total 3.5 million dollars saved, 1.5 million saved in cleanup costs and approximately 1 million dollars of oil saved. Various ways to prevent oil spillage are the assessment of the technology used in transport and drilling,…
Ted Summative Part C: Conflict and Controversy Energy is being consumed in ways that are not sustainable. This is a serious issue that is already affecting the environment and its effects will only worsen. With any issue, there is conflict and controversy surrounding this topic. There is controversy between people who agree that global warming is a serious issue and those who think otherwise. There is also conflict between people who think global warming will fix itself and those who think…
The Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Antarctica The objective of the article is going in depth how carbon dioxide effects the Antarctica. According to Student Science sources having higher amounts of Carbon dioxide in the Antarctica causes the environment to cool. Carbon dioxide absorbs and creates radiation stated in the article. The Carbon dioxide blocks radiation from surfaces. The article doesn’t provide necessary evidence because the article is mostly talking the Antarctica climate not how…
An inconvenient truth is a documentary about humans causing global warming presented by Al Gore. An inconvenient truth uses various techniques to persuade the audience in that global warming is caused by human activity. Montage technique helped to get the message across by displaying images with powerful meaning and gets the point across quickly . False analogy technique was used throughout the film and made the point have more of an impact. Sad voice technique in addition to montage and false…
A fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances so that it releases chemical energy as heat. Fuels can range from solid forms such as coal, liquid forms such as LPG & gas forms such as propane (you, 2017). Most of the fuels used are fossil fuels. Over 81% of America’s fuels are fossil fuels, these include fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. Fossil fuels are fuels that are extracted from the earth, this means that they are a limited resource. This creates the need for…
Light intensity: As the light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis also increases as this is helping the chloroplast to absorb chlorophyll. However, when it reaches its optimum level the level stays the same. Moreover, the Carbon dioxide concentration levels allows the plant to create food quicker. Once the Carbon dioxide reaches its optimum level the rate of photosynthesis stays the same. In addition, at the start, when the temperature begins to rise the rate of photosynthesis rises…
General Purpose: The purpose of my speech is to persuade my speakers to take action and help lower global warming by putting laws in place. Specific Purpose: Persuade my peers/audience to take action. Central Idea: Inform my classmates, about the impact that certain actions are doing on our planet. Introduction A popular topic that has been flying around for a few years has been the topic of global warming. Scientists started looking into and doing research on global warming back in the…
The goal of this lab was to compare the differences of temperature effect on a plant's growth rate. In this experiment, the materials used were water bottles, seeds, and cotton. One half-cut bottle with the seed was placed in room temperature, while the other in cold temperature. The plants were equally watered every other day after for 2 weeks (at the same time). Throughout this experiment, the results led to the conclusion that a plant placed in room temperature had a higher germination rate…