Red-tailed black sharks or Epalzeorhynchus bicolor belong to the family Cyprinidae. This family of fish is also known as Cyprinids. In laymen's term the red-tail is a member of the carp family. The red-tailed black shark was native to Thailand. But sadly, they are now extinct in the wild. All the red-tails available in fish stores today are commercially raised products of the aquarium trade industry. Red-tails black sharks of course bear no relation to sharks. Their name is purely descriptive.…
Everything about sharks Splash! The shark comes out the water and comes back down. Sharks are animals that are endangered and they are protected. They live in some places in south Africa, Australia, and both coasts of the united states of america. Sharks are 15 to 17 feet long and longer than a pick up truck and sharks can survive in their ocean habitat because their adaptations. Did you know that the great white sharks are the biggest sharks in the world? Big whites grow 15 to 17 feet long…
The Great Hammer head shark is one of many different shark species in the world. It is known mostly by its hammer shaped head that is uses in a specific way to help it hunt. This feature makes it a very dangerous predator to certain fish and other sharks. The Great Hammerhead shark has a very interesting life and I will soon learn more about it. What is life like for the Great Hammerhead shark. The Great Hammerhead shark hunts in places like shallow waters but it does not hunt in the shallows…
The Great White has an incredible sense of smell that it uses to sniff out prey. Another interesting sense of the Great White is the ampulla of Lorenzini, tiny pores in the skin that are highly sensitive to electrical discharges. These pores can sense charges as little as 0.005 microvolts. This "sixth sense" is useful in tracking prey's movement from long distances. In fact, they can feel disturbances in the water from up to a mile away. When great white sharks are young, they feed on smaller…
Liliana Nunez Professor Tronske Biology 111L.10 02/22/2017 Shark Study Reveals Taste Buds were Key to Evolution of Teeth While human taste buds sit individually on the tongue, numerous creatures’ specifically non-animal vertebrates have taste buds that line the areas of the jaws that likewise house teeth. The areas of a shark's mouth with the most astounding attentiveness of taste buds are right behind the last line of teeth in both the upper and lower jaws, indicating a significant relation…
15. The blanket octopus is not your ordinary octopus, they contain long webs connecting to their body. The females can grow as large as six feet while the males are only 5 centimeters in length. With the weight ratio to at least 10,000 to one, it sounds like mating should be fun. When the male finds a female octopus, he breaks off one of his arms and crawls inside her to store sperm, then swims off to die. Actually, that doesn’t sound very fun at all, but at least he got a happy ending, right?…
Sharks which are a deadly species while within the seas and oceans of God's creation. Made in many different varieties and in different shapes and sizes, the sharks are all mostly given grey skin and of course,are all water creatures. In fact, Sharks are vicious creatures that can get teeth up to 12 feet long and will eat any smaller animals within their territory. They are all rapid swimmers and are in clever species such as Hammerhead Sharks, Great White Sharks, Tiger Sharks, and Lemon…
Louis Zamperini spent 47 days stranded in the Pacific with the constant danger of the sharks surrounding him. In the book unbroken sharks don’t only represent the danger they are themselves, but sharks also symbolize the trials Zam faced in the rest of his story. When thinking about sharks they tend to represent a fierce and relentless force of nature.When facing challenges in life it may end in the feeling that there is some force that is set on being against us, otherwise some relentless goal…
The frilled shark is a mysterious creature which lives in some of the deepest waters of our oceans. Not many people know about them, well, because they don't come into human contact very often. Here are more facts about these marine animals that most people don't know. Number Eight: It Wasn't Seen Alive Until Recently For a good number of years now, the frilled shark has only been seen by humans as their dead bodies have washed onto the shore. In 2004, however, this all changed. It was seen…
The Blessing Of The Grouper: A Predator Fish Farming Business I want to share a little knowledge about a predator fish called the tiger grouper (*also known as epinephelus fuscoguttatus*). Interesting Facts About The Tiger Grouper: * The tiger grouper is a fish that lives in the ocean in groups of it’s own kind. * The grouper is a predatory fish that preys on various types of small fish, animal plankton, squid, and other small animals. * *Cekidot* is the tiger grouper’s Indonesian name. In…