In the United States, gang activity is a major issue in many communities. Gangs such as the Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings and MS-13 inhabit cities all across the country. Usually using graffiti to “tag” their turf, these gangs use violence, drug distribution, prostitution and various forms of smuggling and trafficking to intimidate citizens and expand their criminal organizations daily. Members usually wear specific clothing, colors and even tattoos to represent their affiliation with their…
The Fresno Bulldogs are made up of primarily Mexican American.They are one of many criminal street gangs.They are considered to be one of the largest Hispanic gangs in Central California because there memberships are estimated to be between 6,000 to 12,000 in the city of Fresno alone.The Bulldogs are broken into six different known sets which include Eastside, Northside, Parkside, Calwa, Westside, and County Dogs. The Bulldogs are a gang tied to an impulsive lifestyle that reflects the demands…
Insert Title Here Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13, is a notorious gang that originated in Los Angeles after many Central Americans fled the civil war in the 80’s. Most founding members come from El Salvador, where the civil war continued from 1980 to 1992. Although it was established nearly three decades ago, MS-13 continues to bolster across the globe. In America, MS-13 continues to make headlines in American news media outlets with some stating “MS-13 gang member charged in death of man…
Youth gangs is an interesting topic to be explored, particularly the influence on why youth feel compelled to join gangs. To provide a generalized concept of how youth gangs in this essay, it will be used in broad terms of persons aged twenty-five and younger and group engaged in unlawful behavior (Esbensen, Ni He, and Taylor 2001:106). Based on peer-reviewed research youth join gangs because of parental, school and peer influences. A prominent force that invites youth to join gangs is parental…
A Beautiful Yet Destructive Creation Not all street gangs are made for wrong doing. Many people might think down on the creation of gangs but it is a part of survival in their region. Street gangs, which pull peers into gangs for protection and social status, assemble to protect their neighborhood, family and friends from other street gangs thus causing rising crime rate and innocent people dying because of this. First off, there are a few definitions for gangs because authorities had a hard…
Who are the easiest targets to join a gang? The youth. With children and teens in gangs, it affects them the most, their families, and their communities. The youth join gangs because it makes them look cool, they have an older sibling is in a gang, one or both parents are in a gang, they are pressured, unity, and brotherhood. One major reason why children and teens join gangs is the neighborhood they live in and their surroundings (Chaskin 7). The majority of children and teens in gangs are…
According to Pitts (2008), the UK and the USA have seen dramatic changes in the economy which have greatly affected many families residing in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. In particular, the BME community has seen an increase in their young males left redundant and stagnant at the bottom of the social class ladder and excluded from the values of society. In their response to their lack of status, respect and power with frustration, black youths have ostensibly resulted to anger and also the…
The Effects Of Gangs on Single Parent Children Children are the future of our generation every child deserves a wonderful future filled with happiness and success. Growing up with just a single parent is hard for most children because of many factors some of which include lower living wages due to single parent income or not enough time being with family during a child 's critical years of growing. One of the main reasons children are often introduced to gangs is the lack of a fatherly figure…
Juvenile gangs are becoming more popular and problematic, not only in Poughkeepsie, but nationwide. Historically, gangs provided a pseudofamily relationships for individuals who feel isolated and that there was something wrong in their lives (Howell, 2000). Youth gangs are not only a problem in of themselves, but another growing issue is adult gangs that are recruiting younger individuals, specifically males. Although the definition of a youth gang varies, generally, gangs are self-formed groups…
As young, pre-teen youth grow up their respective communities and enter adolescence, their curiosity and desire to find thrill and ‘get out’ reaches an all-time high, as their brains are developing and ability to make wise decisions isn’t very strong. By joining a gang, they are able to suffice their need for adrenaline and are also able to ‘get out’, as the spend most of their time out of their respective homes. Youth are also looking for a sense of belonging in their life, as they feel the…