kind of meeting to attend. I thought about playing it safe and attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting as I have attended several of these meetings and know the basic flow of things. Not only does this go against the requirements of this paper but I feel that it would do me a disservice. I ultimately decided to attend a “Restore” meeting at my church. It is similar to A.A. but it addresses an array of addictions anywhere from porn, shopping, narcotics etc. I felt that attending this meeting…
On October 5th, I attended the State of the City Address with seven of my fellow classmates. The event was so exciting to attend and hear about Mayor Cranley’s agenda for the future of Cincinnati in the upcoming year. Also, I was curious about if and how he would discuss Issue 22. While waiting for the address to begin, there was a woman handing out a sheet of paper that had the ballot language of Issue 22 printed on it and she was handing it out to members of the audience. I found this very…
Throughout the presidential project, the lack of preparation led to the downfall of my campaign. You see at the beginning I believed I had a strong committee, individuals who would put in the work, but it turns out being one of the smartest people in the class you get bombarded with people looking for an easy A. I should definitely have chosen my group better, that way I wouldn’t have been left alone to work on the project. This is something I have started to work on, no longer do I have a…
personal goals I set in Milestone Two. In Milestone two, I identified the three goals I sought to set for myself. Also, wanting these stress relieving goals to encompass my mind, body and spirit. These goals honor the significant areas of my life: meetings that I must attained for my sobriety, continuing to do service work and finally my spirituality fitness. Although…
for our meetings. Everything was easy and smooth. Moreover, we did not have any problem about the times and dates for our meetings. The requirement for this group project that we had to meet three times before the due date. That was not a big deal for us. The schedules for our meetings were on Wednesday night and Thursday night around seven pm. We decided to meet at library because library has the group study rooms. At there, we could talk and discuss about our project. On the first meeting,…
Networking Part 9 – Setting Up Presentations Even though the ultimate goal is to get in front of your prospects in a one-on-one meeting, you want to make sure that you work towards becoming an expert in your field. The easiest way to become an expert in your field is to hold seminars and meetings where you can give your presentation to a group of people who are part of your target market. You need to be very clever to title your event in a way that attracts an audience of truly interested…
bandwidth, meaning he has continued ongoing staffing issues and when an employee is absent from work he ends up filling in their position personally therefore losing the valuable time we discussed that he needs to prepare for his facilitation of meetings and conference calls. The biggest question I posed to him at this point was what aspects of preparation could his staff help him prepare? Could they pull reports and gather data so he could cut back on some preparation time and also get them to…
Nathaniel, in which I failed to report to my EBH appointment on the 31 of August 2016. My instructions were to produce a 1000 word essay on the importance of making, canceling, or rescheduling scheduled appointments. Appointments are basically scheduled meetings between two or more parties, most likely to discuss a specific topic or several topics of interest to the parties. Appointments are usually scheduled at a time and date agreed upon by the parties at a specific place. Based on those…
Shortly after I arrived and the Computer Science advisors office and checking in at the front desk, Mrs. Janson came out and greeted me. After brief introductions, she led me back to her cube. On her desk she had two copies of the Computer Science Academic Map printed out and my MTSU course and grade history on her computer. She was well prepared. I emailed her a few days prior to the appointment and briefly gave her the reason why I made the appointment and what I would want to discuss.…
A team meeting will be held in which I will discuss all options. During this meeting we will collaborate to find the best solution. I will assign each member with duties that work to their strengths in order to achieve the most positive outcome. By the end of this meeting we will have come to a mutual understanding through compromise (Schwon & Gueldenzoph Snyder, 2014). We will build an agenda…