other trading days of the week. This is due to the transmission of news happened in trading holidays of Saturday and Sunday. The return distribution was positively skewed on Monday and Wednesday. The same was negatively skewed on rest of the days. Kurtosis distribution was leptokurtic for all days of the week and the highest is (9.647) was recorded on Monday. Shapiro - Wilk Test revels that return was asymmetric and it did not confirm the return series was normally distribution during the…
47.47 hours, with the standard deviation of 17.06. The distribution is slightly negative skew (-0.237), although in an acceptable range suggest that slightly more samples spend more hours in office than the average. The distribution’s value for kurtosis (-1.005) exceeds the acceptance level (value between 1.0 and -1.0.), implying it has a ‘Platykurtic’ characteristic. This means that value is less cluster around the mean, with heaver tails. 2. In order to test for significant dependency…
CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENTATION 5.1 Spur gear terms and concept Fig. 5.1 Terminology definitions for spur gears The radial distance from the pitch circle to the outside diameter is called as addendum. The radial distance between the pitch circle and the root diameter is called as dedendum. The distance of the arc along the pitch circle from one side of a gear tooth to the other is called as circular thickness. The length of the arc of the pitch circle from one point on a tooth to the same…
Summary of Results The predictor variable, I would apply for a job with a female CEO or boss, had a skewness of -2.54 and a kurtosis of 4.57. The predictor variable, I would vote for a female president, had a skewness of -2.43 and a kurtosis of 5.57. The spearman’s correlation between the predictor variable, I would apply for a job with a female CEO or bass and the outcome variables, IAT scores, was 0.075 and had a significance of 0.726. The spearman’s correlation between the predictor…
Most existing research in finding outlying aspects of an object, has been dealing with a static large data set. By querying a specific object against the data set, we will always get the same outcome. Unless the data set is manipulated in one way or another. In this proposal, we approach the problem of mining outlying aspects from a different perspective. Instead of using a constant data set, we use a real-time environment for an ever-growing and expanding data set. Where we attempt to find the…
caused the significant difference, Tamhane T2 test, one of the most common post hoc (multiple comparison) tests, was used. For the normal distribution of data, the skewness and kurtosis coefficients were examined. For the normality test skewness coefficient of a distribution taken in the range of -1.5 to +1.5 and the kurtosis coefficient of a distribution taken in the range of -1.5 to +1.5 according to Tabachnick and Fidell (2013). For ordinal data, Chi-Square test of independence was…
Students in the online sections should email their cases to their online TA. Name: Jennifer Johnson Zhao Jin OIS – 3440 Applications of Business Statistics Section “00” Instructor: Professor Tariq Mughal Case 10.1 Motive Power Company – part 1 Executive Summary In case 10 .1 Motive Power Company Part 1, manufacturing manager Cregg Hart is approached by another supplier for rivets. Motive Power is very keen on their quality and are interested in evaluating the new rivets by…
Question 2: Discussion For the first group of participants who cannot identify hypertension lifestyle factors and willingness to engage in self-care scores there are a total of 14 participants. The levels of central tendency consist of the mean of 5.5 which is the average score, the median of 5.5 which is the exact middle number and the mode of 7 which is the most frequent occurring score (Salkind, 2013). There was an average deviation from the sample mean of 2.35, therefore it can be said…
Introduction The Framingham Heart Study was introduced in 1948, by the National Heart Institute, to provide research on cardiovascular disease (CVD) (Framingham Heart Study, n.d.). The original research participants included 5,209 men and men, aged 30 - 62, who shared patterns of cardiovascular disease development (Framingham Heart Study, n.d.). This study was first taken in Framingham, Massachusetts. The individuals participated in physical examinations, interviews about their lifestyle and…
1. Descriptive analysis of RR% and GR% The mean is a measure of central tendency that obtained by dividing the sum of observed values by the number of observations, n. Data points can fall above, below, or even on the mean, it is widely considered a good estimate for predicting subsequent data points. . For the retention rate (RR %), the mean is 57.41 while it is 41.76 for GR%, the dependent variable. The minimum and maximum are basically the least and highest observed value. For the retention…